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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. I got into a taxi in China and had to wait whilst the driver tossed a rope over the roof and thru' the window frames to keep the doors shut. .....Statistics can prove anything...
  2. Ian said that the optimum time for a squirt was after switching off the mags and before the prop stopped ! Good Luck! But quite a good idea anyway............
  3. still gotta have paper copies have you not? I thought that ipads were back up only?......
  4. Quote..................We all complain about being regulated, or living in 'nanny states' etc. however, we continually prove that we need regulation and big brother watching because we behave like imbeciles otherwise. We cannot handle booz, road rules, drugs and a million other things. Imagine if there was no CASA or RAAus. Good God, pilots would be killing themselves and others through their own stupidity, ignorance and crap attitudes. This is, of course true, Until all the total Fufwits have done away with themselves and we can all go on with our own business in peace....You just cant take the idiot of of some people, you certainly cannot regulate it. No matter however many rules you make and enforce by fines. Some people just don't care, and if they don't care you cannot touch them....You can only fine people that have money. Those that have none you cannot reach...................................... CASA and RAA should get it through their thick regulating heads that a percentage of pilots will do stupid, drunk or drugged things and kill themselves and anybody stupid enough to get in with them. You CANNOT stop it....If a pilot listens to good teaching and good advice, GREAT, He will live on to be a good pilot, IF he is a dickhead he will do whatever he wants and maybe kill himself as a consequence. Good luck with that. Who are you to to tell him what he must or must not do. Look after your own skills......The nutter will kill himself whatever you say....
  5. I got back yesterday ( Sunday) afternoon. The best bit about the whole event was the flight there! Full of expectation of having a great time. That quickly changed when I arrived. I took pics. and, having looked at them I see that there are no people in them. I did enjoy what I saw but that took about 2 hours...............CASA was there , in abundance, tagging people as they arrived. I saw heated discussions with them around the camp site. I'm glad I didn't get stopped as my VNC was 2 months or so out of date! ( I counted 20 aircraft in the camping area!) The RAA tent was full of volunteers , A Great Turnout. Well Done... I was able to borrow a phone from a lovely lady as Vodophone has NO COVERAGE...The grub on sale was "A" for effort "D" for quality and content. You could have egg and bacon for breakfast or bacon and egg....Pizza for tea, or then again you could have had pizza ........One Coffee shop had really good Latte' for 4 bucks. As for the future? I wont bother to go again. The exhibitions were mainly for 140 thousand dollar imports. For all intents and purposes GA aircraft...... Catering for PPL holders or those that had a PPL and no medical?... LOTS of old guys, like me. The view was of a sea of grey heads...( This is not fact but opinion ). Home builders/Amateur builders were very thin on the ground I believe...On Saturday there were more public than fliers.............. I spent a lot of time at the Rotec tent explaining the intricaties of fitting a Throttle body to anybody that would listen...I liked the Camit tent, Looks VERY professional kit , only for 19 reg though.....Bolly was good too. Although they had nothing for me. The best was the flying displays. Matt Hall an absolute winner.......
  6. just what I was looking for, thanks.
  7. I've been fighting a noise for years, Cannot be squelched out. I found out from the manufacturer that my/his flow meter was causing it. even with the engine off. As soon as I powered up the dash the noise would sometimes come on, sometimes not. Turns out that I can cover up a little hole that has a sensor in it for the backlight.....Fixed......Just goes to show, could be anything.
  8. why would you let CASA's attendance put you off? There was a check list in our publication just tick 0ff the requirements. Really, not scary at all. If I forget something or get something wrong I'm sure they wont hang me (not right away)...The weather's going to be great...............
  9. Don't be silly Don. I am not being nasty to you, why are you trying to belittle me.... You keep going on about me wanting 300kg ultralights, that really is not the case..(600kgs is fine) .but so was 544 and so was 300 I will fly within the rules and be safe because I fly within the aircraft's capabilities.............. I fly an aeroplane just a big as yours, just as heavy because that's what the rules allow. ............. You say that I can rule you out as a GA wannabe . OK . BUT you are chasing GA like privileges are you not? You champion the cause of heavier aircraft,( Or have I read the posts incorrectly?) And really, heavier doesn't automatically make stronger or more airworthy Your Sierra is testimony to that. You are chasing access to controlled airspace. For that you WILL require radio and transponder . More training, a couple of endorsements ..A stricter medical.. These ARE GA like requirements. For GA like rewards. ....Or if taken to your extreme views of what I want..... If I could only fly just a little bit higher in my just a little bit bigger aircraft that weighs just a bit more and go just a little bit closer to that big airport and go where all the big boys go, then i'll be happy......Please don't take serious offence. I don't want my particular boat rocked.......................................As a post script, NO the butcher who wants to fly his Piper CANNOT do it with a Pilot Cert. He is outside the criteria. IF he wants to fly with RAA privileges then he must conform to RAA rules. He is Not an ultralight. The butcher wants the mountain to come to Mohammed, not gonna happen.. I hope...
