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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. to which HiHo did reply that if Turbo tightened those sandals up properly then he could fly a Skyranger aircraft with proper rudder pedals when landing in Turbo's back yard at lat -38.047529 lon 145.153888 too bumpy too grassy, for parrots plastic or even.............
  2. "Hurro" said the ............censored specter from the once-were-wet-riverlands 'whoz been fingering up me wall with lubricant then? It is behaviour like that sets the pumping organ of Thomas Bowlder pounding away causing him to get quite flushed of feature and...........
  3. NES Version The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold, after spending his entire 15 day lifespan flying, copulating and flying again. MORAL OF THE STORY: You gotta go. So you may as well go doing what you enjoy
  4. To put your life in danger from time to time... breeds a saneness in dealing with day-to-day trivialities. — Nevil Shute, 'Slide Rule: The Autobiography of an Engineer'.
  5. Nana is seriously upset by the implication that turbo could confuse Captain as being his parent she did admit that darky wasn't truly sarky and tomo's no commo, while she here-to-fore did think that a turboplanner was a pneumatic device for the manufacture of wood shavings something like an airplane that's not Americane, To Ian she'd concede the role of moderating moderator but turbo being a ratling??? why that'd be like ...........
  6. Greetings Greg, The props are available from the USA. As far as I can determine the 4 year restriction is only ever mentioned in Australia and does not seem to apply anywhere else. Unless one is doing much higher hours per year than most private owners the cost per hour of the propeller becomes significant if replaced every 4 years. best of wishes Davidh
  7. attacking our qwerty is a habit quite dirty for it's not he with a logo from an MG that may go and the flashiest tooth within miles of wagga times two so leave him alone with with his devil or two 'cause anything else could lead to him getting quite shirty and then.........
  8. Always remember you fly an airplane with your head, not your hands.
  9. The metal leading edge on my KievProp is starting to separate from the blade. At the hub end there is about 1mm movement. Has anyone experienced this and what action did they take.? Any and all experience and comments on KievProps greatly appreciated. My prop is 6 yrs and 530 hours old with several hundred gravel/grass cycles. Many thanks Davidh
  10. working with a ring missing
  11. fuel is 5 euro a litre and one OZ dollar will get you............
  12. turbo's mate is a squirrel? and not a plastic parrot chasing galah? what's next the rat snuggling up with...........
  13. Fair comment. My habit has been to get the passenger set up with headset adjusted and mike in right place before the noise starts. Davidh
  14. Doug did ask "Now another question. Is it really neccessary to call at all if your engine it top mounted like Drifter, Thrusters and water planes when on water? " __________________ I'd say that yes it is necessary just as it is necessary to treat all props as potentially live. That way the habit is firmly engraved and you won't forget some day when the prop is down at people level or is attached to a inpulse magneto that could fire from just a quarter turn. Davidh
  15. Originally Posted by Deskpilot Wait (always wait) a couple more seconds just in case there was/is someone under the prop. ------------- I always turn the master switch off then call "clear prop" master on starter. This sequence ensures a pause between the call and the start and protects the ears of the passenger from being blasted through the headset.
  16. A mum in the kitchen beats a mum in the thermals. However a mum in her thermals beats.........
  17. I fly because it releases my mind from the tyranny of petty things . . . — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
  18. HiHo and his first officer dog this morning were out having tea and scones in a never-before-Skyrangered paddock and consequently missed the slings and arrows of Turbo-ed misfortune aimed at 1...K1W1s 2...bounteous burgers of Yarram 3...and puddlejumpers prehensile or otherwise. These un warranted attacks provide irrefutable evidence that it is true the hypothesis that a surfeit of sunlight, plastic parrots and mangrove flats can lead one to become not only swervy but also ..........
  19. A proposal that did cause quite a stir in the K1W1 beehive. The honourable members (non aviation term) were seriously miffed at this Taswegian slander on mutton fat. They moved a proposal to they borrow their airforce back from OZ so that they could capture the subrolla , re name it the "Once was Rainbow Worrier" and proceed full speed ahead to ........
  20. skids along quite nicely thank you, He is one of those select few who present with a quite satisfactory three point approach even if he does think that "turning base" ( aviation term ) is an invitation to .......
  21. welded shut and suggestively rucked up at the back. 'twas enough to make a poor taik dragger ( aviation term) bloke .......
  22. starched?
  23. I hope you've warmed the pan not like the last time when ........
  24. Experience is a hard teacher. First comes the test, then the lesson.
  25. not so dark that she needs seven sets of sunnies while busily figuring out how many subrolla stickers she can squeeze into a meter of Recflying stickers before Ian goes completely ballistic and calls on the services of Slarti to .......
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