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    Van Diemens Land, A little pissant town halfway between civilization and the South Pole
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  1. Fire work takes a special skillset. Low level work (treetops), precision drops, localised crazy wind shifts.... must be exhausting work. Pic of heli work on a fireground I attended last summer. We were often looking down on the choppers! They could drop accurately within metres of us.
  2. I was sailing past Margate, watching the flying circus. Very impressive piloting. There were times when four aircraft were skimming the water, loading on the run. Spray everywhere. Not sure but I heard that they drop about 1200kg at a time. The rate of climb was not looking impressive with a load.
  3. There is still one of these remaining on the Darling Downs. Built in 1931 (?) And flown by several generations of the same family.
  4. When I replaced my stator assembly, it was clearly labelled 'Ducati'. No idea which ducati, though.
  5. The wiring loom was premade. It already has labels on the wires, but since it was premade for a different aircraft, mods must be made to suit a different layout, and some different items. It is messy at the moment, but eventually will be neat and secure.
  6. Geoff, switchyard back EMF involves spikes several orders of magnitude greater than any tiddly little 12volt solenoids or starter motors. When a switchyard circuit breaker trips there may be 330,000 volts and thousands of amps at play. Nevertheless we should be protecting our fragile and personally expensive electronics on our aircraft. Especially when it is so simple to do.
  7. Thanks for the post. I have never alluded to being a great aviator, or even being particulaly good. But having watched that Oshkosh video I feel a little better about my flying. These flying applianes do not often arrive back on terra firma as gracefully as we wish them to.
  8. PS Do they still fit a dkhead diode across the dc supply inside radios? In the old days of CB radio, they were common, and would at least suppress the negative going spikes.
  9. Very nice CRO pics. Have you looked at the current associated with those spikes? Personally, although I love protection diodes or TVS, I would be tempted to wire a fusible link or fuse in series with it - although failures are rare, the consequence of a short suddenly occurring across your solenoid would be unpleasant. (Such addition would have to be monitored)
  10. So that's why we can't get good wine here any more. We send it away for all youse foreigners to enjoy.
  11. I forgive you, Geoff.
  12. Digressing, but when the first of those CT's exploded in Qld, nobody knew why, but someone reported an increase in RF noise in their AM radio. So, I ended up wandering around HV switchyards nervously aimimg a alloy yagi antenna at CT's, looking for the rising RF that might indicate impending explosion. My apprentice followed me to carry the spectrum analyser. The engineer who thought this was a good idea, stayed in his cosy safe office.
  13. Here's another one - we also have live line workers in Australia, too.
  14. Wow! Lucky man! Happy Birthday! Gee, that would look great on the front of an aeroplane.
  15. My goodness, is that what it does to you? No wonder I look young for my age.
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