I think you are a little confused about the syllabus. You don't need to cover confined area's, pinnacles, cross country and low flying before circuit solo's. Infact the list you posted covers the entire syllabus in a 105 hour course, I think. Usually you get sent solo after covering emergencies, which can easily be done in the 20 hour time frame schools seem to be heading towards now.
As I said my instructor went solo very early on, that same school now imposes a limit to the 19 or 20 hour mark for both PPL H or CPL H, it makes no difference at that early stage.
If CASA have imposed a 30 hour limit, can you please post the link to where it is in the VFR CPL H syllubus please, I'd like to stay current on the rules.
Anyway let us know how the lesson goes! Have you started theory (big issue) if you haven't, get that organised ASAP. I've known students having to stop flying due to not completing the exams late into their training.