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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. I am modifying a 230 to use air operated throttle. I'm having issues with uneven friction in the original system. Having a look inside the engine bay revealed that the distance between the end of the throttle cable adjuster and the butterfly operating lever on the carb is about 30mm at its closest point. As the butterfly lever moves through an arc the cable rubs REALLY badly on the end of the threaded adjuster at mid throttle. Much less rubbing takes place at full or closed throttle. My question is :- are all sixes like this or is it just the one I am working on?.................It's going to rub through some wires eventually. As the cable is about 3.5 mm or more thick it will take some time...Can anybody have a look at theirs for me? Thanks, Geoff
  2. I was at Tyabb airfield yesterday and I saw an announcement from the Peninsula Aero Club that Sunday the 1st of March was "Open Day" Apparently all the warbirds plus vintage/veteran aircraft will be dragged out. To fly or just inspect I'm not certain, but will probably be weather dependent.
  3. I forgot to mention, take a look at the "stepper motor" broad sweep gauges, that means more accuracy and the scale is much bigger, 270 degrees rather than the normal 90 degrees
  4. nice range Just Jap Auto Imports :: Manufacturers :: Autogauge
  5. why on a 4cylinder aircraft engine does in cost 30 or 40k?? :big_grin: It doesn't......................... you're looking in the wrong country. The problems is, I think, called "economies of scale"
  6. Well, I ride a motorcycle (for 48 years) AND I fly an aeroplane and I don't intend to die doing either. If you take what you are doing seriously then you wont get hurt. ( AND my wife is pregnant!) On the road you have to know everyone is out to kill you. In the air gravity takes over that task. Its up to you to do your checks, maintain your aircraft and keep watch. ALL the time.....That's why you see so many stupid car crashes, they are not taking driving seriously.....You can't just jump in and go. You HAVE to follow procedures and you will not get caught out...
  7. When I lived in Germany there were motorcycle crash helmets available that were dimpled.( teaspoon sized dimples) . I saw independent tests that showed they required less neck effort to turn the head in a 150kph wind (funny how at 150kph you can be a law abiding citizen in Germany and a antisocial bloody murderer here!) Anyway don't get me started. But the headgear caused less pressure on the neck muscles at high speed and were very popular.....
  8. Thanks Brent, I didn't see the distinction between Avalaon and Avalon East. Plus the NOTAM made it appear that I could not attend, Now all is fairly clear and I shall attend via Avalon east Plus the round the bays trip which looks like a good way to have a good time...
  9. Wanted :- Information, not conjecture Yeah, all very well, but if you want to attend you can......restricted area or not. You DO NOT need a transponder. Don't let anyone tell you different....See my post in General Discussion...
  10. Well, I received a nice invitation from Avalon Airshow inviting me to partake in the "round the bays" tour... I would have loved to go, but I was excluded from attending as I had no Transponder Or so I thought. I emailed Mick Jennings and told him I was disappointed in not being able to attend.. I got this email back from him just now...I attach it here. Geoff, Thanks for your e-mail...sorry for the delay in replying. I have checked with our Operations Manager re your situation etc and he has confirmed that you can attend Avalon 2009 even with the restrictions you noted. Airservices Australia has given blanket dispensation for RAAus aircraft to fly in and out of Avalon for the event by following set patterns in and out(details can be found on our website, www.airshow.com.au under the 'Flying In' segment). Therefore, if you would like to join us as per our invite you are more than welcome. As for the Round the Bay Regatta, I still have to do some more investigations as we are not sure if the dispensation extends that far. I will however chase this up and advise you as soon as I know.................. So from the horses mouth you CAN attend Avalon without having a transponder fitted.. Very contrary to the (mis) information on this subject on this forum.......make of it what you will, I'm going.....
  11. very interesting, usually diesels are "compression ignition" but I see you have spark plugs fitted. do you have any consumption figures? as a radial "looking" engine will it stand fitting "out in the wind" and still be visually appealing? The 120hp looks great....
