This will have some useful info
1. Yes their is a set time that you need to complete the first and last exam in, but it's a few years, I can't remember if it's 2 or 3.
2. You book the exams online, unlike a ppl which can be done at a training school, you need to go to an exam center called ASL (or similar, I forget).
3. You sit each subject as a different exam. You can sit them one after another in the same day, but the exam centre's generally only hold 2 or 3 exam sessions a day.
4. AFT and Bob Tait.
5. You get a printout with your result and a Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR's). Which you then must submit during your flight test. ASL also keep a record, but charge $20 or so for a reprint, even if you ask for one at your next exam!
I hope struggling to count to seven is not an accurate indicator of your exam ability
7. You need to have completed the B.A.K (Basic Aeronautical Knowledge) exam first and have it stamped in your log book to present on request to be allowed to sit most CPL subjects.
If you plan on doing the shortened 150 hour CPL course down the track make sure you read this regarding when you are allowed to sit cpl exams without disqualifying yourself and having to undergo the 200 hour course.
6. Yes