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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. Gwen, Fiver and the Aunt retire to the garden defeated and deflated to nurse their battered literary reference
  2. ??? Speedwell, Sandwort and Strawberry ???
  3. If only .......... NeverBeenLostBeforePete had invested in the new 406mhz GKL and the Crapper had had flipped his demo model into receive mode and FrauSchmidt had put out the dumbbells And Tubb had supplied more of the right octane fuel THEN Le crapper would not be still circling over the feed lot Desperately searching for the elusive………… =================== Pen sive Le Creppe decided that Geisha Gwen with her tiny white powdered bob tail looks good in the garden of the Aunt
  4. "Hurrah" said the steers in the feedlot "I wish we could .....................find all those old umbrellas ‘cause I feel a shower coming on. It is bad enough having to walk around up to our hocks in the stuff but having it rain down on us as well smells like a very bad deal.†Well you could complain cried the heifers in their feed lot, over our side of the rails the Gyno Kinetic Leveler sales man has lost his armpit length gloves and we are all now very afraid that ....... Gwen is having a little "shady time" in the pen in the quiet corner of my Aunt's garden………….
  5. [ATTACH]7234.vB[/ATTACH] he finally did it !!!
  6. ..lo and behold the J160 now had winglets just like J230 which in turn caused the the display on the Gyro Kenetic Leveler to glow bright red as it struggled to keep the whole shebang airborne and avoid premature left leanings. As the g forces rose the Le Krappe's haemorrhoided rose began to ..........
  7. hare? An almost hare in almost March condemned to be forever almost pouring tea for Alice. Meanwhile the Mad Hatter from WGA-times-two cheerfully Drifters along completely strut braced while simultaneously attempting to .... Mine Tante scribes im garten mit Feder von hair von hare
  8. "Me too" said Stevelovak "As I've only got a .......... 24 hour pass and that has already expired since the Hauptman last posted to the NES. There was time when I was terrified of the 24hr deadline because they had me convinced that if I stayed out later the CZ cruiser would turn into a pumpkin. Not true. The first time that HoldHerDownPete made me late nothing happened other than the nice men in the white coats came two by two instead of just one at a time. In truth I prefer my white coats single place and in pusher configuration. The wings high plastic 4 place pretending to be 2 place pretending to be four are just too common and in any case my Nana did warm me against any and all that have anything suggestive of a left leaning or turning tendency. PS You wanna know a secret about BallInTheCentrePete? On Friday last I did see him …………….
  9. an expired asic card quietly pendulating on a red ribbon lanyard which in bright gold script was brazenly inscribed with the words "..............
  10. Deskpilot did ask "Do you think I expecting too much?" No not at all. I wholeheartedly endorse your project. All I was suggesting is that there is a lot of designs out there that would meet many of your desires. The Skyranger wing, the Tyro, the Back Yard flyer, the Bantam all having attributes that are worth serious consideration. Although none of them have you preferred propeller configuration. When it crashes there is some merit in having the heavy bits arrive first and the floppy bits arriving later. In a light weight pusher config there is the risk of the pilot being sandwiched between stationary mother earth and a still flying engine. Davidh
  11. While mentioning the Skyranger it would be worth while looking at that "rib free" wing construction system. If one is to build the minimum/minimum-cost aircraft I do not understand the aversion to the scolloped wing surface. To avoid it is going to add complexity, cost and weight. 'dems my thoughts Davidh
  12. Clutching Colleen to her hip Sarah remembered other Christmas Eves. How her life had changed! From maid in Ireland to wife and mother in a eucalypt forest. Barney the wombat, who treated the slab hut as part of his burrow, snuffled at her feet while from behind her came the crack of trees exploding as the fire rushed towards them. Praying for her man, who was somewhere desperately fanning a back burn, Sarah with reins in one hand and Colleen tucked under her arm spurred towards safety. Into a tunnel of smoke and heat she thundered with spot fires bursting all around her. When suddenly the undergrowth exploded the mare reared high, flinging Sarah and the toddler into her mane. The mare then crashed back to earth in a tangle of limbs and leather. Well beyond any human control the horse scrambled upright and charged. Knowing not where; it just stormed forward, desperately seeking escape. Dislodged from the saddle and with one foot snared in a twisted stirrup Sarah was dragged back towards the hut. Swung wide as the horse rounded a tree Sarah was slammed into a stump bursting the child from her grasp. The mare paused at the hut allowing Sarah time to grab the girth before the panic-struck animal again blundered on with the hapless woman bouncing at her side. With tail and mane alight the horse charged head on into the encircling fire. Her lungs torn by smoke and cinders Sarah hung clung to the heaving flanks. The heat and pain were so intense that she ceased to feel them; seeing in her delirium nothing other than the time when she presented their new born daughter to her husband. She saw Patrick cradle them in his arms and heard him repeat again and again “Colleen my Colleen”. Slowly she realized that the violent movement had stopped, the flames and the roaring were no more and that she could hear Patrick’s voice as her seizured fingers were prised from the girth. Scarcely trusting her eyes Sarah found herself wrapped in caring arms in the middle of a burnt out clearing behind the fire. On Christmas morning Patrick began his mournful search. Red eyed he slumped over his fork and surveyed the shadow of his home on the blackened earth. Expecting to deliver a coup de grace he scratched a smoking pile from the mouth of Barney's burrow. Seemingly none for the worse for wear the wombat shuffled out and pressed his head into Patrick’s legs. Patrick crouched down, wrapped the animal in his arms and cried. From deep within the burrow came an answering “Daddy”. So ends the first of the many sagas of she we know and love as Riverland Nana.
