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Everything posted by downundertrucker

  1. I believe its the same Long that was spoken about here, http://www.recreationalflying.com.au/threads/rutan-long-ez.47667/ Its been on gumtree forever, I considered it myself but think it may have issues...
  2. There are alot of people (mostly in the States) building Long's from the "Open Ez" plans here, http://forum.canardaviation.com/showthread.php?t=6129 The canard aviation forum there has a wealth of information about all types of canards, Cozy's (what im building), Longs, Variezes, Velocitys...etc
  3. here's a bargain near Mildura, even comes with a Jab 170.... http://www.realestate.com.au/property-other-vic-nangiloc-7358176
  4. Hi Jack, here is another popular company here in Victoria that does tours. I heard about them on the Plane Crazy downunder podcast a while ago, it was a very interesting interview explaining the tours they do and stories etc... http://www.stawellaviation.com.au/
  5. I'm on Chapter 13(nose) and 14(centre spar) at the moment. The main tub and nose is done and its on its main gear, haven't done much this winter, too cold for glassing, just getting back into it now. realistically I think I have another 2-3yrs to go...
  6. Thought I'd chime in as im building a Cozy.. anyone can see the problems in your decision as you probably do yourself..In my opinion I would not buy that Long, it has many problems to say the least, 20yrs since it flew, engine is very suspect, the build quality is not known, it flew for 1 hour? maybe red flags there...wings or canard might have problems...Maybe the airframe might be ok, just ditch the engine and get something else..who knows? If you want a Long Ez or Varieze or Cozy, you could buy one from the States and get a better deal doing that...(share a container etc)...or if you are like me and like building stuff, the Open Long Ez plans are available for anyone...http://forum.canardaviation.com/showthread.php?t=6129 Just my 5cents
  7. Yes, I like most canards. They are very efficient economical aircraft although their down side is they need alot of runway and not really suited for grass/dirt strips. The Long EZ is one of the best I think in terms of economy and cross country capability...and no one can argue at how cool they look...
  8. Here's a fast long range 2 seater from the UK called an Impulse... http://www.impulse-aircraft.co.uk/impulse%20brochures.htm very cool fast little aeroplane
  9. Interstate Truck driver for many years, based in Melb. running to Sydney or Adelaide...just passed my RA Aus ticket ....building a Cozy MKIV(slowly) and started a Long Ez...love fibreglassing..
  10. Thanks all, Yep, will definitely do a thread soon.... Just as a side, is there any other canard flyers/builders here?
  11. Hi all, I'm a new member just saying gidday. I'm building a Cozy MKIV(Chapter 13) and a Long Ez(Chapter 5) in Melbourne. Hope to learn, contribute and make some friends on here...
  12. I would highly recommend Bruce Vickers at Golden Plains, Lethbridge (RAA)...
  13. here's a few pics..Picasa Web Albums - 10761198692770799...
  14. Ive built the boat sides and bottom, and the jigs(mdf) to put it all together and some tail parts... thinking about making a mold off the boat...i.e complete the boat upside down on the jig then use it as a mold...still thinking it through...
  15. hey all, Ive just started a build on a KRSuper2 KR-Super2 .....Just wanting to know of any other builders out there.... cheers
  16. Hey all just joined up recently, training out of YMEN, and already got the bug to get my own AC..... Cheers
  17. Nose gear failure? looks like a nose gear failure...
  18. Garry Morgans 4 seater Cougar Just got some info on the Cougar from Garry Morgan... Its in testing this week. If you email him he will send you pics & info...Its a beautiful looking aircraft, very light, cheap, and is abled to be trailered...so check it out....
  19. Does anyone know anything about this kit or the manufacturer? Im really interested in it, anyone else? syndicate? UL - JIH homepage - s námi Vám narostou køídla
  20. Hi all, just joined up...training out of YMEN only 13hrs sofar, but hooked on flying, absolutely love it, wish id done ityears ago... safe travels everyone..:thumb_up:
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