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Everything posted by nomadpete

  1. There is a kit in the US for a single seat WIG which uses hovercraft method to get up off the water, then uses stubby winglets to 'fly' up to a metre off the surface. Looks like a fantastic fun device but would need a lot of space to play with it. (Google 'hoverwing')
  2. Welcome to our new age of clear and transparent communication..... (wearing my sarcasm hat)
  3. KG, Have you offered your audit process experience to our Board? I'm sure they need some guidance in developing this area.
  4. Wow ! Don't forget that our defence forces also practice low level ground following flight. Hope never to be a bug on their windshield.
  5. Well I am sorry. I did not expect so many folk to fire up so easily from my Rotax remark. I do not personally take sides on the engine preference debate. I believe that all power plants work reliably if you look after their particular care and feeding requirements. Anyway, Ollie also sometimes employs Subaru power plants (is there a Subaru bashing group too?) and if this A/C had a belt reduction, the failure of that could account for all prop blades broken if it was freewheeling, or maybe it was a partial loss of power. All just speculation but the curiosity is stirred up and it would be great if we could get a definitive explanation (unbiased and without prejudice or blame) Obviously a nice strong airframe, that and the fact that the U/C leg gave way surely contributed to the wellbeing of the occupants.
  6. Oh.... I hope this doesn't start another Rotax bashing spree by certain biased individuals
  7. How to Tell the Sex of a Fly This is the cleanest E-mail joke I've come across in a long while! A woman walked into the kitchen to find her husband stalking around with a fly swatter 'What are you doing?' She asked. 'Hunting Flies' He responded. 'Oh. ! Killing any?' She asked. 'Yep, 3 males, 2 Females,' he replied. Intrigued, she asked. 'How can you tell them apart?' He responded, '3 were on a beer can, 2 were on the phone.'
  8. There seems to be a shortage of research into the problems caused by various fuel additives ( or other petroleum component chemicals). After my GRP fuel tanks in my Lightwing developed pinhole leaks I did some web crawling and found this informative link: http://www.boatus.com/seaworthy/fueltest.asp I had been using 98 RON but I suspect that I my have settled for a brand of 95 that has Ethanol in it. Although the article is from a boat magazine, it seems that they have actually done some research. It is important to read right through the article because it starts with a talk about polyester resins (which are not generally used a lot in aircraft). Further down the article refers to a test done with "Ethanol resistant" Epoxy. The test showed that it lost a significant amount of its strength after only a short period of immersion in E10 petrol. Even if you avoid Ethanol contaminated petrol, there are almost certainly other potential problems lurking in the fuels also. Worth a read just to become aware of some problems. Peter T
  9. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A couple were lying in bed together on the morning of their tenth wedding anniversary when the wife says, 'Darling, as this is such a special occasion, I think that it is time I made a confession: Before we were married I was a hooker for eight years.' The husband ponders for a moment and then looks into his wife's eyes and says, 'My love, you have been a perfect wife for ten years! I cannot hold your past against you, maybe you could show me a few tricks of the trade and spice up our sex life a bit?' She said, 'I don't think you understand, my name was Brian and I played rugby for Wales . . .....'
  10. And RAAus also moves in mysterious ways... But not in very god-like ways!
  11. Please, Please,,,,,, Stop this aerial posting business. Especially stop saying how nice it is in the air. It's making us all jealous.
  12. Reading the altimeter and checking the time taken.... In a glider you might get away with losing that 100 feet in the 15 seconds that it took for the maneuver. When I did glider training for this, we didn't try it under about 300 feet. My Lightwing or the Drifter loses at least 400 ft for the turn. And much more if I don't react absolutely instantly to the loss of power. There is also added risk from the increased stall speed due to higher G's in the tight turn, meaning that they are going dangerously close to stall on the way around. Not a option that I'd be putting in my takeoff checks for anything less than 500 feet. Even then only if the trees were really thick at the end of the strip.
