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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. hmmmmm. 93% what does that make me? boring?
  2. Of course! How would a passenger know how to act in an emergency otherwise......
  3. shouldn't that be CO not CO2 ? I didn't think that you could smell CO2? Besides CO is deadly and CO2 is perfectly breathable.....
  4. In my motorcycle shop we often ran into tanks coated with "Kreeme" They did NOT always have a good result..The faults seen were peeling,bubbling and generally looking like crap, when it comes loose at the tank filler neck. (the kreeme) it can be easily peeled from the steel...In the end I contacted a W.A. epoxy manufacturer and they supplied a product that could be poured in warm and sloshed around. Perfect result. Long term too. .....BUT as always preparation was paramount !!!!!!! Was the Kreeme at fault or the acid etch?
  5. if you hear of any spaces available. Lilydale or Coldstream...post me, I know how you blokes stick together....Thanks, Geoff
  6. I use a TIG welder all the time at home. I can oxy/acetelyne weld but it's too difficult to get a very good result. plus you have that long flame playing about.. TIG's are cheap to buy. You need both hands on the torch, or a hand rest for one-handed operation, to get a good result. If you do it, (TIG) get a auto darken weld helmet....... If MIG welding is not forbidden for aviation use then it should be...It's so easy to get a good looking bead with no penetration. There are all sorts of problems with localised heat with MIG. Have a good look at a MIG weld and see that the weld forms a convex fill in a corner. Just right for cracking...TIG is fine ...BUT practice makes better...(not perfect)....
  7. I was browsing through Aircraft Spruce the other day when I saw a "conversion" kit for DC headsets. It changes the headset from PNR to ANR. Has anybody ever tried them? Not cheap but a lot cheaper than new headsets.....
  8. I really wanted to be north of the yarra ranges....
  9. a podcast? is that similar to a wormcast but in a pod?
  10. How about Riddels creek?..
  11. WALLAN IS FINISHED! Somehow the airstrip was the first bit of land to get the bulldozer over it, I wonder why?...When I drove past I saw the whole flood plain. from the hills to the freeway and the only bit being worked on was the airfield site.....Money talks I suppose. But sad nonetheless..................
  12. So with the dearth of hangar space around Melbourne in mind, What does it cost to build a 3 or 4 place hangar? Nothing fancy, just walls and roof, say for two low wing and two high wing aeroplanes, or any combination of these.... Maybe tarmac floor to boot.....Anybody have any idea? What about ground rent or lease costs. One at Lilydale would be nice.................Suggestions anyone?
  13. Hi Debra, Thanks for the foto's The cub is gorgeous! The Jodel can be on the RAA register. It would be quite a bit faster than the cub and a lot more economical too. When I am up your way I'll give you a call................
  14. you can hardly have a better aeroplane than the Jodel, ugly paint notwithstanding! Which model is it... I have a D11....
  15. Then attitudes of people at Coldstream must have changed somewhat. I spoke to a person I thought was the owner a year or so ago about ultralight aeroplanes and he told me in no uncertain terms where to put my plane....What a shame they don't have any hangar space otherwise there might be more R.A.A. people there!
  16. IF you can possibly find ANYWHERE to hangar your aeroplane, count on AT LEAST $1600 p.a. I don't know why but there is always a shortage of hangar space. I must be a poor investment otherwise councils would get into it. Geoff
  17. or cross the bay at Rye/Queenscliff?. I'm open to suggestions............... Geoffrey
  18. what date? and which is the best way from Tyabb? via Port Phillip bay/Williamstown or around the outside north of Melbourne Central? Plus what will the weather be like? Geoff
  19. BOTH!...It takes a couple of weeks for the damage to become evident, then when it starts it slowly get worse until you can only look through it at 90 degrees to the surface. The "crazing" is not very deep but too deep to polish out...
  20. Sorry an omission....Perspex is the trade name for Acrylic while Makrolon (Lexan) is the trade name for Polycarbonate...Geoff
  21. watch out for products containing methylated spirits too. I believe "Windolene" contains it. That will eventually "craze" the surface... Soapy water ONLY..Perspex should be ok with petrol though. I used it for years while making sidecar windscreens. 90 degree bends are easy using a hot air gun,and it keeps the shape. I tried polycarbonate, which doesn't shatter, but it was too difficult to bend. ..............Geoff
  22. Bloody hell! 5 hours? I suppose I could take a one and a half ltr. bottle with me, empty it, then fill it up again so to speak plus hope the cheese sandwiches soak some up? ..I didn't think of running out of oil.....That might well be possible with a new 6 cylinder..With my own 0-200 I barely use any between changes! With regard to the engine. I think that flights might have to be held to 2 or 3 hours maximum...Thanks for the tip...Geoff
  23. Thanks everyone, all the suggested stop have been noted...I am really looking forward to the trip...Geoffrey
  24. Getting to Tyabb It is easy to get to Tyabb, you get on the train at Morrabbin and get off at Tyabb, then 10 minutes walk to the Airfield. Forget getting anywhere else. Too difficult. You have to change trains at Frankston, Just get the times of trains from the 'net. Should take less than an hour. I have done it several times. Tyabb has Gazelles and a 6 cylinder 230 Jabiru. Very reasonable prices. Very skinny and quite long North/South runway..Lots of antiques and ex military aeroplanes. I'm sure you'll like it. If I see you I can practice my German on you!...Geoff
  25. I may, very soon have the opportunity to ferry a J230 from Bundaberg to Mangalore. Can anyone advise on the SAFEST/Easiest route, (Having of course, flown it themselves) I don't need necessarily the quickest. I am NOT in a hurry. I can see it means crossing the Great Dividing Range, but where?...Any "watch out for" points gratefully received.......... Geoffrey
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