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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. working on the prop so I can't fly
  2. Dear SDQDI. I think you are wrong . the directive says " after assembly " ( god help those folding wing/.trike people) or "after overhaul, repair or replacement. " The only thing is, I wonder since when? I had my engine out 100 hours ago, should I get a L1/L2 to check if it's still there?
  3. Doing up nuts and bolts properly is not only confined to flying surfaces............... what do you want?......................................... Another L1/L2 to check every single connection on the aircraft ? Every time you fly. Or Assume from historical fact ( you didn't crash on the last flight) that everything is "done up" properly plus tell the passenger he flies at his own risk? ( Like he always has done) Just do your walk around plus your inspections as normal.................I, personally, believe that once a fastener has been "done up" , loctited, wired, cinched ect., it will tend to stay that way until some other force acts upon it....at least until the next inspection, That's what I have found in the last one thousand hours anyway...
  4. the calipers and the way they are "adjusted" are the source of the problem. The discs could be a lot better too.....use m/bike stuff and it will improve out of sight. There are lots of disc manufacturers in Oz.............Have a look at Marc Ingegnio in Italy, That's where I got my stuff. .....Of course the manufacturer says there is no problem! :LOL
  5. Browsing, as I am wont to do, I came across what has to be the best Rotax ever!.. 145hp @5500rpm! Have a look at Flygas.com , especially the little film.....Really interesting. And NO reliability issues with F.I. ......................I'd love the supercharger on my 0-200!....
  6. what a beauty, Thanks.....
  7. Dear John, I didn't know this RPL licence was going to be compulsory. I sure agree with you if it is! If, by some chance, it should turn out to be merely an option, then I can't see where the change is going to come from ? So what if the RAA drops a thousand or two members, who cares? I'm certain there will always be a regulatory overseeing organisation. Surely you're not saying that there will be NO recreational aviation?.....
  8. sorry mate, not funny...................
  9. It's Winter. Having a wooden prop means a re-torque. While taking off the prop I was going to take the opportunity to crop it a bit and reduce the pitch a little......It's 69 x 54 which is too much pitch. I need about 200 more revs. Anyway, take the prop to the workshop. crop the tips by 3/4 inch and compare the cross sections now revealed. Shock/horror. about 5 mm difference in thickness!....If the tips are so different, what about the meaty bit? So I draw "stations" along the length of each blade at 50mm intervals. I compare thicknesses and camber high points. plus the "flatness" of the bottom airfoil......My goodness what a mess! The "flat" lower surface is almost semi symetrical!..The high point of the upper surface wanders from 30% to 55% of the chord. Mr Sweetapple must have had an off day when he made it....After 4 days of sanding. I have depitched the blades somewhat. Got the undersurface reasonably flat. Got the highest point of the airfoil at 38%-42% as far as possible. Now t0 recover the prop with glass. Anybody got an idea what weight of glass to use? I suspect 80g per sq mtr....Does anybody actually know?????
  10. I exit stage left, then go flying, weather and Continental 0-200 permitting!
  11. You mean the Trade Practices Amendment Act of 1988 or The Trade Practices Act of 1974? .......................................... The manufacturer is responsible for ( amongst other things) delivering goods of a "Merchantable Quality" (Fit for the purpose for which they are intended) .......Aeroplanes suddenly gliding down from height does not infer "Merchantable Quality".................Periferal mods, made in the interest of enhancing reliability can't be bad and it may be that an insurance company trying to deny a claim on that basis may be unlucky... But for 24 people they MUST be accompanied by CAR21 ( or whatever he is now called) approval...I believe that there is a division in the type of modification.... Radical , Different heads ect, or Minor as in cooling improvements ect, .... .......To be sure? Build a 19 reg aircraft and call it what you like....
  12. LIABILITY issues?..Warranty issues?............ a load of horse poo........................all this rubbish about an engine manufacturer being responsible for his product? I quote from Daffyd L on the topic of modifications " The manufacturer can no longer be held liable for it, and its warranty will be void. " I have found that that manufacturer in question gives no warranty beyond a year ( which is on average about 60 hours!) and has never been held liable no matter how many of his engines cause unexpected arrivals. And there has been LOT..................A Fly Tornado quote "If you work on an engine you have a duty of care and are liable for it." Well good luck with that. You would have to Prove Negligence or Carelessness on the part of the L2. And who is to say how long that liability would last with the engine type having a documented history of constant failure? Especially as the manufacturer claims pilot error for just about every failure. . The L2 may well be able to claim the same!............... If an L2 is proven to be negligent or careless then OK he may be in trouble...But the nature of the L2 is NOT to be careless or negligent, otherwise he would not be doing the job.....NickDuncs84 has it right . Almost all of the mods applied to Jabs are in an effort to make it more reliable....How many pilots/owners are expounding the merits of multiple CHT's ....I'd like to see Jab wriggle out of a liability claim on the grounds that the engine was modified with respect to the addition of 5 CHT senders. If the engine you are using is unreliable, then change it to make it (more) reliable or use a different make.....
  13. It's all just silliness. A totally avoidable tragedy for the family. Just what are(were) some of these (deceased) people thinking about when making such life altering decisions?................................. Then, we that survive go on to hear how bad "our" behavior is..............It shits me to tears
  14. You looking for a dual?
  15. on holiday, don't bother me!
  16. on holiday, don't bother me!
  17. Only one transducer in the feed line that feeds BOTH carbs. Some systems with fuel pumps feed excess fuel back to the tank. In that case one transducer in the feed line ( "a") and one in the return ( "b')...... "b" subtracts from "a" and you get fuel usage
  18. It looks like a lot of blokes are hunting through the RAA manual searching for reasons not to fly.........I read (in the same manual) that the conditions for flight for RAA pilots shall never be more onerous than for GA pilots.....A thorough inspection of the aircraft before first flight is for the health and safety of the pilot flying it. Maybe some people want to record oil uptake, Me personally, I just use that 10 tetrabyte thing in my head and record it there... I don't need to document it. ( even if I needed to add oil, which I dont) OK, when you land ( safely) write the hours on your maintenance sheet if you want. I personally don't do hundred hourly's as such. I check everything, always. More like 20 hourly's.....Just keep a record of oil changes...We do not need to add more paperwork that we can carry... We are Not GA aircraft... OK for "Hire and Reward" is another kettle of fish...... Let responsible people do responsible flying....
  19. That's the one I fill in AFTER I've flown the aeroplane.........It's all a bit OTT for me...................
  20. Ahhh Childhood memories. That's all I've got these days!
  21. So, I lost track of the thread whilst wondering what MR and DI were. I need to ask ..... Do I need to sign a Maintenance Release or Daily Inspection? or what ? I cannot imagine for a moment why, If you are flying your own aircraft and you don't inspect it, who's neck is on the line? I can imagine if someone else is flying it ?.... but then again who's going to carry the can the for not inspecting it ? You"ll not take the trouble to inspect your aircraft but WILL take the trouble to take out a piece of wax paper and sign it? Ha Ha , Not ....A pre-flight is the same as a D.I? or isn't it? , how can you have a pre-flight that is not a daily inspection? Or a daily inspection that is not a pre-flight.....I've got a headache now. thanks.......
  22. We'll be talking about our feelings next................How would you feel about that?
  23. one of each might be nice?
  24. Alloy is easier (for me) than wood to turn to a good finish ............ My plug is PVC. (2"dia)
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