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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. With regret I report the death of my good friend, pilot, racing car driver and all round good bloke.Werner Bekker. On Saturday/Sunday last. He was a pioneer in the early days and a paraplegic for 25 years...God rest his soul.
  2. I too have a Jodel. Melbourne Central pick me up easily.
  3. No that's not so. Try Ian Loveridge or Danny from the flying school. I don't have his number handy you'll have to google the flying school. He doesn't regulate the hangar, but he knows who does...Nothing to do with the helicopters or the parachuters.
  4. no, they are experts in regs. generally. They will know what to use, I believe they had their own made. I never had a failure from any of their bits in 20 years.
  5. have a look at the wires of the alternator, If they are "glossy" probably ok, If they look at all burnt or look as if they have been hot, it will probably be cactus ( technical term for kaput)
  6. sorry I didn't look too closely, rings, valves and gaskets should not be more than 600 bucks or so. Plus a hundred+ for the hone and maybe K liners I'll fit them for $300. I'll strip and rebuild the whole motor for a grand or so....Have a look at Pickles, a 2012 R1200 GS, well smashed will probably go for $6-7g (I was buying bikes at auction for my business for the last 15 years) The GS will return quite a lot in spare parts. But there are always a few to chose from, you may have to wait a bit....
  7. Not so at all, Because of the new "Written off vehicle register" that operates country wide MOST damaged motorcycles are written off never to be re-registered. There is a glut of good late model engines available, you have to buy the whole wreck though. You may also have to buy a rocker cover or so. Look at Mannheim Auctions or Pickles Motorcycle salvage, If that is too dear for you go to the states and get one for half what you may pay here.....There is one on ebay as we speak, R1150 engine undamaged the complete wreck for $1700 ONO. Check under adrenalinpb I will be seeing the dealer Saturday I will look at it if you like... Especially as it includes everything, you may also have enough bits left over to get the cost back completely. .I would say that was cheap enough wouldn't you?
  8. any updates or news for us?
  9. not adjustable Chinese unit (in the unkindest way) Check with City Auto Electrics in Melbourne, ( Motorcycle electric specialists, Real experts!)
  10. There is a German company that converts BMW boxers, Take-off gmbh. I believe they claim 112hp @ 6800 or so, from the 1150. Maybe you can buy all the bits and supply an engine yourself. Engines are cheap and plentiful. They can easily handle the work......................Later. I checked . R1200 =75kw @7200 was it 72kgs ? ...Looks from the site that the individual parts are available
  11. Ok I'm sure nobody else read that...I don't know how to PM....The avmap is on its way......Geoff
  12. That is so kind of you. I have had a look inside and it is a silver oxide batt. about the size of a shilling..It appears to be fixed in some way... I can send it if you wouldn't mind having a look for me. I have to send my radio to Microair as well so I can do both in one trip to the PO.......Would you be so kind as to PM me an address?.....Thanks again....Geoff
  13. the same will happen with Chinese manufacturing as happened with Japanese manufacturing in the early sixties. It was know as Jap Crap then. (Ridiculous, I know, I bought a Yamaha YDS3 in '65 and blew all my mates into the weeds) People Will find out, and they will be converted.................
  14. I would have thought that someone could have done:black eye: this for a price....Never mind I'll do it myself.................
  15. That's a better pic with the crank fitted. Great, short stiff crank. Now , the "cylinder " part will acommodate the pistons so will be 2 x stroke + length long with a spigot sticking out at each end....? Have a slot? in the middle to form the combustion chamber, Thats going to be one hell of a "squish" effect! Ingenious. Has this been done before ? Uneven heating might be an issue? Going to look really odd.
  16. Looks great, minimum of excess material, i can't see "head gasket surface?" is there a bit missing that would form combustion chamber?
  17. My Avmap ('bout 5 years old ) keeps losing all the settings. I know there is a battery inside. Is anyone here capabable of replacing it? AVMap will do the job (for a price) but the postage/time is a killer!...
  18. http://www.vija-engines.com. try this one ..................looks delicious....
  19. being produced as we speak. French company, looks very competent...they leave the clutch in an some gears too
  20. I'm out of the bike world now so I haven't kept up with develpments.....But the trend has always been bigger, lighter and more powerful.
  21. of course, some of the longer winded models had (have) 5 valves per cyl....
  22. yes 90kg, of course. There is an almost new wrtten off 750 Guzzi on "Pickles" go get yourself an engine
  23. While browsing I saw a Suzuki GSX1400 engine mod being used in France. Redrive on the l/h side ( driven from the output shaft) Looked the duck's guts. Not hugely heavy and about 115hp. You could also use the hyabusa @ 160hp? I didn't ask but maybe the redrive only is available. With the VIC Roads and others WOVR stupidity going on all around the country you can get a nearly new M/C engine for a few hundred bucks.. Same with Beemers and Take off.................
  24. "CASA is NOT going to accept 'monopoly' status for our activities for an organisation that is changing its key personnel faster than a whore changes her underpants" I think you're being unkind to working girls
  25. Did he jump or was he pushed?
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