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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. Coming along very nicely....what is the plan re: u/c? a "Grove" type preformed steel or alu bar , 6" Ingegno wheels? I suggest the engine planned for would be beginning with an "R" and not round....Plus those nice 4 cyl Suzuki's that you wrote about...Might be too much engine (if that's possible?)
  2. You get a litre a month! you lucky ...edited...person
  3. until there is a viable option it may well be prudent to keep ones mouth shut and head down?
  4. i have a 912uls althoughcomplete, but i'll look at offers
  5. That makes mine look cheap at 6 large
  6. I just received adaptors to fit car plugs to my 0-200, I'll let you know how it goes
  7. I remember the last time I encountered a dud plug , 1982, A bloke had fitted BP5ES's to a Kwaker 900. Since then ? none....Dud ignition? 1996 in a 750 Katana, one pick up coil went bad...Still ran, but went onto 2 cylinders at low rpm... I can live with one ignition and single plugs.
  8. Really?. want mine?
  9. Goodness , how cheap is that 1.3 100hp
  10. The Fin looks a little small?
  11. A friend asked me if I would weld a bung on his 1976 Bonneville exhaust to take a narrow range O2 probe. "Oh of course" I said and asked all about it. He has a data logger and wants to set up his Amal carbs using the 02 probe and a hand held readout. All the rage according to forums. I thought what a good idea for looking at Jabiru engines' carb issues. Also what a good thing to have in the cockpit with a lean mixture alarm? (or rich) Tuning my throttle body with the mixture control at altitude might be easier than "Lean it out until it misfires then richen up a bit" It looks like they cost around $200.... Any comments?.....BTW it seems that the probe should be about 18" from an exhaust valve...
  12. Oh so impressive,
  13. I disagree !........... It's not "We" that are the problem at all, "We" are still here, alive and well ( at least I am) It's "them" that's the problem, If "they" learned enough about safety then "They" would become "we"
  14. Yeah Great I replaced all mine a couple of years ago. Thanks RAA.
  15. pretty swish, are those the bell crank holes I see?....does it break free and castor?
  16. nice, low friction,light weight. Those teleflex cables should stay on boats.
  17. I spent several years assembling and tig welding Suzuki and Kawasaki crankshafts, same system same reason..... FYI the power output increase was in the order of 150%. Some heat sink...Others got about 1000hp but only for a short time....Never had thru' bolts break though.
  18. The "Little (totally absent) Wing" designer obviously feels that it just must have (reliable) 100hp. I can, sort of, see that. As the owner of the Marque you don't want people fitting all sorts of unsuitable engines, getting into trouble and getting your nice flying design a bad name. Of course one can always buy the plans and fit whatever suits you. Certainly as the rotor, & equipment is sooo expensive. I hope Bex can design (and test? ) a cheaper construction method than cutting the wings off a Cub... Then , with his 3 cylinder engine purring sweetly away, Take China by storm and fill the skies with the chop-chop sound of money..... Isn't the company that makes the rotors called "Dragon Wings?" How appropriate
  19. In my opinion It all sounds very fishy, I would not be surprised to see the whole thing collapse with enormous losses. What's that system called whereby the new deposits pay the owner and his mates while everybody admires the new aircraft ( read; suit of clothes) and "production delays" prevent the company from actually making anything at all? Oh yes, Ponzi
  20. Reading and watching on Utube I see that stubby wings are very important. It seems that if the aircraft's forward speed can equal the rotor tip speed then the rotor drag is greatly reduced (they said the drag disappeared, but I don't believe that) ...The pitbull series have, I believe the best looks, the "radial engine" cowl and round fuselage have a very appealing 30's look. The stub wings would have to be detachable or the hangar costs come up again and the advantage vanishes.... sorry inserting pictures is way beyond me..................
  21. Please don't do that. It has to be in good working order, Pull the heads and barrels. Have a close look at the "soft" ( I would have said Fu##ed) cylinder. It'll be the rings or a valve...Not difficult.
  22. What the young female was flying is a "Gyrocopter" named by Mr. Benson of the U.S. I have no interest in those. We are lloking at Gyroplanes or Autogyros...Although both have rotors they are different animals.
  23. don't give up on the autogyro, i like the short wing concept. would that reduce the need for a large rotor swept area? round body and radial engine, it would look and sound lovely...
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