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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. The fly-in turned out fantastic. 90 minute sunny flight from south Melbourne on Saturday. A 10 to 15 knot headwind slowing things down somewhat. I flew over Healesville, Eildon, Mansfield and then straight-lined it to Mt Beauty. What a lovely airfieled and town! The organisation was very good... Helpful and courteous... but not enough food vendors. On the way back there were rain showers both light and heavy everywhere, so I airfield-hopped all the way back and had to race a huge rain cloud into Tooradin. Having 4500 feet under me I kept up about 130+ knots all the way to the airfield and got the 'plane inside just before the heavy rain started. All in all a great weekend.
  2. Thanks for the info everybody. I gather that height is the secret. The more you have the more time you have. I shall bear that in mind.
  3. I am looking at going to " The gathering of the Moths" at said mountain this weekend. . Planning begins. Looking at a WAC chart I see that there are LOTS of quite high mountains on route. I'm wondering ? Is there a "Valley Route" from Melbourne or do people just straight line it? Avoiding, of course, the highest peaks.......Interesting trip .......G
  4. Looks good enough! I wish he would get a bit more altitude for those turns
  5. That's a lot of HP for 10 large
  6. The "ad blocker " advert precludes reading!
  7. Does it have to be an advertised "fly-in". An "informal gathering" might work better. I was once ,almost, a founding member of the "Victorian Sidecar Club" when all this Liability s**t came up. 20+ years ago! Myself and others decided not to go ahead with the formal founding of a "club" but agreed upon the sidecar owners group.(no capitals) No members, with no association, or any other details. ....Worked a treat. Each was responsible for his own safety and well being. We had some great runs. It appears to me that as soon as you advertise a gathering then you, (the organiser) become liable for everybody's well being, how much they eat and drink, how all the visitors behave, invited or not. every bit like a school outing. Literally. I can control myself quite well, but there are others that display reckless behaviour with gay abandon. I don't want to be held responsible for them.
  8. Tyabb (where I learned to fly in a Gazelle) instructors would not teach me in, nor help me with tailwheel conversion in my 19 aircraft. (some years ago). I only have brakes on the left hand position was given as the reason.... But a very experienced instructor at another airfield (Latrobe Valley) did teach me in my 19- taildragger. Willingly. So my advice is to ask around other airfields....
  9. Why would you bother to ask? unless of course it would be otherwise illegal? ...When you ask something of CASA you give them the opportunity to say no.
  10. Nah, nasty crosswind. look how he fights direction as the tail lifts and the nose swings right. Not sure about the changes to power settings during take off. Looks to me like he wants to stay near to the ground.
  11. Apples and Oranges people........Torque is hp divided by rpm................................just gear the Hayabusa down enough and it will pull the Toyota up the side of a house. Otherwise ....I give up on this debate.
  12. The fence separated the Bars and drinkers from the big aeroplanes and the airshow. Nothing at all to do with collecting money....I enjoyed the event. The food selection was fantastic, the beer was cold and the coffee hot, what more could one ask for,'cept maybe a better view, we were squished between fence and food with umbrellas and fence to spoil the airshow. Will I go again? probably.
  13. I just looked at the weather forecast for Thursday and it's just horrid. Friday is not much better. Rain ,possible thunderstorms and strong Northerlies. My only chance to get out of Melbourne is to leave Wednesday. Do I want to sleep in a tent for 3 wet nights? I'll have to look at getting a rain proof propeller.
  14. The "D" motor was a clean sheet design. It, apparently, works just fine. Where are the adverts?
  15. That is incorrect, Some RAA schools teach spin recovery in non RAA aircraft. Mine did. (152 Aerobat, and it was frightening!)
  16. How the hell do you manage to do that.................It just defies logic.
  17. I'd like everything to stay as it is thanks,
  18. also, according to a book I have, the longest "Time Before Overhaul" of any aero engine. Namely 5000 hours
  19. you sound hurt and bitter. what's behind that asks Dr.Phil
  20. Nice effort .............Shame about the lack of scale speed. The full size one was so impressive. Difficult to forget
  21. There are some very modern looking components in that engine.
  22. Yup, Continental ................No the engine is standard................At 6.7 to 1 , I don't believe there is any risk of detonation at all. ............... There is a factory SB that allows Cont. 0-200's , Lyc 320's ect. and similar engines to run unleaded gas. ... There can be vapourisation problems with Aviation engines. ( fuel vapourising in fuel lines, so pumps have difficulty. )... my engine is gravity fed so that does not arise. Plus Avgas does not "go off" as Unleaded can, although it takes a while, maybe 2 or 3 months in my experience. That being said, A very high performance motorcycle requires fresh gas to run. I found that a bike could be impossible to start after standing for more than a couple of weeks. I would have to drain the carbs, allow fresh fuel in and it would then always run. The gas in the tank took much longer to "go off"..Geoff
  23. Quote....."I guess I just assumed if they were as high compression as the old Cont and Lycos, they would require higher octane fuel than the 91 most car engines can run on now.".............................................. I'm not sure how the expression " as high as the old lycos ect;" arose. Those engines were/are as low a compression as any that were ever built since the thirties. and why they "need" 100LL is a bit of a mystery. Fear of detonation maybe? or fuel vaporisation fears? I run my 0-200 on 91 unleaded. (6.7-1 compression ratio) There are , modern motorcycles especially, that are up around 11-1 that run beautifully on 91unleaded. if you could get a Continental 0-200 with a head design that would run with such compression then it would be a 160-200hp beast. At least................ although it may have to turn a bit faster than 2700rpm. .
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