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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. Quote.............." OR is the proposal to cut the feed to the buzz bar?" ...............Yes certainly. There are two solenoids, One for the starter.....Then one for everything, the everything solenoid is mounted as close to the battery as practicable, if it is the same rating or higher than the starter one then the likelyhood of contacts welding are very slim. To get into ANY trouble with this arrangement you would have to have an emergency, plus have the contacts weld themselves shut at the previous switch-on......If you think that this might happen to you then don't buy any lottery tickets.... The "master " solenoid is operated by an earthing wire (switch or key ) ...The "master " plus comes from the battery, (close to the solenoid, remember) This way when you switch off. Everything is off but for 3 or 4 inches of battery lead. About as safe as it can be.................
  2. That is so gorgeous. The epitome of recreational aircraft............And not a million quid to build either
  3. I dont know how to link a page. But I used this one.......................LAMAR SOLENOID 12 VOLT (X61-0028)......
  4. Salmson produced a whole swag of water cooled radials. Appear to have been quite successful. I think they barked up the wrong tree. Why would you put up with all that round engine frontal drag and then not use it?
  5. geoffreywh

    New 3300

    There's enough room for under engine (updraft) carburation if only they would dry sump the motor. The other cure, fuel injection has been ruled out ........but I suppose that a whole different story. On the other hand a certain Mordialloc based machining company makes Heads, Carb, Ignition and Alternator for the flat six. Why not the whole hog? Copy the good bits of Jabiru, discard the bits that don't work...What a ripper that might be.............
  6. I was surfing this evening and I saw a website related to new radial engines..Eastern European, I don't know how far they have progressed but there are short video's on Youtube , Have a look at Verner Scarlett, 3, 5 and 7 cylinder radials, the 7 advertised as 90kgs? / 130hp. and approx 11500 Euro. May be early days yet?
  7. geoffreywh

    New 3300

    ahh, that must be the reason then. Automobile related.Not power related..........The motorcycle engines that I know of don't ever do that. Not ever. If the intake is cooled to achieve better density, then it follows that the density achieved is lost when you heat the mixture so why cool it in the first place. On my 0-200/TBI I made a cool air (chin) intake and went to a lot of trouble to keep the mixture as cool as possible until it entered the cylinder ( Colder air = denser air= higher inertia= better cylinder filling) Goes like the clappers and runs very well in a very lean state...I hope it help the Jab 6....
  8. geoffreywh

    New 3300

    funny that you would make the intake chamber (which needs to be very cool to make max power ) part of the sump,( which is hot)? Or maybe they want to cool the oil with incoming gas??? I wouldn't....But it shows some one is thinking...
  9. geoffreywh

    Latest Jab chat

    You know that for a fact? When I had a motorcycle shop I didn't make bugger all on servicing, The service dept supported ( and enhanced) the motorcycle sales. That's where the money was. I would bet that if Jabiru could give away servicing and keep all the folk in the workforce busy with new airframe and engine sales they would.....
  10. geoffreywh

    Latest Jab chat

    Then fit an electronic ignition with a knock sensor! My wife's 1999 car has it. How hard is that? The problem goes away.Maybe performance will suffer, but no more broken bolts..That may be simplistic , but goodness me, do something before someone dies......... The Jab engine is VERY good in most respects but woeful in others...There doesn't seem to be a guiding hand on the tiller.............
  11. geoffreywh

    Latest Jab chat

    Why all the speculation about a twin???? On and on it goes. What's it got to do with R.A.A.? Nothing at all that's what..................Speculate , if you will , about how to get more reliability into the present singles!................. Quote "Camshaft lobe and follower face wear are pretty much eliminated" Yes, they are , I never heard of Jabiru engines suffering from premature cam lobe/follower wear, did you? MOST other engines put up with sliding contact, even very, very hot ones (hot as in high performance) that run 20,000 plus rpm...Never did see any undue wear there.......There was the Lycoming issue of course, but there the cam was placed very high and invited trouble... Please forget the silly twin.....
  12. geoffreywh

