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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. Er?................Rotax 912 80hp?............... I thought that they had a life of 1800hrs?.................quote: "This is contrary to what I should see".......I think that this exactly what you would expect to see....
  2. Bitza. The greatest thing about Morgans ( I had a Super Aero 2 speeder ) was driving on snowed roads, whereby the rear wheel would constantly slide down to the kerb and you drove in a permant side-slip. The Messersmidt was faster, The Isetta more reliable, and the Heinkel most fun....
  3. commonly suggested restriction orifice size is 40 thou or 1mm for barbarians
  4. That's not at all what I said is it? .....I believe absolutely, NOT the Eurofox is a great Aircraft, just that I like the tail dragger US one better..."En over smaak valt er niet te twisten"...........roughly translated. "You cannot argue over opinions"
  5. Just get a KitFox from the US, Looks like the best version ever built. Why would you re-invent the wheel ?
  6. I was just reading about an Electronic Altimeter that will give readings of Above Sea Level and Above Ground Level. Plus a Barometer...Digitally of course. Updated every 2 seconds. Would that be a useful thing to have ?
  7. you're forgetting our insurance too. I tend to think it (RAA) is a bargain. I too, was miffed at the cost rise by stealth. But I got over it!
  8. Funny though, If you lengthen the sidestand to sit the bike more upright, the sidestand springs are not strong enough to hold it up tightly, Just one of life's little problems
  9. I went with the k75 engine as it's so smooth. .......................I'd like to fit usd forks though. Mine was lightened by 35 kgs....
  10. you gotta love his work place
  11. For what it's worth I ride a very noisy quick (relatively) Thruxton. The handling is quirky at best. But it's fun. But for shopping and everything else. I have just finished a custom K75..... with K1100 'box ,diff , s/arm and forks, cut down frame, GS1150 spoke wheels shod with radials. It's the best thing I have ever owned. Smooth as silk , comfortable, reasonably fast and I scrub the edges of the tyres with ease. Only trouble it's as noisy as a sewing machine! Oh well you can't have everything
  12. Too right it's for safety.. I ride a NOISY Triumph. Before noise I was invisible. Not any more...It's so nice to be acknowledged ......And I thank the drivers that now can "see" me.. Back to the job on hand. Lets face it, people that buy a house in area with an Airfield are NOT going to move away again. Best get a "Fly Neighborly" plan going. Before the standoff starts...
  13. That Yak 9 is just lovely, There's one (now a little bent) at Tyabb. Plus I just found out that Lovely Chinese Ladies are ready to meet me...................Happy daze
  14. That's an awful lot of money! You can have my aeroplane complete with 1600hrs engine for the same amount! It Looks like Jan's Viking is winner in the price/HP stakes. I wonder if you can insure against non-delivery? I think that the Viking is very good in spite of Jan rather than because of..................Good kit.....
  15. Sorry Oscar. I am a late comer to this engine. I will certainly be recommending a new bare motor + 4 cyl CHT....Thanks for the input everybody....General Consensus ............Overheating leads to ruin.
  16. Located at Tooradin, Vic....Yes it's a 170. Just two channel CHT .. on 3 and 4 . Oil was aeroshell 100w... fuel 100LL exclusively. Cylinders not blue , lots of blow-by on the pistons, nearly all 2nd and 3rd rings stuck. Rocker shafts and bushes totalled. Roller rockers beautiful as is cam. Bore wear reasonable, BUT barrels too short (170mm ) and have been superceded.(now 170.50mm )........ Loss of head material between valves (granular disintegration?) Heads on 2 AND 4 have sunk onto barrel too far. Valves too deep into the head, ( 1st time removal).....some valve guides worn too far. .............................Report from Crankshaft Experts. Too large big-end bearing clearance. Wear spots are evidence of detonation.. Crankshaft bearings not in line. Heads cactus. Barrels superceded. Recommendation...........Throw away and buy a new one....Thus......1000hrs, engine finished..
  17. the original post said Roller Lifter.......The engine is from a flying school.
  18. The engine was new from the factory no major work on the engine apart from recommended maintenance. (7/16" thru' bolts from new) The shells are a whitish lead colour ( Babbit Metal) same as every other shell I've ever seen. Except where the bearing surface has worn away. The one shell shows where a dial gauge has been ,absolutely no doubt ....I have photos now, if I can post I will. I would normally set up crank clearance with plastigauge and different thickness shells ( motorcycles.) But this c'case will need line boring and big ends sized............ I just don't know if I want to go on with it...It's like hanging the sword of Damocles over your own head....It's sad as the owner assumed that a top-end at 1000 hrs will get him another mille. (As the Manual quotes) ... But a new motor will remove the sword from above my head and hang it above his!....Shame about all the $K spares he bought....BTW it also needs barrels and heads!.....Eng serial 22B 299
  19. I was just dismantling a late model 2200 (roller lifter) for a top end (1000) hr overhaul. The top was not pretty. Replacing the big-end shells is part of a top end o/h. The shells have a unusual look to them. Namely the only place to show any noticable wear is a point of contact on the half shell directly below the wrist pin. The waer point is about 10 mm dia and almost through the lead. The bottom of the shell shows little wear. Not happy with what I was looking at I pulled the crank out. The mains are even odder. the front two journals show each side the same and considerable wear. The third journal (from the front) has copper showing on the r/h side and the l/h/side is UNTOUCHED. I can see where someone has measured the shell i.d. with a dial gauge. .. The fourth journal has copper showing on one side and just normal on the other the reat are just rubbish... The crank looks OK...and has about 0.03mm max runout...The cam journals are very similar. I guess at a warped crankcase... What do you think?????
  20. I'm a prime candidate for being hacked by this person, where do I sign up?
  21. Being a skeptic I can only hold my breath.
  22. I lived in east Holland many years ago. Fighter and ground attack aircraft (US, UK and Dutch) would use the big canal nearby and it's bridges as targets and practise "attacking" them. It was a glorious time. Bucaneer's at nought feet along the canal and zoom up over the bridge. Wonderful. I lived in a Nieuwe Wijk. a sort of New development. As the area filled up so petitions were circulated to stop the aircraft as it "Frightened the children" .... I had the good fortune to be able to tell one protester that knocked on the door asking me to sign the petition that I loved the aircraft and a Russian Tank in the street might frighten more than the children. I was ostrasized and made quite unwelcome... Odd that I didn't care.....
  23. A Quote from M61A1 "I get a bit sick of hearing "our safety record is poor"....... absolutely bloody correct. My safety record is perfect ! and I'll do everything I can to make sure it stays that way...Flying can be dangerous and cowboys will be killed. So educate or dismiss the cowboys.................... It works on the road, demerit points , licence suspension ect....even jail for unlawful killing..WE can be the police. If you see something , say something.....BUT hi-vis vests, really is that the best management can come up with. Compulsory helmets might have more effect....
  24. Their webpage says 136bhp. I also read the word "Morini" ....I must say it looks like the Morini engine. and , @ 136bhp per litre it looks somewhat motorcycle-like. But I still prefer the BMW Take-off conversion . That engine has been around a LONG time... And now thanks to NSW road/Insurance people you can get one for about $2000.
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