So here is the whole story. Updating the 3300 engine to hydraulic lifters after top end failure ( shattered/broken rings, sticking valves, worn guides, burnt valves, badly worn cylinders, galled rocker shafts ) I find that the (new) valve/ lifter combination has insufficient clearance with the lifters empty.( Everybody checks this right?) Seats VERY lightly cut....... A call to Rod and find this is not unusual. Solution is to shorten the valves (They DO NOT have hardened welded on tips, what nonsense is this?) The shortening is quite usual among engine builders There is a special jig on my Warren Brown valve grinder for this very purpose....The shortening does alter the valve/rocker relationship, BUT by such a small margin I think it would be difficult to measure. Plus other factors will probably stop the engine BEFORE any additional wear will make its presence felt...Like I said the rocker shafts were galled to hell and back in 240 hours. ( HOW does a bush get "splash" lubrication ? answer, it doesn't) .THat wear alone will alter the valve/rocker angle relationship!....Later I hear that there may now be shorter pushrods....I work on the engine with MORE than 50 years of documented aircooled (endurance/ speedway/ drag racing ), engine building experience so Dont tell grandad how to suck eggs....I believe that the engine components are from water cooled engines running in an air cooled environment ,s so many of the clearances are too tight . As an aside I only chose to change to hydraulic lifters to get the positive rocker feed.....Solid lifters are much more appropriate as any noticed change in the clearance will be identified before its too late.....PM me if you want to know how I got the 3300 to work reliably. Geoff
P.S. I believe that the engine people at Jabiru are struggling with a whole swag of problems mainly due to overheating. They are curing the problems but it is taking a LONG time..When it's running properly it's a Great Engine.