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Everything posted by bauple58

  1. Looking to buy a plane with a 2008 Rotax 912UL, 780 hours TT. Rubbers have all just been replaced. It doesn't have the overload clutch, and hasn't been running avgas. As a newbie (to Rotax) I am wanting to determine what mandatory costs, other than routine annual maintenance, I can look forward to. I am led to understand for example that the gearbox will have to be inspected at 1,000 hours. Is this correct and if so, what have others had to pay for this? Thanks
  2. Would be interested to hear from anyone who has been able to purchase a stand-alone policy covering the cost of aircraft recovery, and the cost of non-accident related repairs (such as engine failure). Neither of these eventualities, I learned today, are wholly covered by my aero club's existing insurance policy, which is capped by an agreed hull value. My hopes for flying long distance in a club hire plane appear remote, unless I can purchase a separate (and affordable) aircraft recovery policy. Thanks
  3. Thanks David (and SDQDI)
  4. Back in around 1975 the Sport Aircraft Association convened a meeting at Archerfield, to determine if local ultralight enthsiasts were sufficiently numerous - and interested - in forming some kind of self-administering organisation. The half dozen individuals who attended formed the 4/400 Group (max wing loading of 4 lb/square foot and maximum all up weight of 400 lbs) which conitinued on for some years, eventually being overshadowed by the AUF. I would love to hear from anyonw who might have been involved with that Group, either directly or indirectly. Thanks Mark 0415 900 554
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  5. Would love to hear from anyone who might still have Sky Sports magazine copies. The first issue of this privately published magazine appeared in 1986, and it appears to have remained available for at least a few years. Would also like to contact the Editor-Publisher if anyone can help on that count too. Thanks Mark 0415 900 554
  6. Anyone know how I can contact Ozzie, the well known male member from the Hunter Valley who was last active on this site in August 2016? Thanks Mark
  7. Happy to be corrected, but my take on this is that only plane (a RAAF Fairey IIID) has ever flown around Australia, and that was almost a century ago, in 1924. Every so called 'circumnavigation' since has essentially been a cross country, even allowing that some sectors might periodically pick up the coast. While young Oliver O'Halloran and his ilk deserve every encouragement, and accolade, his route falls well short of a circumnavigation (which is something he would probably also concede). Take just one sector for example. By bypassing Cape York he reduces by two-thirds the distance needed to properly circumnavigate the Cape. But clearly, I'm envious.
  8. Hi there revsmith Hoping you might be able to help me answer a few questions I have concerning the aircraft designed and built by John Stevens in the 1970s and 1980s. Is there any chance you could give me a call when conveninet (0415 900 554) as I would love to chat some more about these matters and, if possible, inspect your Skyskooter frame? Thank you Mark
  9. Thanks pmaccarthy for these prompt and helpful suggestions, both of which seem to be worthwhile lines of enquiry.
  10. In 1975 the Queensland Museum received a large collection of Kingsford Smith's personal effects, these having been gifted by relatives in the United States. Amongst these was an item of whale's tooth scrimshaw attached to a plaited plant fibre 'necklace' and inscribed with the word AIMEKI (or AVIMEKI). Since the collection includes numerous presentation items, it's tempting to conclude that the scrimshaw may have also been presented by an appreciative Pacific - or Tasman Sea - community. https://www.flickr.com/photos/38049473@N00/.../in/dateposted/ I would be most interested to hear if anyone here can identify its origin, or the meaning of the inscription? Thanks Mark
  11. Queensland Museum has a Resurgam II, presently dismantled and stored at the Museum's Hendra storage facility. Unfortunately however, it has no obvious airframe production or AUF registration numbers. I am happy to take another look if someone can tell me where Resugam production numbers are normally found? This machine was formerly owned by Bill Knight. Would anyone happen to have a photograph of this aircraft (before it was purchased by the Museum), or know how I might get in touch with Bill Knight? Thanks Mark
  12. Sharing this new app link which allows you to readily convert tacho and Hobbs meter times to either decimal hours, or hours and minutes: https://ellsclytn.github.io/AirCalc/
  13. Aplund Hoping you might be able to help. I work for the Queensland Museum which has been trying to contact the RQAC - unsuccessfully - concerning its archives. Would you have any staff names/number you'd be willing to share? Mark
  14. I'm trying to identify and locate the oldest surviving Austflight Drifter SB582, my understanding being that these were all built at Boonah (Qld) rather than Ballina (NSW). According to the RA-Aus fleet register this would have been 55-0744 (serial DR93-1001SB). Would anyone happen to know if its still exists, and where? I'm also wanting to contact anyone who was associated with Austflight ULA Pty Ltd during the Boonah phase? With thanks. Mark
  15. https://www.facebook.com/events/1591854991070636/
  16. John I'm currently planning a May 2016 around Australia flight, and you kinldly responded to my recent posting to this effect. As you've also done this exercise I'm hoping you might care to comment on my draft plan. If so, then perhaps you could also advise a convenient e-mail (so I can send you the .gpx fle)? thanks Mark 0415 900 554/[email protected]
  17. Planning to fly around the continent next year, and finding that's it's a little hard to work out the optimum time of year for this (particularly in terms of wind and rain). Thus far I haven't been able to find a website which offers historical monthly averages for either metric. Interested to hear how others have determined the best time for this? Mark
  18. The most publicity RA-Aus has ever received, and the most favorable publicity RA-Aus has ever received. Moreover, it cost the nothing and occurred in spite of the Association.
  19. Kevin I'd be interested in chatting with your friend, concerning his J5G. Grateful if you could get in touch when convenient. Thanks Mark [email protected]/0415900554
  20. Add to the Colts, Cubs nd Cessnas a couple of Morane MS880s (MTOW 770kg), and an Auster J2 Arrow (MTOW 659 kg)
  21. Greetings I'm casting around for someone, equally crazy, who might also be interested in sharing the adventure - and cost - of buying some former eastern-bloc aeronautical heritage and flying it all the way back here. Something not-too-thirsty like a Wilga or a Zlin Z-142 . Or, if we found a few other tragics (preferably one with LAME qualifications), we could even entertain a beastly Antanov An-2 . Interested? Mark Toowoomba, Qld [email protected]
  22. Luscombe 8A 24-7070 Dalby, Queensland
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