  10. I want to think of recreational aviation as just that and only that. I believe that there is NO PLACE for GA wannabees...... If you and your supporters want G.A. weight aircraft and G.A. privileges than get a PPL and a G.A. aircraft......... Why do you want to change RAA into something different just to suit you? Recreational aviation DOES NOT include the bottom of G.A.-That's just rubbish. ------- G.A. is G.A.-----------Where does it say R.A.A. + G.A.? And it bloody well does affect me and what I want to do. The continuing push for higher MTOW, " in the interests of safety" (Yeah right) I transit Williamstown now, often. Don't know about Coffs , Haven't been there yet. All this "Pushing the envelope " will bring with it more regulations, higher standard of medicals, Age limits? more costs. Blanket ASICS, god forbid........You ARE pushing to change RAA ... If you want more than RAA privileges Then make another association call it " G.A. sub par medical folk." or whatever. Leave Recreational Aviation to Pilot Certificate holders please.
  11. you don't think the attackers at Nanjing were terrorists? But I do agree that the ASIC was a stupid knee jerk reaction by a government wanting to be seen doing something, anything.....
  12. When I asked the pilot thru' the cockpit door if he was in, he said "Not Quite"
  13. I thought this branch of aviation was called RECREATIONAL ? I read here with horror about 1500kgs mtow, RPL's, transponders, aviation medicals , desire for flight in controlled airspace, What the hell is going on? When I got my certificate 8 years ago I thought i was joining up with a bunch of blokes that wanted to fly aeroplanes (WTF does that word come with a red underscore?) as simply as possible , to stay far away from complex regulations. If I had wanted to meet with and socialise with GA pilots I would have joined something else. So why don't you blokes go and form a society for the adoration of G.A. And let Recreational pilots have the enjoyment of flying as unregulated as possible?....................
  14. The thread has wandered a fair bit. Don't you think? .... The answer to the original post is fairly clear. The gentleman in question bought the wrong aircraft for what he wanted to do. A mistake that can be rectified with money! Either flog it and get the right one ( cheaper? ) . Or pay someone else to do what he wants. ( certainly not cheaper ) I understand and sympathise with his dilemma. But it is easily fixable and shouldn't cause too many problems in doing so. Life's too short
  15. "for the, to date ,worst attack" You jest? You do the people of Nanjing , London, Hamburg, Stalingrad et al. a gross injustice by a factor of 10 to 100....... Maybe, the, to date, worst televised attack ? Otherwise I give your post a huge "agree"
  16. Change its registration to "19" and do what you think is best?
  17. Good on you mate! 70 is the new 65!
  18. Bloody hell , That's why I don't believe I can build an aeroplane , There's just not enough time left (70 next birthday)
  19. I reckon the 777 has gone south west into the southern Indian Ocean and deliberately run out of fuel. The known duration of the flight puts it's end point in or around Khazakstan or out in the ocean and impossible to find. I guess that latter.....
  20. poor bastards onboard.
  21. Looking at all the facts revealed so far. The only thing I can imagine that fits those known facts is a person topping themselves or defecting and taking everyone else with them. The fact that the transponder went off, the fact aircraft changed direction after the transponder wnet offline and the fact of zero radio contact. 5 hours flying time is being reported as we speak , but I don't believe that , yet..... Were it a bomb someone would have seen the fire in the sky....Looks to me like a deliberate disappearing act....
  22. The biplane in question has a Rotec motor fitted. Chances are it has a Rotec throttle body too. These are sprung neither open nor closed. The throttle slide is controlled by a solid 1.6 mm or so wire in a flexible tube. VERY unlikely to break. Should it break then your only option is to push the throttle to full open.....................But having said that I am very sorry for the pilot and his lovely aeroplane. I hope it is not too badly damaged.
  23. Can I copy yours?.............It just doesn't make sense. Someone with the intent of carrying out a terrorist act is not going to copy an ASIC card? Really?...............If it's a home grown chappie with murderous intent just get one legally Just don't tick the box which asks "Are you a terrorist"
  24. I wonder what went wrong with the landing? The pic shows the aeroplane down on all three wheels, I would have thought that the biplane would have stopped pretty quickly with that stiff northerly blowing. Plus the BUSY Mornington _ Tyabb road was closed , thus not so busy
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