Quote..................We all complain about being regulated, or living in 'nanny states' etc. however, we continually prove that we need regulation and big brother watching because we behave like imbeciles otherwise. We cannot handle booz, road rules, drugs and a million other things. Imagine if there was no CASA or RAAus. Good God, pilots would be killing themselves and others through their own stupidity, ignorance and crap attitudes.
This is, of course true, Until all the total Fufwits have done away with themselves and we can all go on with our own business in peace....You just cant take the idiot of of some people, you certainly cannot regulate it. No matter however many rules you make and enforce by fines. Some people just don't care, and if they don't care you cannot touch them....You can only fine people that have money. Those that have none you cannot reach...................................... CASA and RAA should get it through their thick regulating heads that a percentage of pilots will do stupid, drunk or drugged things and kill themselves and anybody stupid enough to get in with them. You CANNOT stop it....If a pilot listens to good teaching and good advice, GREAT, He will live on to be a good pilot, IF he is a dickhead he will do whatever he wants and maybe kill himself as a consequence. Good luck with that. Who are you to to tell him what he must or must not do. Look after your own skills......The nutter will kill himself whatever you say....