  13. Speaking as a member, I am more than just concerned. I am very frustrated to see all this continued poor behaviour by the very people who are claiming to be the most motivated to act in our best interests. I feel so very disempowered (if there is such a word). Any attempts that I have made to ask board members has only added to my frustration and anger because I can only get dismissive (if any at all) response from some board members, and from those board members who are trying to get us on track I get echoes of my own frustration because they are also unable to get communication, or fair debate within the board itself. Thankfully there are a few individuals who have been open with the membership but even they are not keeping us fully informed. I would be happier if I got regular updates even when they are only telling me that 'issue this or that' has made no progress due to...... whatever. Even a quick list of dot points would help. The registration update is the first good step in the right direction, but even that doesn't tell me what the longest awaiting renewal is. What about progress updates on other things such as the Member and aircraft database? It is a vital tool to reduce rework (and therefore administration costs) in the office.
  14. Notice something about this thread.... There is no heated debate, very little passion, much quieter than some other threads. So far I just get the feeling that there is not all that much to be said about the resignations. I am waiting with baited breath for the next development.
  15. If we do have to comply with the AQTF, then it looks like we will have to get all instructors to get a Cert IV in Training and Assessment. This is usually a three to six month course one full day a week plus extras, and costs between $1000 and about $2000 depending on how and where it is done. I would like to hear whether this will be part of the new training regime for RAAus? Peter T
  16. We've all had enough of the 'board bashing'. Now is the time to work as a team. Back to the thread."Training Compliance" Are you all aware that there is now a "Federal Education Board"? (my name for it) this mob requires all training to be done in accordance with the "Australian Quality Training Framework" There is actually a federally approved training module called "How to land an aeroplane" and a list of many others, of course. Unfortunately whether we like it or not, we have to conform to this training format just like all the schools and TAFE's do. At present, we don't use any of the approved training modules, or use the correct new processes. Also, under AQTF, that training shall be presented by a holder of Cert IV in Training and Assessment, (or above). the rules require tracable training and assessment carried out as per the strict process. Until we start following these new training rules it is unlikely that CASA will be happy with our concept of training compliance. This is what Myles is ultimately (I think, but nobody has actually confirmed it) tasked with bringing to RAAus. Peter T
  17. Relevant to this thread:- Did anybody notice in the minutes of the 28th March Board meeting - that SR raised an "Urgent business without notice" item: "Recruitment of a Training Safety Officer" The result of which was "to be put on the board forum for further discussion". (ie no real action) I find it disappointing that he had to raise it as business without notice (considering how long it has been a smoldering issue). However, at least he recognised it as URGENT and he was trying to push the board to take action. Now that I know this, I am prepared to accept that Ed saw no easy way to get action from the board. Peter T
  18. My license renewal just came and I didn't send a pic of my last BFR. At no stage of my renewal process was confirmation of BFR requested. I hope we are all being treated equally.
  19. MEN socialise by insulting each other, but don’t really mean it. WOMEN socialise by complimenting each other, and they don’t really mean it either.
