Butch, we presently do have
"someone who is well paid with all entitlements ( super, holidays, sick leave, long service and the rest) tell you how to suck eggs"
A bunch of us volunteers recently attended a function where we were addressed by well paid professional head office blokes. Most of the speech could be summarised as 'we're all doing a great job, be prepared, do your training, and well done chaps, but we all have a hard time ahead this summer.'
Then he dodged questions relating to allowing anyone to help by using their own equipment such as using the farm tractor to slash a fire break, or heaven forbid, several professional tree fellers were ordered to always wait for a contract tree feller to be called in, if a tree needed felling, also, that we are not permitted to direct road traffic around a hazard, etc, etc.
This stuff causes resentment in the ranks.