Dear Oh Dear , Mr Turbo planner. what were you thinking when you wrote that?......... I was a little bit on your side for a while there, well, sympathetic to your situation anyway....... Here comes Mr. Completeaero geek, trampling all over your beliefs and
theories, Then you go and drop a howler as bad as ever I've seen. Quote" That's what he said, and a sprint car wing is curved on the bottom and flat on the top, so the resulting force is down, not up."
What Resulting force? Set the cord centre line level with the ground, where's your lift now? Did you ever take a look at the angle those "wings" are held at? It's like, 30 degrees! It's the ANGLE OF ATTACK that gives them the (Down)thrust. I wouldn't mind betting that the downforce would be almost the same were the "wing" a flat plate. Just a whole lot draggier......Please continue the debate, But don't post in's not helping you....Cheers, and good luck....