  20. Through each of the disasters of RAAus I have struggled to understand what is happening and why it is happening. This has been entirely caused by individuals failing to advise me, as a member, of their intentions, of our obligations, and of the outside pressures that have been brought to bear. For instance: had Ed advised us that he felt he had 100% approval from the board to act as he felt in a particular situation, then we should be aware of this radical departure from normal process way before he actually applied it. And any misunderstanding by the board/members could be cleared up. The fact that board members report different recollections about the meeting where Ed laid down his requirements, shows that the board comminication itself needs vast improvements. Did the minutes not mention the exact words? Do we get to read them? Much of the debate is fuelled by speculation which could be moderated by direct information from those who are making the decisions. That complaint is not just about Ed. There have been plenty of times when board members should have publicised their personal position on issues. Due to the lack of official information, I Emailed Board members and asked the following questions: “... For instance, we, as members deserve to be advised of the consequences and the plans (I hope there are plans) to integrate this new employee into the RAAus structure: - Is Myles appointment definitely temporary? What are the expected costs to us, What are the plans to ensure that the Constitution Reform Committee continues? What is happening to the treasurer's position? Can we expect correct treasurer's reports on time, given the problems filling the role? When will we see a job description for the STCC? So we know what his duties are. Will his contact details be presented on the RAAus website? When can we expect the STCC to publish his plan to improve our safety? When can we expect the position of STCC to be advertised? Will a recruitment agency be involved? What is the chance of the board/exec releasing answers to issues or developments such as these, by a broadcast email newsletter to members?” I have received a reply from Myles which helps us to understand the picture as he sees it. With his permission, I offer it now as a step toward better communication: “Hello Peter, Your email was forwarded to myself for comment to you direct. As you know I was treasurer and on the executive, I was also in Canberra at the recent meeting, also on the constitution rewrite committee. I can say that Ed had notified his intentions some weeks before being voted in as president with 100% majority to the electing board members, I can also say that the position of STCC is not new and has been known for about 9 years and is a requirement of part 149 of the new regulations being implemented later this year. It has been a requirement of our deed of agreement for some time and became urgent for us to secure the money from CASA and to comply with the deed of agreement before 30/6/13. The reason it became urgent was because previous boards never acted on the requirement, and as we are a democracy, when the motion’s put and it gets voted down, the vote is respected. The exec at the on 3/6/13 had no choice but to act in an emergency capacity under the constitution, also there was no way of filling the position in 3 weeks by recruiting. I have the qualifications to fill the position, " jobs for the boys" far from it, I am a flyer too, I don't want to be grounded with all the other members under CASA's repatriation while they work out a system to allow us to fly legally again. My resignation occurred on Tuesday 4/6/13 at 13.58 hours and I held up my flight home because I left it to the last minute. I didn't want to resign as board member and treasurer but realized I could serve the members better and keep them flying if I did, also I only had 35 minutes to get to the airport and board my flight home. The costs incurred have been all mine to date as I'm working on the deed requirements from home and implementing SMS's to FTF's with the help from the Operations department as well as setting up a Safety Seminar calendar. I was employed in the coal mining industry in engineering until the 5/6/13, there is no way that RA-Aus could ever come within a bulls roar of my former salary. I am not on the board any more and its up to them to let you know of consequences, I can assure you there is severe consequences if we don't. The plans I have, and I do hope I can post them to members if the board members get off their hands and support Ed in keep RA-Aus operating. However, my plans are to implement the SMS across the organization, set up safety learning seminars across Australia, register RA-Aus as an RTO to comply with industry legislation, have an internal audit team accredited to prevent a recurrence of the registration fiasco and set up maintenance accredited training for members. All this has to be implemented before the end of September and this was the intended duration of appointment, its then up to your board as its up to them to allow my program to be posted. As for cost, I've been working on this since the 5/6/13 at no cost to RA-Aus and so far some of the board hasn't supported this position, however the cost to September will be far less than hosting a board meeting. As for the constitution rewrite, I will help and continue but to comply with board direction another board member should step up to the plate and the budget forecast was finalized by me last week with a warning of a deficit, again another board member task. Peter, I want to keep flying, that's why I put my hand up and hope I have answered some of your questions, the rest is up to your board getting behind Ed to make this work. Cheers Myles”
  21. Just a little tangent about the SMS requirement - I note that GFA implemented theirs in 2009 and it, along with other stuff which we would find very useful at times of turmoil are all on the 'members' area of their website: ADMIN 0001 Articles of Association (23) ADMIN 0002 GFA Strategic Plan (17) ADMIN 0003 Board Regulations (25) ADMIN 0004 Board Resolutions (18) ADMIN 0005 MOSP 1 (32) ADMIN 0007 Privacy Policy (10) ADMIN 0008 Member Protection Policy (20) ADMIN 0009 Anti-Doping Rules (9) ADMIN 0010 Meeting Guidelines (13) ADMIN 0011 Expense Guidelines (12) ADMIN 0012 Membership Fees 2013/2014 (20) ADMIN 0013 Safety Management System (6) If we had this, half of these arguments would never have been needed. Wouldn't it be nice for RAAus to take a leaf out of their book?
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