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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. friday at 1700 hrs ..The site is not working, which is a pain as I'll need to know the forecast tomorrow early!
  2. I've got one on the left aileron hanging down. 'plane now doesn't roll right. Never made any difference who was in the cockpit with me or how much I had in either of the wing tanks....What's the problem?
  3. The picture of the welding on the front leg support is shocking. Bloody amateurish work. You cannot trust ANY weld on the whole aircraft, all will need grinding off and re-welding. Lots of luck......By the way ....is this aircraft of the type that has been grounded in the U.S. ???
  4. Mine has always done this "green light and signal that cannot be squelched out" Mostly around Coldstream and the North. But not always...I assumed t that it was just a bad radio transmission from the ground sending "white noise" . Now I know what it is I shall be very pleased to get it fixed! Cheers!
  5. er? don't quote me but I remember it at $9.40 per qt.
  6. available at Moorabbin, i get my Exxon Elite15w50 at the same place...Funnily enough it's at the Mobil refueling place..Geoff
  7. I read that there will be Mogas transport, is that to fetch fuel from town.or will it be brought to the airfield? .Will there be containers for rent or borrow? I dont really want to take 2 x 25ltr containers with me...even one will limit my baggage more than I want....Any ideas?...Thanks , Geoff.....................Just read the first page..oops silly me....
  8. Re: "I've been driving for almost 4 years and have had maybe 3 accidents"...................bloody hell mate! I've been on the road just short of 50 and yet to have a blameworthy RTC (road traffic crash as there are no "accidents") and that's mainly on motorcycles! I did have one stupid :censored:run up the back of my Merc at the lights a few years ago....But that's the only one... I have always driven/ridden with the motto " drive the car-drive the car-drive the car !" If you're having crashes then you are not paying close enough attention!...."A car pulled out in front of me" is not an excuse for running into the offender. Do that on a bike and see how much it hurts!...Watch the edge of the road, turnings, people's actions INSIDE their tin boxes. I even check when crossing an intersection WITH the green..(saved my life once, that did)....Yes I know what you mean about speeding fines...."Speed kills" What absolute bullXXXX, by that token everyone in Europe should be dead by now.With the limit at 150 in many places..... speed doesn't Kill...........Idiots Kill....inattention Kills....stupid behaviour kills...good luck with the next 45 years!..Geoff
  9. The letter in question is from a manufacturer and is subject of an AD (airworthiness Directive) and thus is closely related to LAW. It should bloody well be correct or are we dealing with analfabetic amateurs? You can't just "suppose" what you think they meant by it. It must be taken as written. Pathetic!
  10. whomsoever told you about "dryness" of AVGAS needs to be totally ignored if you know what's good for you. What a crock....
  11. Have a look at the GST website . It SPECIFICALLY states:- > DO NOT ADVERTISE > One component part of the price, plus an unspecified amount, e.g. ‘$500 plus GST’ .....DO NOT ADVERTISE A price with an asterisk qualifier in a non-prominent place, separate from the headline print, detailing additional compulsory amounts payable, e.g. ‘$500*’...I don't care if the mag goes overseas or not...My objections stand..
  12. That was illegal....
  13. Reading the new RAA magazine again this morning I notice an increase in adverts quoting prices as ( for example the Pioneer ad. ) $112,000 + gst. This type of price quoting almost certainly breaches the Trade Practices Act. There are Govt. guidelines for advertising and pricing. The price you are going to pay is $112,000 + 10%. That is $123,200. The Govt. GST website strictly forbids this type of pricing. Personally I hate it. You are always going to pay the GST Inclusive amount, so why not state what the end price is going to be. The GST is not an "extra" it is INCLUDED. Some lucky buggers can claim it back, but it is always going to be paid in the first place.....Are the advertisers trying the old "bait and switch" technique ? Get the customer in the door and signed up at the less gst price, then at the checkout pull the price switch to the gst included price? I suppose it is up to the mag. to make sure that the advertising they place is couched in legal terms....I shall be writing to them as well...Geoff
  14. spot deliberate mistake? Watch out for page 8! first paragraph. (IN MY OPINION) It is TOTALLY wrong. I Do EMPTY CARBs of mogas. As mogas evaporates it will leave behing a greenish goo! ! With the fuel tap left on the evaporated fuel is constantly being replaced, thus the goo builds up to an astonishing extent. I have NEVER been able to find a solvent for this goo. Consequently I have thrown away MANY sets of motorcycle carbs. (Unless of course I'm reading the paragraph wrong?). I run my 0-200 on mogas but stop the engine by turning off the fuel tap and let the engine stop through starvation. No Problemo.................I have edited this post as there is an AD that covers the letter to which this reply is directed.. Let me say That I would NEVER leave mogas in a carb for ANY length of time...Certainly not with the fuel left on........Be Warned.
