I paste here a letter I sent to the RAA mag. (it may not get published) it concerns all of us to some extent..
I was recently involved in a VCA (Violation of Controlled Airspace) I won’t go into too many details except that it involved. Bad planning, Bad weather and Bad food. What I wanted to comment on here was the reaction of CASA. I expected to be booted out of the air at least. I was devastated. Reality was far from that, The rep I spoke to was helpful and understanding. The main concern of CASA seemed to be “How can we prevent this from happening again?” The person I spoke with required that I do some reading, namely The A.I.P. (Aeronautical Information Publication) Great reading, I wish I had read it before! Have a look. What I gleaned from it was. The Radar operators that work the areas around our main airports are NOT the “Airways Police” I understood from many RAA members to “Keep your head down and say nothing” and “Don’t get involved with them.” (Meaning Melbourne Radar) Nothing is further from the truth!
If only I had asked for assistance I would not have accidentally flown into controlled airspace. It would have been so easy. I didn’t ask because I thought that they were only concerned with RPT and GA traffic. Why would they talk to me? I don’t talk to them. Well they would have, and it would have helped me out of a difficult, possibly dangerous, situation. It was a stupid attitude that I had picked up.
I have , on two occasions since, heard Melbourne Radar mention me whilst talking to GA traffic. “Unidentified VFR Traffic on your route” ect., ect. Now I speak up and tell them my height and intentions. A radar return can’t tell the operator either of those bits of information. I was approaching a Parachute drop zone and I heard the radar operators concern about “Unidentified VFR aircraft approaching the zone” All it took was a 5 second reply from me saying that I knew what was going on. They don’t want to hear your life’s story! But if you know it’s you they are talking about at least acknowledge that. Speak up. Don’t be afraid they are not the police!....
Geoff Higgins