Well, I received a nice invitation from Avalon Airshow inviting me to partake in the "round the bays" tour... I would have loved to go, but I was excluded from attending as I had no Transponder Or so I thought. I emailed Mick Jennings and told him I was disappointed in not being able to attend.. I got this email back from him just now...I attach it here.
Thanks for your e-mail...sorry for the delay in replying.
I have checked with our Operations Manager re your situation etc and he
has confirmed that you can attend Avalon 2009 even with the restrictions
you noted. Airservices Australia has given blanket dispensation for
RAAus aircraft to fly in and out of Avalon for the event by following
set patterns in and out(details can be found on our website,
www.airshow.com.au under the 'Flying In' segment). Therefore, if you
would like to join us as per our invite you are more than welcome.
As for the Round the Bay Regatta, I still have to do some more
investigations as we are not sure if the dispensation extends that far.
I will however chase this up and advise you as soon as I know.................. So from the horses mouth you CAN attend Avalon without having a transponder fitted.. Very contrary to the (mis) information on this subject on this forum.......make of it what you will, I'm going.....