lick go the ears boys, lick, lick, lick,
Wide is his blow and his hands move quick,
Nanna looks around and is beaten by a blow,
And curses the old snagger with the bare-bellied joey.
Out on the grass the old pilots waits
Grasping his stick in his thin bony hands
Fixed is his gaze on a big-bellied joey,
Gord if he hits her, won't he ....................
If the screw clamp that secures the rubbers to the carb body is too tight the rubbers will split at quite low hours. Mine only lasted 100 hrs.
More recent ones come from Rotax with a collar that limits how tight the clamp can be done up thus ensuring that the rubbers have best chance of delivering their design life.
List of articles as at 09.08.09
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Since RaAus have the how "many landings" question on their re-registration form it should be possible to extract that data and extrapolate from there the ratio of incidents (reported incidents) to total sorties.
OOps forgot about the instrument time requirement.
Even so the argument still stands. For anyone who would have gained a RaAus CTA endorsement getting a PPL is attainable and not all that more expensive.
Things are not all that bad.
Under the RaAus proposal an RaAus pilot would be able to fly into CTA after passing a medical and an appropriate flight test in an approved aircraft fitted with radio and transponder.
Or one can achieve the same result by getting a PPL which requires a medical an appropriate flight test in an approved aircraft fitted with radio and transponder.
The only real extra is passing the GA theory exams which for any RaAus pilot contemplating CTA entry should be no challenge.
As far as I can discern there is no actual requirement for the aircraft to be VH registered for one to gain a PPL in one's own aircraft. After all it is the pilot getting the PPL not the aircraft. If an RaAus rego'd aircraft meets the requirements for CTA entry with a PPL at the controls it should meet the requirements for a PPL flight test.
I can find no regulation that says otherwise. The regs for the PPL AFR clearly state that it is preferred that the pilot take the review in the aircraft type that was used for the majority of the last 10 flights.
I believe that the testing officer does need qualification in both RaAus and GA and be working for an organisation with the appropriate AOC.
So for those who want a CTA privledeges let's just get out there and do the PPL and get on with flying.
I doubt that Qwerty is the only one to have fallen into this trap.
It is now some years since my last PPL BFR which included GAAP, CTR, and radar.
My licence as issued has a listing of licence classes, ratings and endorsements held but no reference to controlled airspace at all.
The licence included the statement
"Granted in accordance with the CAOs and subject to any conditions and limitations expressed therin and to conditions at item XIII. "
There being no limitations listed I presume that
CTR/CTA is included.
My understanding is that originally a PPL included CTR unless endorsed OCTA only.
Apparently the system has since changed.
I'd be interested to know the correct story.
his Morris, and stopped seeing Maurice...."
his Minor would still float on liquid
kept nice with a dollop of ice
and a poke in a Moke
( a liquid cooled Morris )
not a jab in a Jab
for our air cooled Boris
now that .........
and did quote from the "Ballad of the nightman"
running round and round in Deccadent's brain in perfect rhythm to Nanna's raucaus snoring beat
"........ screaming a passionate shout
It’s the Night Man
The feeling so wrong
it’s right man
the feeling so wrong…
I can’t fight you man
when you come inside me and pin me down your strong hands
and I’ll become the Night….
the passionate, passionate Night Man.
They took you Night Man
and you don’t belong to them
They left me in a world of darkness
without your sexy hands
and I miss you Night Man
so bad...''
then with a flash of Gazelle-ish brilliance he realised it was not so much running round in his head as being mouthed somewhat out of key (differently out of key to the original) by the snoring , dreaming Nanna.
" Oh my giddy gazelle " cried he, "just let me out of here before................"
Cloudsuck did say
>>What do you mean by renewing your PPL. A PPL is for life, no renewal required.>>
but to exercise the privelidges of that PPl you need to satisfactorily complete a BFR and that was what I was booking.
the world ( and especially these fora) would be very dull if not for the contribution of the ever alert pedant or two.
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Pleased to hear that I'm not the only one having trouble with this thread.
However.....there should be a hyperlink after each entry to either an external page or one within this site.
the hyperlinks only happened rather late because it took me that long to figure out how to append them.
Probably because my digital brain is still stuck in CPM mode.
Lake Argyle is a poss.
Not too sure what you are looking for QWERTY however the RAA operations limitations for flight crew are at
on the RAA site
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UV protection with latex paint part 2 UV progtectin with latex paint part 2 - Articles
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Matt did say
That's interesting David, which school was this with? I'm happy to be proven wrong but I don't believe there are any such "CTA / GAAP" endorsements for PPL - you either have a PPL and you can fly in controlled airspace, or you don't have one and can't. >>>>>>.
It was only the GAAP endorsement that was news to me AFIK the OCTA PPL has been available for yonks.
on reflection the GAAP/CTA separation of endorsements will become irrelevant when GAAPs become class D airspace and that certainly looks like happening well before RA get any CTA authority.
It looks like I need to start saving for that transponder
Da vidh
quote...>>>I always found it interesting that the exepmptions allowed all of CTA to be accessed. I would be happy with just being able to use the GAAP and stay out of class C. (a bargaining point if it comes to that!)>>>>>
When I enquired about renewing my PPl alst week I was advised that i could have my PPL endorsed a at one of three levels
The OCTA PPL does not have authority to enter a GAAP, which puts them in the same level as RAA certificate holders.
The GAAP PPL does not have authority to enter CTA.
Which raises the question re RAA CTA endorsement is it the intention to have two endorsement levels GAAP and CTA? or is a candidate for a RAA CTA endorsement to be denied the option of a GAAP ticket only.