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Everything posted by Ron5335

  1. Amazing, that how on a mountain lake, there are 2 guys fishing, and I counted 3 different camera angles, so there must have been another 3 other people surrounding these guys just watching and filming these guys fishing, when a plane just happened to come along. What a coincidence !!!!!!
  2. Just checked the BOM site for yesterdays weather at Taree, ( Even more confusing.) The wind was E, ENE at 9 - 12 kts, so why would you be on the Western side of the strip , when all the helpfull into wind stuff is on the Eastern Side
  3. Google Map it Search Johns River NSW, then look for the sealed runway on the Nth side of Stewarts River. (Nth of Johns River town & East of the Hwy. There's not much room for a downwind leg between the strip and the steep rising Middle Brother Mountain, Western Side. I know nothing regarding the incident, but if it were a go around, then the approaching mountain on crosswind would be coming at you faster than you could calculate angles of bank & stall speeds
  4. I was getting this thread confused with the earlier one on "Why we need hooters/sirens in aircraft"
  5. Kaz, to square things up, believe me, I'm no Greenie. My response was to Turbo's post #184 where he was singing the praises of staff for acting on what he said was an unknown substance. My post was to show that it can all turn to poo, even if you think that you were doing the right thing. (It was only later that he identified it as tomato sauce) Even in a Supermarket, there are a few items that you would not like to mix, for fear of chemical reactions. My shot at the Lawyers was that they could build a case either way on whether the staff were acting in good faith, or negligent in their actions, because at #180 the substance was unidentified.
  6. I think the Government have solved the problem anyway. Since privatizing the energy system, they have realised that any problems are now a Private Sector thing to fix, and they can move on to addressing the needs of the greater population, such as providing them a Space Agency.
  7. Kasper, Are you suggesting that we strip away the forested hills of the Snowy Mountains to cover them with Solar Panels ? The Greenies will be burning you on the stake We will have to go past Canowindra with your run of panels, because the 6,000 Kwh is the States Minimum usage.
  8. Yes, I may have to agree with you there, however everything needs to be put into perspective Here is a link that takes you to the AEMO and it's a live feed of the Nations power consumption. Data dashboard – Australian Energy Market Operator Last night it shows, that in the early hours of the morning, the power demand for NSW was at it's least, but it was still was requiring 6,000Mwh to keep things running. So a new 20Mw renewable source installed here and there to replace an 1800Mwh coal fired closure is not going to keep a supply/demand system balanced.
  9. Australia's largest PV installation is at Royalla, just outside Canberra. It's 83,000 panels provides 20Mwh of power. 1 Turbine at Tumut 3 requires 177Mwh to operate when pumping, so we need another 8 Royalla's to feed it. or if the 4 turbines at Tumut 3 need to operate, we need 36 more Royalla's The one thing that seems to be missing from all the records is, How much each Royalla costs? But we know the ACT Govt is buying the power from Royalla at $AU186.00Mwh So at those figures, 177Mwh @ $186 per Mwh = $32,922 per hour to run one Turbine/Pump from Solar 'Australia's largest' solar farm opens south of Canberra
  10. And that's fine, as long as the farmer does not want to diversify into manufacturing, where he needs more power. I'm sure there is no plans to install one of these systems next to the steel works at Port Kembla. I can't seem to take the argument sensibly, where the Govt want you to believe that by not burning coal, you somehow are going to save the planet, yet at the same time, the same Govt are exporting the stuff at record levels for other countries (On the same planet) to burn.
  11. Octave, No, I am not saying that ALL pumped hydro systems are not viable. I am questioning the viability of Snowy Hydro 2. All I've heard from the PM is the "Executive Summary" The ingredients to make it operate aren't there. You need lots of available Off Peak Power and it seems we haven't got near enough. He spoke of Wind Turbines being a power source. Each of Tumut 3's turbines are 300Mw, so in four hours each will produce 1200Mw So in 9 hours of pumping, each turbine will consume 1600Mw of power or 177Mw per hour. Given that the average Wind Turbine produces 2Mw, then each turbine would need 88 wind turbines to supply it. providing it's windy every night. Another little glitch is the Manufacturers of Hydro Generators, who state that the maximum head should be less than 600m. Tantangara to Talbingo is around 700m - 750m Then that brings on the geologists who say that a tunnel with that amount of pressure in it, will fracture the walls.
  12. Hate to put a damper on the pumped hydro supporters but the reality has to be faced after listening to the spin. Tumut 3 Power Station has a total of 6 turbines, 4 of which have pumps. Water coming off the top of Talbingo Dam falls 115m down each pipe at a rate of 189m/s into the turbine that has an internal area of 1,132 m3 then the water discharges into Jounama Pondage 115m head gives it a pressure of 1,128 kph so when it comes time to pump uphill, it has to overcome a pressure of 1,128 kph before anything starts to move uphill. The internal cubic capacity of each pump is 99.1 m3 or roughly 10% of the turbine size, and at full speed it pushes the water up the pipe at just on 90m/s So for every hour of operation producing power, it will take 2 - 2 1/2 hours of pumping to shift the same amount of water, and it will use 30% more power than it produced to do it. If it runs for only 4 hours a day, then that will require 8 - 9 hours of pumping to move the used water back up the hill, and there's the clanger, there is only about 6 hours of off peak time available after the power stations handle the peak and then top up everyone's off peak hot water. Fact or Fiction ? Look at the current lake levels on Snowy Hydro. Lake Eucembene (The top Dam is only at 37%) capacity but the lowest dam at Blowering is over 80% because they haven't been able to move the water back up into Talbingo Dam to re use because the power has not been in the grid. They have to release what they cannot pump up from Jounama Pondage into Blowering, and then take it from Eucembene to top up Talbingo to feed Tumut 3 for the next day. Snowy Hydro feed the grid at many times the price for their power compared to a coal fired power station, then buy back the power at off peak rates making it commercially viable . So if it Snowy Hydro 2 goes ahead, then the first thing to go will be Off Peak Rates as all available power will be soaked up pumping water from Jounama up into Talbingo, then the new proposed Power Station moving the water From Talbingo up into Eucembene. (And the head pressure for that is over 600m or over 5888 kph making it a mega power sucker upper) So the only way to feed that monster will be from coal.
