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Everything posted by hihosland

  1. Slarti was off first at 16000 rpm and 34knts when suddenly.....the conveyor belt shuddered to a smoking halt thereby hurtling the Slartimobile skywards and causing the Riverland girl to spill ..
  2. BigLes used the only weapon he had and snapped his teeth shut over the scrotum of the lion. The lion let out a scream and a whine like a Retax at full throttle, and from the crowd came a loud voice "Fight fair yer bastard" said..the Riverland Lass "go find your own tactics that's my patent play"
  3. "I think it's great too" said the Riverland Lass before she shot off an request to RAA seeking clarification on the fundamental question of " Does sharing a double room with planey gain credits towards passing human factors exam?"
  4. I thought that the 912S was the 100hp version of the 912 and thus approved while the 192A was the certified version of the UL I'm open to correction. Is the certified version of the 100hp model 912SA? Davidh.
  5. Yep!! Easily cleaned with mild chlorine bleach left on for 10 mins then rinsed off with lots of water. Easy but still a pain in the whatever because there is so much surface to treat. My understanding is that chlorine on Dacron is OK. cheers Davidh
  6. Italian Caprioni was building nose wheel aircraft circa 1910 or thereabouts
  7. Proposal for criticism. take 1000mm light chain At 750mm point gather up a 100mm loop and bolt that to the rim of the "Mr Funnel " funnel. At end of short end fix an alligator clip. In use 1...attach clip to earthed fuel tank 2...insert funnel into tank with short chain loop retained inside the funnel 3...drop long end of chain into Jerry can and proceed to pour. When not in use the chain is stored inside the funnel. Any dust etc collected by the chain will be caught by the funnel because the chain does not contact the fuel after it has been through the funnel's filter. Comments??? Davidh
  8. I used 303 protectant on the Dacron on my Skyranger. The aircraft was left in the hangar for 6 weeks over winter while I was overseas. Also in the hangar was a very unkempt Thruster that was not flown during that time. The Skyranger was completely covered in black mold and the thruster was not affected. The untreated ventral surfaces of the Skyranger were not affected. From that I conclude that whatever it may do to protect from UV 303 protectant is great fungus food and i won't bother with it any more. Davidh
  9. Is there any practical way to discharge any static build up when using plastic fuel cans, plastic funnels, plastic hoses and plastic fuel tanks? And should we be worried anyway? Is anyone aware of any incident serious or otherwise that was a result of a static discharge from plastic surfaces around aircraft? Davidh
  10. na just a stir to see who/what would bite Davidh
  11. "From whence will any help come?" From the pen of the aunt in the garden perhaps
  12. Michael Many thanks Davidh
  13. Thanks Michael, for the advice. Question how does one tell if one already has RG 400 double shielded coax other than making the quite reasonable assumption that one does not?? Why would the noise suddenly cut in at 5000RPM? rather than slowly build up as the rev increase. What mechanism could be involved in this apparent abrupt threashold? best of wishes Davidh
  14. I have an Icom handheld hardwired into the 912 UL powered Skyranger. Radio works very well however at just under 5000 revs a very pronounced background 'hash' sound abruptly cuts in. Drop the revs back a bit and it stops. Any and all suggestions greatlyfully received. Davidh
  15. 1.$20,000 - $50,000 Wayne Fisher mark 1 2.$50,000 - $80,000 Wayne Fisher 912 3.$80,000 - $120,000 Wayne Fisher sports 4.$120,000 - $200,000 Wayne Fisher sports, IFR panel and floats
  16. il n'ya pas de problème merci m' Capitaine
  17. Quote Capitan PS - G'day hiho, how did you know that my knees had such carpet burns and doesn't [:-)X> breech some forum ruleabout explicit sex? 'tis the sign of a gentleman those carpet-burned knees ;- Riverland girl will be impressed, although somewhat confused will she be about a gentleman who confuses his breech with his breach.
  18. Says Captain "So whenever I now go onto the lino I go left-clomp-swish-thump, and heartless Pete becomes ........ " really glad that Riverland girl had talked him out of installing carpet .
  19. he launched from 8500 feet and then crossed the 34km channel. I suspect that a hang glider or a paraglider could have done the same without power assistance. That being said full marks to him for having designed, built and proven the technology.
  20. Just went and read the CAAP where it is clear that there is provision for a flight review in a single seat aircraft. THE CAAP goes on to say """7.1 Any licensed aeroplane or helicopter pilot, or commercial balloon pilot may substitute a flight review, if, within a period of two years before the proposed flight, they have: • passed a flight test for the purpose of the issue of a licence, or issue or renewal of a pilot rating; • satisfactorily completed a proficiency check and the conducting organisation has made an entry to that effect in the pilot’s log-book; "" Can a RAA school comply as a "conducting organisation" in this context. IF so then a RAA flight review would meet the requirements for a PPL flight review. Still curious and trying on the bush lawyer hat for size Davidh
  21. So what happens when a pilot who does all his flying in a single seat aircraft books a flight review?. Can he not do it in his single seat aircraft? or does he do it in his single seat as PIC and then has a ground session with his testing officer? My understanding is that flight reviews are being done in single seat aircraft both RAA and VH are such reviews invalid? just curious Davidh
  22. Is the testing officer the PIC during a flight review?
  23. When I was flying the Aerochute I had a pistol grip to which I could attach the Olympus SLR. The trigger operated the shutter via a cable release. Holding the camera at arms length and firing off shots as if it were a hand gun worked very well. Having the neck strap the right length so that it was taught at about 3/4s arms length meant that by pushing out against the neck strap the arm and the neck strap formed a quasi tripod that steadied the camera well. Now what I am looking for is a digital camera that is easy to use left handed. So far no luck. Davidh
  24. I am considering an upgrade of GPS system and top of the list currently is the Garmin 296. I'd greatly appreciate any comments re comparisons with this unit and the 196. Especially as regards readability in bright sun. I guess the basic question is the 296 really worth the extra cash? any and all comments greatly appreciated. Davidh
  25. I am considering an upgrade of my radio and intercom system. (the buttons on the hand held are getting smaller and the fingers are getting bigger or at least slower) The Aircraft currently has a separate Sigtronics intercom. My question is are there any advantages in retaining this system or am I better to go with the inbuilt vox intercom with the Microair coms radio that I am considering installing.? any and all comments greatly appreciated. Davidh
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