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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. well they didn't spend a whole lot on rocker cover design!
  2. Ok, I see............. I thought that RAA being RAA would check the aircraft's Maximum Carrying Capacity and make sure that it's not able to go overweight. But of course that wont work because people's weight varies. I stand corrected.
  3. If you have the fuel capacity you can bet RAA will want to have full tanks included in your AUW. Saying "I don't fill them up, so I'm not overweight" may not work....My tank capacity is 140 ltrs. I NEVER fly with full tanks, what's the point in carrying fuel you are not going to use ( outside mandatory reserve , of course). But Hey it's all about Bex's aeroplane, maybe there will be a choice of tank capacity?. Us city/coastal folks can fit alternative systems? Cheers, G
  4. I watched the Oratex Video. It's just like covering a model but much larger. and much less messy than the fabrics. A bit of practice would be a good idea though.
  5. Not Ridiculous. I said it was a good place to start.............. I'm not sure what wing chord or profile thickness you're going to use, but 2 x 35 ltrs is quite a bag (wing) full ............Don't forget it's an alloy wing, not a glass wet one. AND you're going to go overweight, of that I'm certain. ie: 140 kilos of fuel, tanks, pumps and taps. 200 kgs of people 100 kgs of engine and ancillaries. 25 kgs of baggage. That's 465. so, 135kgs for airframe, u/c, wheels and instruments? Good luck. ( This is, of course an exageration, but you can see what I mean. What you want is not the same as what you need)
  6. Saying No, is so much less trouble than Saying Yes. An affirmative opens the MD to all sorts of questions. Whereas a simple NO relieves him/her of ANY liability. Why would anyone say that you're ok to fly? Who wants to get sued.
  7. How about bladder tanks in the wing roots, So how much fuel are we going to carry?, My bladder ( human one) can go 3 hours easy. But I find concentration diminishing in rough weather at about that time. 3 hours at 20 ltrs per hour (500kms?) + reserve, so 75 ltrs should be a good place to start? 3 x Bladder tanks, wings and underseat. Although I do like the header tank and gravity feed as I now have. Much less reliant on fuel pump/s. So 2 x 25 ltr. flexitanks and a 30 ltr. rigid header. one pump on the cockpit floor and a left / right/off tap . After some research "Fleximake" look nicest. but 40ltr is the smallest, oh well! you dont have to fill it right up? Glad that's sorted.
  8. I had a 22 degree bend put in two 1 meter lengths of 4130 steel tube (41.3mm) set up costs ? ....................How about $400.+ $120 for the bends. ! I felt throughly shafted........Stay away From "A Bending"
  9. ALL the world's rugby (union and league) players are then, according to their neck sizes and BMI's, obese. Who will be the first to tell them? Not me.
  10. That's all very interesting, Will the engine be matched to the XPB?
  11. The port work on the Datsun head is just lovely. How did he get it as good as that? I see what you mean Bex. A bloke like that could probably increase the efficency of the Jab head but would not allow the inlet system that the Jab has. It is just wrong.
  12. Positive Crankcase Ventilation, a one way valve, (think ball in a tube) a means of ensuring that the crankcase is subject to negative pressure. Some cars had a tube (engine breather) connected to the air cleaner lid.
  13. I really hope it's as good as it looks, The overheating problems should now cease. Good Luck Jabiru.
  14. Looks like the maintenance shedule for an electric aeroplane could be written on a sheet of toilet paper....Probably need a laptop too.
  15. Too true, It's a shame they didn't put the cooling ribs on the inside where they belong
  16. Unfortunately the inlet tract and carb appears to remains the same, so the mixture distribution may be still compromised , otherwise it seems to be a great leap forward. Lets also hope that the oil resevoir is a little bigger, oh yeah and the rocker bushes have a greater oil flow to them. And that the generator is not the same "on the end of the crank" affair. Oh dear! what am I saying? Ally barrels do not a new engine make.....
  17. I would expect the manufacturer to go thru' the engine with a fine tooth comb to clear his name of any fault, and to lay any blame at the door of the modifier
  18. Bex wrote "You mean a VW drag racing style block with separate main caps" One can only hope..
  19. I thought it was "Ming" that was merciless?
  20. Rotax 912Uls retails for about $26K, ignition and oil tank included... PLUs 800 for barrel cowl, , 1300 (?) for exhaust Then you'll want the Honeywell oil pressure kit (600) Oil and water radiators ?, maybe 4 to 5 hundred. So, not much change out of $30,000.. Lets compare apples with apples....
  21. AGM batteries have the best energy density, generally available, some sort of development of lead/acid........... A??? Glass Mat
  22. I was at Tooradin that morning and a Bristell was doing circuits, (as they often do) that may well have been the unfortunate one! Clyde is a huge housing development just down the road, surrounded by open fields, it's all flat, open and soft ground.
  23. That looks a whole lot neater than beating the shapes out of alu. over a wooden dolly!...But you mentioned the wing tip shape??
  24. The Miles thing was not a real request. Really....
  25. how about nice trousered legs as the Miles aircraft? You don't see that very much anymore. If at all? ......Gotta be less drag than anything else?
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