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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. Is there fuel available at either Coldstream or Lillydale?
  2. ve have vays to make you flow your task this fine morninggg is to................
  3. Big Pete of using up all the hair gel in order to .....
  4. you sly old fox you!!!
  5. With 4.5 million hits there is plenty of evidence that you don't need to do anything to the advert at this stage. Keep the refresh idea up your sleeve for when there is evidence of a plateauing out of the growth. dems my thoughts davidh
  6. Captain did say "Let's get it on, and I'll take my teeth out if you like." Oh Captain my captain how could you tempt the censorials within with a line like that may your Jab go to flab and your Schleicher flit off to someone nicer who is probably not the son of Burr he being no more than a media blur . For you sins you are hence forth to be banished back to your very first post in the NES back to the time of propriorty , piety and all things aeronautical, before the moral judgement axe did fall when you did post in a spirit of true aviation terminology which just proves that a female form wearing a whispy cotton nighty with the moon behind it, will cause .....
  7. Quite possibly a Renault
  8. No; better not since the urologists have all gone a making of the music in the hills for easter and if our Locky is to be believed JA somehow has got her bun all hot and crossed. Quite possibly as a result of imbibing of too much of bindi's expensive bottled water. Meanwhile back at teh flow house .....
  9. Do you really mean that a Cheetah could be improved by gaining a couple of grass burns from a frolic ( with ginger?) in the garden ??
  10. Turbo's 100????
  11. As Jerry Lee Lewis would say "Follow THAT" Who else could follow our Biggles through the thick and thin that he stirs with so much enthusiasm other than the Hon. Algeron Lacey accompanied by the ever youthful Ginger ( he of the house of Hebblethwaite) with those two on side a cheetah whatever the damage would be back on line come sun up.
  12. quote So by dispelling a myth that "Cheetah flyers are pussies", are you specifing that cheetah flyers actually are pussies and as such, it's not a myth? Or that cheetahs make better farm implements and it's myth that people fly them? endquote It has been roumoured that cheetahs are pretty good at ploughing furrows on the beach does that qualify as a farm implement. or are they merely spotty pussies? and is that just a euphamism for some horrid STD? there are so many questions that all NES ers should be confined to the garden with BS, admonistrator and Nana until all questions are answered and then all could.............
  13. Admin whilst quoting costs did post "fewer virgins on busy routes" Poor Nana being somewhat confused by this Virgin word did run the whole post through the Bill Gates spell checker in search of elucidation. When she observed that only corrected word was "routes" she cried "of course if they're busy at that caper there'll far fewer virgins. 'tis only natural. And while we are having a good look at what the Admin fellow posts under the guise of news I see he is promoting a film that will dispel myths about pilots and flying. That'll keep the multiplexes (non aviation term but sneeky word-of-the-day in THE AGE this am) choocka. The first myth that could do with a good dispelling is ............
  14. And surprise surprise the other one is a shorthorn. The Longhorn saw service with the Australian Australian Flying Corps. The AFC was still in its infancy and could provide enough aircrews and ground staff for only half a flight: the unit therefore became known as the Mesopotamian Half-Flight. (many thanks wikipedia)
  15. OK I'll jump off the fence post and bite. It's a Farman Longhorn and apart from being a an early aircraft in both French and British forces I am aware of no link to the Spitfire. Turbo is being quite sneeky posing this question since there are two different aircraft in the picture that he posted. cheers Davidh
  16. "Boeing pulling 5 Virgins" THAT could get the censorial juices flowing
  17. the Supermarine Slow??
  18. ....ah.. the thong. The marvelous suspension system of the venerable J3 Cub (serious aviation reference ) is constructed ( more aviation reference ) of knotted thongs. there are those that believe that serious aviators drag their tails whilst bouncing merrilly around on knotted thongs and won't give a toss for bent legs, be they alloy, spring steel or plastic. Poor Nana was getting quite confused with all this aviation stuff. What with dragging tails, knotted thongs and bent legs she was beginning to wonder if instead of following Pete's directions for the hangar she had wondered mistakenly into ........ ========== the bent legs in the garden are knotted
  19. All of which is of no concern because the Tugometer (brand name registered) auto pilot (aviation term) in the garden is equipped with the very latest glass cockpit digit to vocal option. This will eliminate the going blind hazard which would otherwise render life an ongoing IFR exercise. ================ the pen is stalking a cockpit in the garden
  20. And this site beats the lot Thanks Ian, Ross et al
  21. to a little black cantilevered (aviation term) GRP (aviation term) number (aviation term) that drooped rather as the temperature rose. Merv's winglets (aviation term) got quite excited by the prospects so revealed and rotated (aviation term) towards the flight levels (aviation term) there's an aviation term in the garden of my aunt
  22. Poor Nana completely confused by coefficients of modulus did muse “Rivets? Plastic? Its not on if not Dacron ‘ cause Dacron it is lighter, It bounces hail that dimples rivets While never bouncing tappets Nor sagging on the warm days Could it be thinks she that the vortices around all them rivets serve to keep the boundary layer attached and them cunning budvar can types have completely sheathed ( not that there’s anything wrong with sheathed) their machine with mini vortex generators??? “ "Hey Aunty, ..... work the hypotenuse out of this." said Pythagorus
  23. Does he not have one of the CZ thingys with all the rivets? Nana is fascinated by rivets and does wonder which is more fun having rivets on the wings or ribbed for extra stimulation?... ============= the pen in the aunt's garden is quite riveting
  24. "I don't think I'd go that far on a Jab" said TurboSKsan, but the material may come in handy for coating ASIC cards......" ....hhmmmmm thinks Nana would a good dose of the thinners make an ASIC card go all loverly soft and squishy? so that one could, with a collection of them ( they having no other discernable use) mold them into something really useful like .....
  25. of the main aisle of the "Plastics are Us" warehouse from whence it came in the first place. Because when the dihedral is increasing the only thing that beats going home to mother is ......... ================= the dihedral of the aunt in the garden has never been the same since her hip replacement
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