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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. Turbo had been travelling through Queensland, so he headn't noticed the smell... So "what" demanded ahlochsley " pongs so strong in Qld that Turbo couldn't notice the prop-dispersed odiferous matter?. It could not be Tommo because he is such a clean lad and ........."
  2. No one has ever collided with the sky.
  3. One would have to wonder about how well the ASI worked on that flight !!!
  4. thanks Terry that was exactly the right advice Problem is fixed many thanks Davidh
  5. Australian AVMET to me one of the most useful aviation sites. i don't know if it helps but when Firefox displays a web page it is actually smaller on my screen than when Explorer does so. One of my photos that is 600 pixels wide is displayed 22.5cms wide when displayed by Explorer and 18 cms by Firefox. This relationship applies wether the file is accessed from the web or directly from my hard drive. Since a pixel is a pixel on the screen Firefox must be tossing out pixels in order to get the smaller image. Or am i once again on the wrong track? Davidh
  6. Greetings computer literate folk, I am having trouble viewing Ian Boag's fabulous plain language AVMET site with Firefox. When I load the site with Firefox the blue box where one selects the region for a met report is truncated such that Vic, NSW and Tas are not available. If I use Explorer all is OK. I desire to use Firefox which is my preferred web browser that works AOK for all other sites AFAIK. When Ian loads his site with Firefox it functions Ok for him. Any and all suggestions as to what is happening with my system and how to correct it would be greatly appreciated. best of wishes Davidh
  7. you pinch 'em you'll get tested
  8. Speed is life, altitude is life insurance.
  9. The airplane is just a bunch of sticks and wires and cloth, a tool for learning about the sky and about what kind of person I am, when I fly. An airplane stands for freedom, for joy, for the power to understand, and to demonstrate that understanding. Those things aren't destructable. — Richard Bach, 'Nothing by Chance,' 1963.
  10. Paul Dewhurst ( he of Skyranger UK and Flylight fame and therefore all round good bloke) became airborne in Lazair powered by a pair of Plettenberg Predator 12 kW (peak output) model airplane motors More info at Latest Electric Powered Personal Transportation - EcoHuddle Community and CAFE Foundation Blog A Tale of Three Pauls Ozzie, Ian and others interested in the Lazair take note cheers Davidh
  11. Ian did say "Board meetings can at times get a little hot under the collar but at the latest Raaus board meeting that followed the AGM sparks were really flying causing the meeting to be adjourned and all members evacuated." Any member aspiring to board membership should be aware that the treatment for getting hot under the collar is apparently colonic irrigation. You have been warned.
  12. That's the one a few more pics at ..... http://home.comcast.net/~bzee1b/Zeppelin/Zeppelin.html
  13. Yes the window is bit of a give away
  14. another to test the aircraft knowledge Another plane pic
  15. There are some flight instructors where the student is important, and there are some instructors where the instructor is important. Pick carefully.
  16. Instead of our drab slogging forth and back to the fishing boats, there's a reason to life! We can lift ourselves out of ignorance, we can find ourselves as creatures of excellence and intelligence and skill. We can be free! We can learn to fly! — Richard Bach, 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull,' 1970.
  17. Too clever , too quick Ian, but yes you are completely correct. That photo was taken I presume by my grandfather-in-law Frank Buckely. I do know that it is one of several photos inherited by my father-in-law and now in the possession of the AWM. This quadruplane aircraft was designed to defend Britain against German Zeppelins during the First World War. It was powered by two 100 horse power Anzani, 10 cylinder engines, each driving a four bladed propeller. With a ton of fuel carried and with the engines throttled back, it could achieve an endurance of over 18 hours flying time The design incorporated several unique features which included dual controls, a search light, a sleeping berth and armoured fuel tanks and lines. It was to be armed with one offensive 1.5 pounder Davis gun with 20 rounds and a number of defensive Lewis guns. Of two examples planned, only this prototype was completed. Initially two were ordered but only this prototype was ever built. Essentially as a result of its abysmal performance no further examples were ordered. .
  18. another to test the aircraft knowledge [ATTACH]9276.vB[/ATTACH]
  19. Experience is the knowledge that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again. (The wisdom that enables us to recognize as an undesirable old acquaintance the folly that we have already embraced. — Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1911)
  20. Then disaster struck. Darky being of Victorian stock found herself condemned to perpetually scan the subrolla drivers manual seeking the non existing reference to hook turns and there she will have to stay until from Queensland ...........
  21. My airplane is quiet, and for a moment still an alien, still a stranger to the ground, I am home. — Richard Bach, 'Stranger to the Ground,' 1963.
  22. The Savannah is an excellent aircraft. But bang for buck in November I would argue that 1891 Skyranger could move further up Maj’s ratings Comparing 1891 and 1904 the two aircraft essentially share basic configuration, performance envelope, fuel economy, operating costs and powerplants The Savannah is a better STOL performer however if I ever had a Skyranger and a Savannah in a situation where the Savannah could fly out and the Skyranger couldn’t I’d be very apprehensive of launching the Savvy. Riveted alloy construction vs bolted alloy. The Savvy may last longer but both will out live most pilots. The Skyranger will be quicker, easier and cheaper to repair damage. Fabric vs alloy skin. Hail or a dropped wrench that would seriously damage the Savannah will bounce off the Skyranger. Small hangar rash lesions to the skin easier and quicker to repair in the Skyranger. The metal will fare much better in the sun whereas UV exposure will degrade the Skyranger skin. With reasonable care and a hangar the Skyranger skin should last 10 years at least and then is easily replaced for about $5000. The Savvy has longer range, tundra tyres and better instrumentation. Time in service. At 380 vs 160 hrs the Savannah is 3 years of average rec pilot use older than the Sky. Price to buy, At a saving in excess of $20,000 I’d vote for the Skyranger even after budgeting for a new fabric Similar bang, a lot less buck Thanks Maj for your valuable thoughts, analysis, work and contribution. Please keep up the good work And lets all keep debating our favourite topics flying and aircraft.
  23. It's wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky, Behind me and before me is God and I have no fears. — Helen Keller, at age 74, on flight around the world, news reports of 5 ***********February 1955.
  24. Experience is the knowledge that enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again
  25. Informative article re low flying and the dangers and illegality thereof. and an announcement from a powerline company urging us to LOOK UP !!! to see and avoid their lines. Davidh
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