  15. What on earth is "Engine :- a few thousand every few years" all about? Average RAA pilot hours are somewhere around 50 hours per year.....It's going to take more than "a few years" to wear one out...There are many L2 maintanance people around that don't cost a million quid per hour..........Think about where you're going to hangar it....Are there ANY hangars available at ANY cost .(eighty bucks a week ,although a LOT of money, is not unusual!)!.If I could choose my aeroplane again I would get a wing folding type..and a trailer...G
  16. stroker? Looks like a supercharged fourstroke to me....and the blurb mentions " dry sump lubrication" Nice engine but why? there are so many in that class....
  17. tractor I have the bottom half of an electric wheelchair..New , no seat. 6 wheels 2 wheel drive (10? inch mid wheel drives) I know where I can get a joystick controller....would just need tow attachment. Geoff
  18. make sure that the throttle arm is coming up against the stop on the carb. and not hanging on the cable. I have seen aircraft from the factory where the idle has been set by the length of the inner cable and not by the throttle stop. The end result is that by pulling hard on the handle in the cockpit you can stop the engine.
  19. the proper way to reduce power would be to fit a smaller choke carburettor....
  20. Hi Marcus, There are plenty of Jabirus that live outdoors,plus I expect that our summer sun causes as much damage as your winter weather?.. It will have to be covered. Completely if possible. There are covers available. Good luck. G
  21. I paste here a letter I sent to the RAA mag. (it may not get published) it concerns all of us to some extent.. I was recently involved in a VCA (Violation of Controlled Airspace) I won’t go into too many details except that it involved. Bad planning, Bad weather and Bad food. What I wanted to comment on here was the reaction of CASA. I expected to be booted out of the air at least. I was devastated. Reality was far from that, The rep I spoke to was helpful and understanding. The main concern of CASA seemed to be “How can we prevent this from happening again?” The person I spoke with required that I do some reading, namely The A.I.P. (Aeronautical Information Publication) Great reading, I wish I had read it before! Have a look. What I gleaned from it was. The Radar operators that work the areas around our main airports are NOT the “Airways Police” I understood from many RAA members to “Keep your head down and say nothing” and “Don’t get involved with them.” (Meaning Melbourne Radar) Nothing is further from the truth! If only I had asked for assistance I would not have accidentally flown into controlled airspace. It would have been so easy. I didn’t ask because I thought that they were only concerned with RPT and GA traffic. Why would they talk to me? I don’t talk to them. Well they would have, and it would have helped me out of a difficult, possibly dangerous, situation. It was a stupid attitude that I had picked up. I have , on two occasions since, heard Melbourne Radar mention me whilst talking to GA traffic. “Unidentified VFR Traffic on your route” ect., ect. Now I speak up and tell them my height and intentions. A radar return can’t tell the operator either of those bits of information. I was approaching a Parachute drop zone and I heard the radar operators concern about “Unidentified VFR aircraft approaching the zone” All it took was a 5 second reply from me saying that I knew what was going on. They don’t want to hear your life’s story! But if you know it’s you they are talking about at least acknowledge that. Speak up. Don’t be afraid they are not the police!.... Geoff Higgins
  22. If you were to watch the Humphrey Bogart film "Sahara" (A war film set in the desert) you see his mate working on a tank engine and firing it up, unmistakably a radial, lying flat under the floor. I believe it was a Continental .The tank was a Sherman, Bloody tall for a tank.....
  23. If you want increased efficiency you might be better off looking at tuned length exhaust rather than thrust from warm air
  24. vfr route maps. try this one.....it is the AIP website, I found it while pondering "avoiding a VCA" ! I tried the link , Works fine.....
  25. Have a look in the AIP website, there are great VFR route maps hidden there. A VTC chart is ok but not anywhere near detailed enough...They are hidden under "Visual Pilot Guides" Then click "Melbourne" It's a PDF file and I don't know how to post a link to it....... I just printed out the western route maps...Just essential if you are going that way around Melbourne. Gives really detailed information, what to say to Melbourne Radar ect.....Also negotiating Moorabbin, Gives EXACTLY where you are supposed to be and what to say and who to say it to.... I am so pleased as I go that way a lot...and I have been doing things wrong! Should have been shown to me by instructors!.....Have a peek.
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