    Latest Jab chat

    The roller lifter addition is a bit odd. ( It's NOT roller rocker) I can't see why they would spend lots of time and money developing something with so little return for effort? There are other places that would benefit from development with much better results.................... How about an alternator that puts out 20amp.( so you can runs glass panel and radio whilst taxying) ......Through bolts and studs that don't break............. A fuel system that has even distribution........... A sump that holds more oil.......... A longer dipstick ( not a screw in stick) ...The hollow pushrod and pressure fed rocker addition was such a good improvement ( It made the engine just like EVERY other one I ever saw)....I think that their priorities are misguided.........I could go on ( and often do)
  13. Back to the thread..................There is redundancy in the D - motor systems. Both ignition and the fuel injection. You would have to have a double pump failure or a double ignition and/or double battery failure to bring the aircraft down. Which is a better situation than I/we have now, So long as they don't start breaking through bolts? The fact is, that you are statistically, FAR more likely to run out of fuel than you are having a double pump or ignition failure. Modern systems.....Good on yer...
  14. two pumps each with its own power source. I don't think so. My crummy Mitsubishi has run now for 11 years with nary a miss....And don't give me any bull about 75% power. The pump doesn't care.. Although if they were direct injection pumps that might be another story. I fly around on two mags...Both 50 plus years old... I like the odds on the pumps lasting longer
  15. You have to wonder what they were thinking. Obviously not taking flying too seriously... It looks to me like they were trying to land on 19 and made a dogs dinner of the approach. Steep turns, close to the ground, slow (approach?) speeds, you would marvel if the aeroplane DIDN'T crash. HF didn't save either of them and one being an instructor? How can you train against rank stupidity? I am VERY aware of approach speeds . Low and slow near the ground is dangerous...So are crossed controls! Read "Stick and Rudder".....
  16. Quote "Here's a question will a dirty battery terminal,a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse stop this engine?" Good question..... I think you'll find that the Ign/Injection will have its own dedicated back up battery. The ECU will certainly have a " limp home mode" .With the weight of a LIFE04 battery these days I would expect at least 2 hours flight time after generator and main battery failure.... I don't think the ignition is self generating ala Rotax..........Which is a pity.
  17. i hope they weren't in the air at the time, other than that What a workplace ! Great looking girl too.
  18. I got the 6" pneumatic Matco tail wheel from Aircraft Spruce. Very light, together with the ally mount (single sided). Had it on the Jodel for about 3 years now, Works terrific and about 75%% lighter than the solid rubber one I had from Scott. I got a spare tyre and tube with it , not used yet...
  19. Brilliant. What a good statute. We could so use that here. It reminds me of when I was a kid. You took responsibility for yourself and your own safety. I fell out of a farmers tree once, getting conkers. He took me home, injured but not badly, and I got a clip round the ear from my mum. Nowadays she would have sued him for allowing me onto his property. Really! (plus called him a pedofile for putting me in his car......)
  20. Thanks for the link. There's nothing in there that would prevent the members from knowing undisputed facts of a claim. ie: what happened............ Speculation on why the claimant is claiming may be "in camera" while the case is " sub judice" LOL......I love Latin....WE SHOULD know about claim against us... It's (partially) my money at risk...................and I wish I had my registration. After 8 weeks ,many phone calls , texts , emails and promises, still nothing..................Makes you wonder what is going on?
  21. The lone Ranger was riding across the prairie with his companion Tonto, when, suddenly Tonto leaps from his horse and presses his ear to the ground and mutters" UGH" ...." What is it Tonto" cries the Lone Ranger worriedly. "Buffalo Come" says Tonto with a grimace. "How do you know that " asks The Lone Ranger. Tonto replies" Sticky Face"
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  22. Thank you for the guidance. I read wikipedia and saw how the concept originated and has been expanding ever since. But WHY can't I discuss a case you say is upcoming? I have seen this type of thing written before. "A case is before a court so we had better not talk about it"....I have no unreasonable interest in the outcome, I have freedom of speech. I can discuss whatever I want.....For example, I read in the new Sport Pilot that there are now 3 claims against The RAA. I would like to know what they are. Who they are and the circumstances of the claims. I am a member of the organisation that is being sued. Why should I NOT know? Why should we ALL not know. Obviously SOME of the members know. Why can't we ALL know?
  23. Of Course, The tragedy of the carbon monoxide poisoning is heartbreaking....I would not know how to deal with that. Either emotionally or as a defendant. I can imagine that the mother's life is ruined, so probably is the house owner's How do you appropriate blame? Glad I don't sit on the bench at that one....
  24. Well yes (In NZ) . The tractor passenger can claim compensation. But not from the driver............. Whilst the Driver has a "duty of care" placed upon him. equally does the passenger agree to ride (at his own risk) and has a responsibility to look after his own arse. But the issue remains the same. Someone falls over on a wet floor and before you can say "no win no fee". you have a court case on your hands. Why can't the person look where they're going?????? ...............It all translates perfectly to aviation. There are court cases all over the place where injured passengers are suing pilots and relatives of dead pilots are suing everybody they can think of....How the hell in a sane world can the RAA be liable for a grown man's decisions? He got in the aeroplane, nobody forced him, if his training was not up to scratch it is still his decision to take off, its up to the pilot/driver/diver/whatever to make sure they have enough skill to undertake and assess the risks they are accepting.... ............ The "Nanny State" encourages this flight to litigation. I don't agree with it at all......
  25. The ACCC would cover the costs. .Much like the T.A.C.'s "No Fault" system............ But.....Getting on a tractor (single seated? ) whist legally drunk with a possibly drunk driver...(read the bit about illegal activity! ) ............. Why should you get ANYTHING?....It's that kind of thinking that has fostered the plethora of ambulance chasers that we now live with............ I don't understand how the liability can be placed at anyone else's doorstep except your own. ..It's your neck and you stuck it out.......Why on earth can't people take responsibility for their actions? . end of rant, sorry...................
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