  13. Here's one for the Bush Lawyers !!!!!! Lets say you fly for 20 years, then you get grounded on Medical Grounds. In the next 10 years nothing happens to you. Can you then sue casa for the psychological injuries that you have suffered by not being allowed to pursue interests, and the financial losses incurred if you had to sell your plane etc.?
  14. The Council would be safe, because they only have to abide by height restrictions of buildings surrounding an airport, there is no requirement for a Council to provide crash sites outside an airport. I bet the owner of that house is Daryl Kerrigan (The Castle)
  15. I've had these for a few years without having any issues with them. Axixtech HAL09 Led Hide-Away Kit Golf ball size with the heat sink doubling as a panel mount & 19 patterns. Inside the lenses, there a 3 triangular panels that hold 3 x3w diodes each,and that forms a prism so the light gets out in all directions, where as most LED strobes are only bright if you look at the diode straight on.
  16. I'm always a bit skeptical about an organisation carrying out a survey into itself. I reminds me of the Sir Joh era, when the results were in before the survey went out.
  17. They Didn't. The planned flights went from Sydney, then they took bearings for the flight from Goulburn, Albury/Wagga then onto Melbourne, and on cloudy days they would descend through the cloud, take the reference point then climb back up and onto the next point. That day had 100% cloud cover with an unforecasted gale from the S/W, blowing them to the N/E, so when they descended looking for flat open area of Albury (Elev. 165m) due to the wind, they were much North & East of there assumed position and found themselves over the western edge of the Great Divide..... Tumbarumba (Elev 465m) - Cabramurra (Elev 1488m). With such a wind blowing onto the face of the mountains, they would have then been battling Ridge Lift then severe Rotor as they were driven further East.
  18. Thanks OME for the post. The Southern Cloud left Sydney at 0815 and the weather bureau didn't open until 0900 and was out of range by the time the the details of the extreme weather event that formed overnight came through (Deepening East Coast Low). This crash resulted in the Weather Bureau becoming a 24/7 service. Having a place in the Snowy Mountains and mixing with a few early aviators, I have been able to view the seat frames from the Southern Cloud, and it looks like it went in hard sideways, similar damage to what you would expect by trying to escape from a narrow valley. Below is an extract of a statement from a Tumbarumba resident (From ABC Documentary) that was discounted at the time DOREEN PHILBY, TUMBARUMBA RESIDENT: All of a sudden we heard a terrible roar come up over the house. We all looked up and saw this plane. And it was really close; it just touched the top of the trees. Being a kid I was mesmerised. And all of a sudden I saw these two fellows, one in that side, one that side, with two white handkerchiefs waving out the windows. RON FREW: It was clearly looking for somewhere to land; it was probably running out of fuel. There's even a story that Tom found a sick bag and on that written flying low, visibility very bad.
  19. Oscar, I take your point..... & yes it gives argument to your case. But in reality, if CASA agree to any changes, then they will just bring across all the rule & regulations that apply in GA and dump it on RAA (For our own safety of course) and then we have two forms of aviation that are broken. Leave it alone and enjoy what we have, while we can.
  20. Either way, it's a long way from the meaning of "Recreational"
  21. Things are going to get better Keith. The Commonwealth Govt only introduced personal income tax in 1915, and I remember my Grandfather telling me that at the time, the Govt stated it was only a temporary measure until the costs of WW1 were met. (True story) So when the Commonwealth Govt lift the tax, things will improve. !!!!!!
  22. The rural industries are going and everyone is congregating more and more into the large cities, what is going to happen when the cities burst at the seams and no one in the bush. KP Remember the science fiction movie from the 70's???? Soylent Green. It was set in the future (2022) Maybe not have been science fiction after all !!!! With power shortages looming..... All the major cities are building multi storey units with no drying facilities, 24/7 Air cond and instantaneous hot water systems. What can possibly go wrong there.
  23. Maybe the press got it mixed up, and it was 7 little people in a C 182. Also, there is no runway visible in the background, (Stated overshoot)
  24. I saw on one of the other sites the flight path the SAAB went on after notifying the tower of the prop loss. The thing that stands out is that they put him on a right hand circuit for rwy 16, and that had 2 x 90 degree turns where the aircraft had to turn into the dead engine. I thought that was a no no.
  25. How good is 7News ???? Pilot died after 'inadequate' inspection The pilot that was killed, was flying a M18 Dromader and engaged in water bombing, so the photo to lead into the story looks to be Matt Hall flying inverted in an aerobatic aircraft. Can anybody see a link ?????
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