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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. Guess again guess again
  2. I used 303 protectant on my Skyranger then left in in a hangar while I was OS for 6 weeks last winter. When I came back my aircraft was covered in mold/fungus wherever the 303 had been applied and the un treated Thruster in the same hangar that also hadn't moved for the 6 weeks was clear of mold. in my experience it is fungus fodder Davidh
  3. Antonovski wind farm?
  4. More like a real aeroplane A new challenge
  5. New article posted today index of articles. Most recent first. ==================== Volmer Amphibian The Fleet shadowers;- GAL 38 & Airspeed 39 Douglas DC 5 Anatomy of an accident Choosing the right coolant The Safe Homebuilt aeroplane Tramp steamer Beware the safe airplane Low flying buzz Clouds Lightning aircraft Bringing space technology to earth Skyranger review Cleaning Dacron Windshield care Nomad story part 1 Nomad story 2 Nomad story 3 High flight U2 with Bary Schiff Freezing rain Human factors SHELL model Human factors study material Skyranger build by Keith Mainwaring Glass Cockpit Maintence Be Prepared Five cross wind traps Ragwing repair Types of airspeed How black boxes work Spin training Digital headsets Stabilised Approaches Can I land on that? EGT & CHT interpretation __________________
  6. New article posted today index of articles. Most recent first. ==================== The Fleet shadowers;- GAL 38 & Airspeed 39 Douglas DC 5 Anatomy of an accident Choosing the right coolant The Safe Homebuilt aeroplane Tramp steamer Beware the safe airplane Low flying buzz Clouds Lightning aircraft Bringing space technology to earth Skyranger review Cleaning Dacron Windshield care Nomad story part 1 Nomad story 2 Nomad story 3 High flight U2 with Bary Schiff Freezing rain Human factors SHELL model Human factors study material Skyranger build by Keith Mainwaring Glass Cockpit Maintence Be Prepared Five cross wind traps Ragwing repair Types of airspeed How black boxes work Spin training Digital headsets Stabilised Approaches Can I land on that? EGT & CHT interpretation __________________ [:-)X>
  7. Yes Yenn; you got one of the planes and Facthunter was on the right track with the Pobjoy engines. The two aircraft are the General Aircraft Limited GAL 38, and the Airspeed 39. I have posted an article about these two, which also includes some info on the Pobjoy engines and their designer and a reference to the author Neville Shute's involvement in one of these deigns cheers Davidh
  8. another clue This is not the same aircraft as posted before although both were built in response to the design spec created by the men from the ministry
  9. one for Decca Is this the one that you asked for Decca?
  10. That would have to be it!
  11. Thanks. Still haven't figured out the Maj's tripple tailed beast might be however. dh
  12. A DC 5 article has been posted in Articles this morning
  13. New article posted today index of articles. Most recent first. ==================== Douglas DC 5 Anatomy of an accident Choosing the right coolant The Safe Homebuilt aeroplane Tramp steamer Beware the safe airplane Low flying buzz Clouds Lightning aircraft Bringing space technology to earth Skyranger review Cleaning Dacron Windshield care Nomad story part 1 Nomad story 2 Nomad story 3 High flight U2 with Bary Schiff Freezing rain Human factors SHELL model Human factors study material Skyranger build by Keith Mainwaring Glass Cockpit Maintence Be Prepared Five cross wind traps Ragwing repair Types of airspeed How black boxes work Spin training Digital headsets Stabilised Approaches Can I land on that? EGT & CHT interpretation
  14. The Boeing connection is that Bill Boeing purchased a DC 5 as his personal transport. I think that would have been after he sold out of the Boeing Aircraft company. Interesting to know what the tripple tailed DC 5 that the Maj has knowledge of
  15. The picture with the link was not posted until after Decca correctly identified it as DC 5
  16. A dozen were built. Some were operated by KLM and they did have 2 engines and there is a boeing connection
  17. there is a direct connection with Boeing and the DC5
  18. DC 5 it be. What is the connection to Boeing?
  19. New article posted today index of articles. Most recent first. ==================== Anatomy of an accident Choosing the right coolant The Safe Homebuilt aeroplane Tramp steamer Beware the safe airplane Low flying buzz Clouds Lightning aircraft Bringing space technology to earth Skyranger review Cleaning Dacron Windshield care Nomad story part 1 Nomad story 2 Nomad story 3 High flight U2 with Bary Schiff Freezing rain Human factors SHELL model Human factors study material Skyranger build by Keith Mainwaring Glass Cockpit Maintence Be Prepared Five cross wind traps Ragwing repair Types of airspeed How black boxes work Spin training Digital headsets Stabilised Approaches Can I land on that? EGT & CHT interpretation
  20. Thanks Ozzie, I'm always looking out for comments, advice criticism and wish lists. cheers Davidh
  21. New article posted today Index of articles. Most recent first. ==================== The Safe Homebuilt aeroplane Tramp steamer Beware the safe airplane Low flying buzz Drifter review Clouds Lightning aircraft Bringing space technology to earth Skyranger review Cleaning Dacron Windshield care Nomad story part 1 Nomad story 2 Nomad story 3 High flight U2 with Bary Schiff Freezing rain Human factors SHELL model Human factors study material Skyranger build by Keith Mainwaring Glass Cockpit Maintence Be Prepared Five cross wind traps Ragwing repair Types of airspeed How black boxes work Spin training Digital headsets Stabilised Approaches Can I land on that? EGT & CHT interpretation __________________
  22. Index of articles. Most recent first. ==================== Stall recovery training Tramp steamer Beware the safe airplane Low flying buzz Drifter review Clouds Lightning aircraft Bringing space technology to earth Skyranger review Cleaning Dacron Windshield care Nomad story part 1 Nomad story 2 Nomad story 3 High flight U2 with Bary Schiff Freezing rain Human factors SHELL model Human factors study material Skyranger build by Keith Mainwaring Glass Cockpit Maintence Be Prepared Five cross wind traps Ragwing repair Types of airspeed How black boxes work Spin training Digital headsets Stabilised Approaches Can I land on that? EGT & CHT interpretation __________________
  23. ............ persuade these beasts to stay in formation (aviation term) and out run that gender confused Longhorn (aviation term) steaming up behind with his flehmen display leaving no doubt as to his intention(s) oh what I would give at this moment for a four stroked STOL ............
  24. “Oh my, Oh My Oh my!!!, Just look at that flow” said Nana “there’s flow enough to fill Bracksie’s pipe and the left overs could put the river back in Riverland. I always did have a soft spot for one with a good flow.” A which point Turbo’s phone plan did what phone plans do and dropped him mid stream thus severing contact with the horsepowerless, but mouse-power-enhanced Dacron and pipe land-dart to …………….
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