OK so I removed the Icom A-6 I was having all the problems with. (not the Icom's fault) . I bought a Microair M760. Great unit, so light . A real fiddle for me to fit as it had to go in to the dash from the front. (not enough space to get it in from behind.) Anyway it worked from the moment I switched it on. Lovely, no feedback, lovely clear signal, easy to use ect....(watch out, the drawing in the booklet and on the net is wrong!!! How could they do that?) BUT when I switch on my AVMAP I get a hiss plus pulsing sound all the time, wont squelch out, The sound stops the moment I switch the gps off, (which is run by internal batteries) The radio and the gps antenna cables run close together, could that do it? Any help much appreciated. regards....Geoffrey......