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Everything posted by geoffreywh

  1. Great Shot .Love the rib flanges, they could be 2 meters long and just snipped to length per rib....................If it were a model aeroplane it would have a small "D" box or tube to help hold the leading edge radius plus stiffness and straightness ..........................................Actually that's not entirely true, The ribs would have been wood the covering, paper and the "d" box would be from leading edge to spar...But hey! I'm not complaining , I'm with you, all the way....
  2. Nope, CASA can ( and does) issue A.D.'s that must be complied with by all aircraft. Often "Before Next Flight." Of course if a manufacturer no longer exists how could it issue "Service Bulletins" I can think of 3 that concerned me and my aircraft. All issued by CASA....
  3. This is all wrong on so many levels I hardly know where to start, In fact, the bloke (wounded or not) should be thoroughly looked at by the RAA. ...............Quote "It prevented him from getting a lot of lift. It caused the problem, and he shut it down," Is a quote that shows the speaker has NO CLUE what he is talking about....
  4. Fiendishly clever, the holes in the plastic tube are the jig! This is why I'm not a toolmaker!
  5. So when you bend the front radius of the elevator sheet how do you get the pre drilled holes to line up with the holes in the ribs ? There must be a jig or something to get the bend in exactly the right place, I mean, within a couple of thou. it looks as though that is really critical? ................The sheeting (from the picture) is already drilled. Maybe you drill the ribs after the bend?
  6. Ward....For your memory The BFR is not an exam , you don't pass or fail at least I didn't , AND So Sorry to read the snyde remark you made about my abilities. Especially as you know me sooo well. ............ I didn't read that it was a fun landing .............. I only read "emergency."...Quote "Initial reports suggested the plane had made an emergency landing", ".
  7. Dear Mr Ward. I do not understand your position....... I was over French Island the other day doing my BFR when my instructor ask me to point out a "precautionary landing " location. I did so and made an approach.(but not below 500 ft) So, according to you, had the engine failed or a fog bank come up or some other emergency arisen I would be in more trouble than Ned Kelly had I made a landing? I don't see where the illegality comes in. I believe I have the right to land in an emergency and not get prosecuted for it. Almost anywhere. Even if it is on the beach and, even if I cock it up and bury my tailwheel. I don't hear anywhere here that the pilot did not make a Pan Pan call..What do you propose a pilot does in an emergency? Just not land? Do you suggest that the pilot just crash and die? ............................... Are you one of the people that has to have "What I can do" spelt out for him. Rather than "What you must not do?" If the pilot wanted to go for a swim and did not have permission then he will be in a bit of bother and get a "please explain" from CASA.
  8. Dear Riley. I too would like the "how to make it manual" If you might photocopy it ? I'll glady pay for your efforts.... The aircaft was purchased some 9 years ago!... I can only offer the owner a windscreen so that he has in effect an open cockpit. Making a fully enclosed one would entail ? a blown glider canopy and frame. Even a flat sheet 3 piece would need a frame or two bent plus locating f/glass wok at the back of the cockpit. A nightmare for the owner. He really got ripped off badly.
  9. Integral power trim tabs ? or add on?
  10. What's all the fuss about? How come the police are involved. It is just a precautionary landing. Surely you can stop and have a look if you are not happy with the performance/ weather without getting splashed all over the news.....
  11. I have heard that the Sapphire was named "LSA mk11" but may not be an LSA in the new sense of the word.
  12. Sapphire. LSA 25- reg. I have been asked to make the aircraft airworthy again. (It has a ghastly amateurish one piece cockpit hood, fuel/engine problems and dash/wiring that only a 7 year old could be proud of, and no logbook) There is a AD concerning the rudder post bearing. Can anybody tell me exactly what is to be done? A drawing would be good. I understand that there is no longer a manufacturer so to register it would require an E25 registration and an airworthy inspection? I've tried a name published here (Steve D ) but there's no response...Any ideas on how to proceed? The aircraft is factory built and came (originally) with a 3 piece side opening hood. To scratch build that is beyond the owners financial ability. Maybe I can fit a shortish screen? The owner has invested a large amount of money for an aircraft with an airworthy inspection (from WA) and has, at this time a pile of unregisterable junk.
  13. Fantastic. although $20 per meter is over twice the US cost. The convienience may be worth it. Thanks..G
  14. 1/4" id neccessary, Nice try though. Still no cigar. I think Desperate Skippy Diesel ought to pull his head in. Gates EFI hose is compatable with Petrol, only not over a long period. Apparently I did say six years didn't I . The aircraft has stood still for so long.....
  15. It was old, probably 6 years? the fuel was 2 stroke. The whole aircraft stinks of ancient fuel. You could throw a handful of dog poo in there to get rid of the smell!...Gates stamped onto the old tube. BUT I've seen a lot older fuel tube than that stay perfectly good. I want some of that! Although the Manual says to change it every 2 years (Hey , It's not mine!). Thanks everybody. I'll get that Tygon stuff from the US...I just looked, the Gates Barricade looks good But very very thick wall....and low kink resistant?....
  16. Looking for a good ( best) fuel hose for petrol. I like the look of "Tygon LP1000 " I've just removed "Gates fuel line" from a Sapphire , It's gone all sticky inside , hardened and cracked. Any suggestions? I have to get Tygon from the US But I don't mind that. Just want the best, non-hardening, flexible, guaranteed fuel non-permeable, any suggestions?.
  17. I would not have thought that Jab. will like all those nice new bits on old cases. has there been any attempt to even out mixtures? Heads scewed to the barrels is lovely....
  18. Wow ! Loooong thru' bolts! Nicer looking cylinders, Nikasil; is just a trade name, everybody and his mate produces good quality plated liners now . Also for many boat engines , snowmobiles, Dirt bikes (2 and 4 stroke) chainsaws ect ect. nothing new or to be afraid of there. Great heat transfer, very low wear and good ring sealing ( once you run them in , which will be tricky) Just four nuts per head? May well be OK.... But those through bolts, hats off to Jab if they make that work.....
  19. so how will you join the front and rear fuselage sections nicely without a " carry through" ? The rear section looks terrific!...............And, four point harness mounting points please. Lap/sash doesn't cut it.....
  20. looks great, if a bit Morganish. Canopy looks none too difficult, much better than trying to get one blown. gonna open on hinges or slide back?
  21. Taxiing cross wind is a lesson in powerlessness.....
  22. Hi. Welcome to Recreational Flying.....How's the Cowboys going
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