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Everything posted by Gundy

  1. Ok I'm off this weekend so if no storms around I'll fly in. Could you SMS me the coordinates please. Gundy
  2. Mark will you be there on the 10th. If so I might come down for a fly if the weather is ok. I'll organize a few Savy's to come in. What's the most Savy's you've had there, I'll try and beat that hehe. Gundy
  3. Gday Mark I have fitted a capacitor to all the Savy's I've built or help build. It stops a lot of electrical noise through out the radio. The over flow bottle all I do is drill a tight hole in top of bottle To pass the overflow hose into. I cut an angle on the hose so the hose doesn't block it self off as u have the hose to the bottom of the bottle. I drill a 3mm hole in the top cap as a breather so the bottle doesn't get sucked in. Gundy
  4. Mark I built this plane for myself meaning there's no second throttle. I'm using a single vernier throttle system. There's nothing wrong with the original throttle it just needs tweaking. You need to weld another cable post on the passenger side which I think you've mention earlier that you did. By having the new the new post on the passenger side it keeps the cables the same length. The rods you are talking about wouldnt work in my opinion as the engine does move around like Tom says. That's why it's designed to have cables. Gundy Ps. You need to cut the rubber in half that's in the friction lock. I found by having only half the rubber in each side it helps with a smooth throttle. But you need to apply some thin sewing maching oil to the rubber also. I hope this makes sense.
  5. Love those wheels. Love that plane. Good on ya Mark your plane is coming along well it was good to catch up last week. Gundy
  6. The video I promised you guys.
  7. Excellent. Plent to see. Must catch up soon. Gundy
  8. G'day Blu. I've built 3 Savy's and think there the Ducks guts. There's plenty of Sav's around Qld. You shouldn't have any trouble finding help plenty of people willing to pass on knowledge. Bill is on the sunny coast doing training in his Savannah, he'll be willing to train you. Gundy
  9. Nah mate they can't deliver the first one till 2015. The other 148 from Oshkosh will be after that
  10. Told me they want $2000 deposit and Can't deliver till 2015. Sounds shonky to me.
  11. Yep I saw this happen. I even got it on video just have to learn how to put it on utube
  12. You should be here. It's better in real life
  13. We just arrived in Chicago tonight with Delta on our way to Oshkosh. Just make sure you are on time a yank says that Delta over sell the seats by 10% hoping that some passengers don't turn up. What we saw was that they had to turn some pass away to the next flight. That would be a real bumer if you had a connecting flight.
  14. I've got a Dynon Skyview 10" and I'm very happy with it and a easy install and easy to use. With the dollar at the moment you would be mad not to get one.
  15. It was about 6mm in diameter
  16. Mark I did the same as John. Bigger positive cable and used the original as earth cable, probably over kill but while flying out west you don't need any starting issues thats for sure. Any other slip ball indicator is better than the original. The wheels are probably too BIG for this aircraft but as I've brought them I'll leave them for now.
  17. Mark I forgot to tell you that the Slip ball indicator that is supplied in the kit is totally useless I would buy a better brand.
  18. Indicated. It felt as though it was still increasing speed till it hit 100 then just stopped. Others might go faster mine is a little draggy with wheels. Yes I do have a Tundra and fork on the front. The landings are soft but that could be the pilot. hehe
  19. Would like to thank everyone for there encouraging comments on my plane. I've installed my HUGE 8.50x6 tyres the other day and couldn't resist a test fly. The 8.50's lift the hole plane up 2" so getting into the cockpit you have to lift your but a little higher, this gives a lot more visibility over the nose while taxiing. I have let the front tyre down flat and measured between the prop and ground which I still have 4" of clearance so I'm happy with that. Ground handling is superb, it is a little smoother while taxiing over rougher ground as the tyres soak up the bumps. In the air you can not tell the difference in handling, other than a loss of 2-3 knots of air speed. Here are a couple of photos.
  20. Buy the latest Savannah its got a Rounded rear fuselage, its got all the same capability's as the old sav. And a 119 knot VNE. I love mine, theres not much else i'd own at the moment. I sold my last sav to a bloke who's got a 200mtr strip. He only had 80hrs on Jab's when he bought the Sav he has no trouble taking off at MTOW and landing in gusty conditions. Gundy
  21. Here are some photo's of the performance through the Skyview. What I was trying to achieve was to see if the altitude compensating Carbs actually work. looking at the EGT. Now what I did was to fly at 1000ft at 25.1 inches of power level off take a photo then do the same at 2000, 3000 & 4000 ft. Have a look and maybe the experts can tell me a few answers. Why is the air speed at 88/89 from 1000 to 3000 but in the 4000 photo it's 93? some one said it is the constant speed prop doing a better job at altitude. Talking about the constant speed prop I set the pitch to do 5780 rpm straight and level and the plane was pulling hard through to when it hit the wall at 100 knots, wouldn't go any faster. So I thought throw the prop into auto and it should go a bit quicker, but all it did was change the fuel burn. At 5780 it was burning 26 lph then at 5000 rpm it went down to 22 lph. Another thing have a look at the horse power at each altitude.
  22. Mark and Mark these tyres are 2.8 kgs heavier than the 6.00x6 Condors. The reason behind this is when Bill landed in that soft strip he may have gotten away with it with the Tundra tyre on the front rather than a big $ bill. The prop I'm happy with defintly would put another one on any plane I own in the future. I will post some photo's of performance on my other post. heres a photo against the 6.00x6 Condor
  23. Hey Mark I've decided to go bigger tyres all round. I got rid of my 600x6 tyres and got the turf tundra tyres. I fitted these up went for a fly, there.s no difference in speed what so ever considering all the testing with the Dynon Skyview. After talking to John Gilpin about his trip out west and landing on old airstrips I've decided to purchase 8.50x6 for the rear and leave the tundra tyre on the front with a heavy duty tube in it. The Tundra tyres measure 16"x7" the new 8.50 measure 21.5"x8" this is a big difference in size for rolling over rough ground. These 8.50's turned up today so I took a couple of photo's. the photo is taking with a standard tyre that comes with the kit (look how big they are against the Rotax engine box) the other is with my 13 month old son Oscar. I will be fitting these to my Savannah $ next week as I start back at work tomorrow. Gundy
  24. 80 knots it wasn't difficult at all to install the Skyview but had a little trouble sorting the autopilot servos out. I had to engineer all the brackets as well as making sure the servos had the right amount of travel (not too much travel). The paint job isn't finished yet still need to put the strips on. As for the weight of the Skyview verses common gauges the Dynon is lighter by a few kilos. I'm very pleased I went with the Dynon.
  25. G'day Towering Cu I don't do much posting I just get into building and offer help to others by phone. Feel free to ring me. I chose the $ model over the XL as it was the latest model available and thinking it may have better performance and it looks nicer. Some say feminine look I say we all want to make a better model. Look u don't see any commercial planes slab sided ant more. Saying that I still reckon the best Savy I've had was the VG model. The $ model has no tin canning at all if anything it's a lot quieter than all the previous models. As for the Dynon Skyview it's a fantastic instrument and I just keeped all the gauges that came with the kit. I rang up to see if I could get a credit they offered nothing for them. Someone else will benefit from them I'd rather give them to the needy. Yes the Skyview was easy to install for all the wiring. Those pitcures Rocket posted were taking a couple of weeks before first flight so Nanans I had the VG installed before I flew it I will post a few more photos soon of a test I did on performance. Gundy
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