  13. I have the same TruTrack AH with the inbuilt GPS track function. I love the display and find that it reads heaps fast enough. The pitch indicator is not actually pitch as it is in a traditional mechanical gyro AH. The TruTrack indicates instantaneous vertical speed. Consequently in a nose high stalled situation it could be showing a completely different picture to that of a mechanical Ah in the same situation.
  14. Peter with a pen full of holy water did say "if its not broken don't fix it" and then invites us all to fix it It's all enough to leave Nana confused with a Sting in the tail in a CZ garden
  15. I think that most of them have a series of at least three acellerometers arranged in different planes. There are different designs but some of these are essentially incredabily small tuning forks which when subjected to an acelleration flex a tiny amount and the electronics detect this flexing and translate it into the information that is displayed. that is my rather limited understanding of how they work
  16. dynamic dymanic whatever
  17. Originally Posted by motzartmerv Keffe, the aoa won't change because the airflow is coming from a fixed point in front of the wing (at least thats how i read his idea).. But you could make it change by adjusting the attitude of the air jets in relations to the wing. You'd get a new AOA but it'd have as much chance of flying as the conveyor belt had of reaching agreement. That is until the force of the air jet stream created enough thrust for the reaction to push the entire thing forward. At that point you'd have a rather inefficient jet aircraft with the wings acting as thrust directing vanes. You would then need other wings that are clear of the jets' thrust to give you aerodymanic lift.
  18. "Now where did I leave my keys?...... In the garden with the pen behind the loo of the aunt?
  19. after brushing away all evidence of riverland contamination discovered a line or two there inscribed by the pen from the garden. "Nana was here " screamed those words in blue mumbled Slarti "Tell a soul and I'll sue "
  20. Oh where is the pilot called Pete Whose words make all quite complete He is missed by Turboplaner of that nothing could be planer. Could it be he is off; keeping Nana quite replete? .............
  21. It was HiHo's fault. He started it! by startling Turbo who darted it Enter LE Crapp who struck out rhyming from the loo in the garden his pens firing Followed by who else but Planey. He who martyred it
  22. Who’d put their aunt in a Sportstar When their bride does ride in an autocar While Pete who goes by the moniker Big Spends much of his time seeking the pig Who did smote his stoat in the bar That’s run by he known as the Riverland Tar.
  23. If the thong of Pete is really his shoe Then I’d have nary a clue If the Capitan’s aunt Can write or she can't With the pen full of poo from a Riverland's roo...
  24. Ford prefect did come from Beetleguse To test if this forum could be of some use. Spawned by admin at one thousand and 8 It was the humblest of pies that he ate ' cause by missing the millennium goose ‘e proved auto dialing of minimum use. And so sorely chastened he rescued the pen of the aunt from its warm if sticky seclusion and proceeded to write........
  25. Brazillian? “Balls to that†says KeepItLocalPete “Nanna and daughter will keep them shiny and smooth, if a trifle florid, with deft application of a slurry of equal parts FriarTucksPort, Riverland dust and Turbo’sBundy “ Meanwhile Cap’s Tante’s pen which was lost yet again in the garden has miraculously re appeared with disastrous results half produding from…….
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