Sharia Law in Australia ???? It's already here !!!!!
Supposedly, we live in a democracy, where we will be judged by the rule of law... Nothing else
Think back to the Craig Thomson case, (I am no supporter of him or of what he did, but the facts remain.)
He used his credit card to by a bit on the side ( A lot as a matter of fact), but he never changed any of the details on the statements or tried to cover them up in any way.
All of these transactions were carried out on a Credit Card that was issued to him by his employer, and the subsequent monthly statements were submitted, approved and signed off by his employer.
Years later he gets up in Federal Government and lies, lies and lies about what happened. ( A crime in itself that was not pursued by his peers)
However, when he gets charged and appears in court of law for misusing his Credit Card, he comes clean, because in the letter of the law, once his claims on the credit card were approved, any question of it's misuse rests with the one who signed off and accepted the cost against the business.
In a simplified version of events, the judge ruled that he was "Dreaming" to think that a naughty was a work related expense, and convicted him on a Moral Basis............... BINGO>>>>> Sharia Law.
When the decision came down, 99.9% of Australians let out this great cheer, but in reality they were cheering the basics of Sharia Law. not the Rule Of Law
Had his defence put forward an argument that it was found he was a much better performer in his job when he an empty sack.... then these encounters were in the best interest of his employer to keep him focused on his job, the "Dreaming" decision would have been debunked also.