  12. ha ha good luck, I worked with pure ethanol burning engines in speedway. Carb icing will take on a whole new meaning, and your crank is going to love 13 to 1 compression....oh and if there is ever a fire..you wont be able to see it! great stuff ethanol. for speedway.
  13. Sorry to appear so dumb. BUT if I read this correctly then RAA registered aircraft operating without a transponder are excluded from participating in the Avalaon Airshow? I have NO transponder, so can I or can't I?......G
  14. I think the Americans got it right with "Light Sport Aircraft" , no confusion there
  15. Yesterday I was at Tyabb working on the Jodel. I saw the M.M. taxi out,and a couple of hours later heard that he had crashed and died. The import of the accident never really hit home until later, when my wife (who is expecting our first child and was with me at Tyabb), got really upset. I asked what the problem was. She said something like "That could have been you" I assured it could not have been me, and went on to explain why. I think I might have convinced her. BUT the effects of the Mustang crashing will certainly reach beyond the pilot's family and friends and into my life. I has quite distorted my wife's perception of me flying, and that's a shame........So, let's be extra careful. For all our dear partners peace of mind.
  16. If the engine in question is an auto conversion then the max rpm allowable is decided by the piston speed (probably) or the continuing integrity of the rods or valve train. Aviation concepts of cruise at max rpm minus 10% do not apply. If an auto engine's redline is at say, 6000 rpm you can't run it at 5700 and expect it to stay in one piece for too long. Not a thousand hours plus anyway. Probably an auto conversion entails reprofiling the cam and a smaller carb, plus any other mods to bring the max torque to a more usable range. (for Subaru's it's around 4400rpm I believe) This will not be anywhere near max allowable rpm so max allowable rpm and continuous rpm may well be the same.
  17. I had similar thoughts after sitting behind my 0-200 for a while, Luckily commonsense prevailed (reliability is SO comforting) I think it would be easier to build a specific aeroplane for a alternative engine rather than repower an existing airframe. Geoff
  18. There is a large plastic washer either side if the joystick, where it "saddles" the fore and aft part . they are supposed to take up the slop and prevent Alu. to Alu. contact. are they there?
  19. Ha,Ha, No, I wish!...It's a Jodel D11, 2 seat low wing, wood and fabric French design powered by a Continental 0-200. I fly from Tyabb on the Mornington Peninsular....Hi Anyway...Geoff
  20. Ha,Ha, No, I wish!...It's a Jodel D11, 2 seat low wing, wood and fabric French design powered by a Continental 0-200. I fly from Tyabb on the Mornington Peninsular....Hi Anyway...Geoff
  21. Ah, that's the problem, I fitted a fuel flow meter and it NEEDS a fine filter upwind of it, The gascolator will stop water but that's all, The filters are $1.50 so I could renew it weekly. I can't replace the gascolator with a later filtered model without removing the engine! But it's nice knowing you have run ok with a paper filter, Thanks, Geoff
  22. I have just pulled the bottom off my gascolator to give it a clean and I see that it has a flat mesh filter at the top. The size of the mesh will stop marbles and dropped 50cent pieces ect; but filtering it doesn't do!....Can anyone see any reason why I should not fit a paper filter element inside the gascolator? I checked the fuel flow thru' the paper filter and it comfortably flowed 60ltr p.hr. with 300mm head. I tried it again after making the filter wet it reduced the flow somewhat but only by 10% or so. I would prefer a stainless steel filter but can't find one 50mm x 50mm.Any suggestions?
  23. hmmmm. it's 1am and I'm knakkered having just driven 300 kilometers, but I got 0.240 secs. average ( First time,) not bad for 64 years!......Just goes to show what taildraggers do to your reaction times.....
  24. I think that Aviation spruce have VG's for all types, Including Props! Apparently the first third of the prop gets to do some work. Very believable......If the dollar had not crashed then I would have tried some....I used VG's on A/2 Gliders since the early seventies I wouldn't build one without them!....
  25. the book/magazine you are looking for is called "World Directory Leisure Aviation" it lists all ultralights, homebuilts, kits ect.(1500 aircraft) It also lists MTOW....I haven't seen it for sale for a while, ($22.00) but you can borrow mine if you like?...
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