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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. Your nearest airfield is TYABB probably an hour's (easy ) drive to get to, on the Mornington peninsular. There are about 5 ultralights for hire. But I don't know about the licence situation...If you are there and see my Blue/White Jodel make yourself known to me and we can go for a squirt.....Geoffrey
  2. Welcome...my instructor at Latrobe Valley has just finished his Lightning (fitted with Jabiru 6)and is in the process of flight testing.Looks bloody lovely!
  3. Some of us have older engines (Continental 0-200)....When I first got my aeroplane It would take a minute to see oil pressure on the mechanical oil pressure gauge. As the engine had (only) 1200 hours on it you would have to assume that the engine was fine..I was not happy with that and changed the oil to a multigrade type (aviation) instead of 50w (with manufacturers approval) Now it take just 30 odd seconds to see the correct pressure on the gauge. The result you get will depend on where the sender is located and if it is an electrical sender or the old capillary tube type... For modern engines 30 sec. is TOO long....for 1950's designs 30 secs is fine...
  4. why don't you drop in and see my mate Werner. He was in at the begining of ultralight flying in Oz. He's been in a w/chair for 20 years, has a lovely (very long) strip near Greytown. Still flies G.A. on good days..Loves visitors.....36.41'46".52 S....144.59'57".27 E......tel: 58562154
  5. In almost 50 years as a motorcycle mechanic motorcycle I NEVER saw anything but needle roller big ends in two stroke engines
  6. If you find where to look please tell me and we'll both know!!! Geoff
  7. I have since heard that the prop was hand made, and the length discrepancy is to do with balance...I have offered it for sale
  8. I had a long chat with Richard Sweetapple, He seems a really nice bloke and very knowledgeable. He is making me a new one!!!!
  9. OK I made up a balancing jig. Prop was perfect ! I have access to a flat table. The prop is dimensionally ALL OVER THE PLACE. One blade is 4 mm longer than the other. blade widths are different although the pitch seems ok. The prop is a Barry Bishton, looks almost unused. Although I think it is 30 years old. So where do I get a good (wood) prop? Are there ANY available in Australia? (70 x 50 ) Continental 0-200??? Thanks Geoff
  10. Ahhh as little as that? Only a few grams.......I will turn up a plug tonight and suspend it from the garage roof see what it looks like. Some tape stuck on will give me an idea of how much weight....Thanks...G
  11. I have just retorqued my 6ft wood prop. I took a lot of trouble getting the blades tracking evenly and was astonished at the reduction in (high speed/revs ) vibration.. Well. I thought, if some is good , more must be better? So I am looking at ways to balance the prop . Static only! Dynamic will be expensive and pointless as I have to retorque the prop quite often (4-6 times a year) ...I read that I can make a plug for the centre hole and suspend the prop. Then if it is out of balance (it will certainly be) WHAT do I use to correct the balance? Lead of course but what method to hold it?...Any help welcome....Geoff
  12. Thanks everyone, It's clear that the instructor was looking for the correct preparation regarding the radio calls and needing permission when active. ....So thanks BRENTC ...Just confirming what I needed to know. We usually fly at 2500ft. or thereabouts depending on conditions and terrain so the 6500 ft reply does not apply (but thanks anyway). I was looking at the R.A.A. website and found only passing reference to CTAF ® procedures. I suppose I was being over cautious and not wanting to miss anything at all. I think that davidh missed the point entirely. The correct procedures for entering and negotiating CTAF ® areas are not obvious to the uninitiated. I think that the instructor looked for me doing a bit of my own research and coming up with the correct actions. .......................Geoffrey
  13. I have on Sunday, what I hope is my last Nav ex.... My instructor, (bless Him) Wants me to fly (dual) into CTAF ® West Sale, So I have asked RAAF friends and Sunday the area is non-active. But what does he want me to discover? Always bearing in mind that he may read this forum? Can I fly across the area (staying under 1500 ft ) or must I follow the corridors? Do I have to request permission to enter or what? Is there something I am missing here....? any advice would be recognised as life saving.. Thanks, Geoffrey
  14. Sadly enough I flew over the airstrip of the accident about an hour earlier. What a great strip, BUT surrounded on all sides by tall trees..............Sorry to see all that grief.........G
  15. OK ..................I coiled it with no discernable adverse effects....G
  16. Thanks People..... I see it all clearly now...The GPS showed west... the Compass included the magnetic var. for the area (-13deg). The extra 3 degrees would be the wind factor. Giving me 10 degree variation between the two...I worked it out on my whizz wheel.. Comes in at a cross wind speed of 10 knots... So I don't need to change the compass at all.................BUT how can I use the GPS to check the compass?...Standing still on the runway?
  17. Yes there was a cross wind, I never thought of that. The GPS shows the track (across the ground) I am flying, while the compass shows the actual direction the aeroplane is heading to counteract the cross wind. Yes it was about 15 knots from the side. Would that be enough to account for the discrepancy? Thanks...Geoff
  18. here is a question. I was returning to base recently and turned on the GPS (only just fitted). I discovered that my coming mounted compass did not match the numbers on the GPS (Avmap) by 10 degrees. This is a LOT...The aeroplane is not new and has been flown all around OZ ..BUT, I am inclined to believe the GPS first. Is that necessarily so? Maybe, just maybe, I have introduced the error myself by panel mounting the Micro air instead of the "Radiogram" on the parcel shelf the week previously. Also how much use is the gyro compass these days? I was correcting it about every five minutes...I have seen lovely digital compasses to use as backup....What does the team think?...Geoff
  19. Anybody know if I can shorten the antenna cable of my Avmap? it's way too long and I don't want to coil it up...Geoffrey
  20. ok everybody I found that the Avmap antenna cable must not go near the mike cable.... minimum 2 foot clearance ...that where the interference was coming from. So, all's well that ends well............Geoffrey
  21. look to the sky look at the thread, "silk purse from a sows ear"..you will find all the information you need , including where to throw the headset. I have been down that road and it was an uncomfortable place.....DC headsets only..Geoff
  22. OK that sounds like something I can work with. I do have a break in the antenna cable (with a correct connection) But I'll try there first. I wonder where the interference is being picked up? in the radio unit or through the antenna....I might give Microair a ring (as well as the Avmap importer) see what they recommend, We can't be alone with this problem? Thanks for the input..Geoff
  23. Ok so the Microair radio is fitted and sorted, the AVmap is on its armrest mount and working with satellites & airfields galore and no gliches...The only hinderence I now have to contend with is the constant hiss of interference from the Avmap to the radio..The antenna leads are separated by 3 feet of cockpit. Of course the Avmap is fairly near the radio, but then, so is everything else. Any ideas how to damp out the radio transmissions from the AVmap? It runs, at present, on internal batteries. I can't realistically get the radio and avmap much further apart...............I would love to know where I am going without the snake impersonations in my ear.....Geoffrey.
  24. Make sure you have a place to park it BEFORE you buy anything!..So look for a hangar space before you chose your aircraft............As far as I know there is no room at Lilydale, Coldstream, ect ect.(Unless you have very influential friends with their own hangar) ....Maybe at Wallan? .....There is very little hangarage available and it is expensive. This might alter your choice to a folding wing type?...or maybe a low wing to get into a hangar full of high wing types. . You cannot park it outside .... Get space FIRST....Geoff................
  25. I had exactly the same result the first time I switched on, it was caused by the connector I had used in the PTT button wire. So look for a short in the PTT button or wire , maybe in the plug at the back of the radio, The red light means you are transmitting.....
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