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Everything posted by Ron5335

  1. I can sense a lot of "Committees" and "Talk fests" coming on. That's until the reality of nothing will change sets in......
  2. Can't help viewing that the email concerning the voting results was targeted at promoting OZ-Kosh and the election results, (The most important thing to the operation and being of Raaus) were tacked on as an afterthought. Seems to me that the Elected Directors are just "Something" you have to have. Interesting wording also: The Chairman announced............. He also thanked all 10 candidates.......... But where was the congratulations to the Successful Candidates who were put there by the members ??????
  3. If you look at the aerial shot, it shows both wings are in line and in the front of the aircraft, a white engine cowl. In the close up shot, one wing is under the elevators, and the front of the aircraft is predominately black. So it looks like the wing was cut off, cowling removed, and the pillars cut off for patient access & removal. It also appears that the undercarriage is intact, strange considering the terrain.
  4. Did the test, but I do wonder...... By doing the course, I am seeking the approval to service, maintain and repair my 19 reg aircraft. If successful, I get the authority to work on my aircraft, and my aircraft only. That's it in a nutshell. Why then, are multiple questions asked on what a L1 can and can't do on a 24 reg aircraft and under what conditions. If I were to consider the purchase of a 24 reg aircraft, then going down that track of the ability to service it would be a factor I would consider, then and only then, in the meantime I don't give a rats. So the only thing of value coming from having this unwarranted knowledge, is the fact that I can identify when the owner of a 24 reg aircraft may be doing the wrong thing. Now that I'm an enforcer, I was thinking of ways of using my power. (except I don't any) Maybe I should walk over to the owner and introduce myself and then extend an invitation by saying "Would you like to come over and put sugar in my fuel tank, before or after we have this conversation?"
  5. KP, There are 2 ways of looking at it. Your way, or What's the point of putting out a document for comment, if at the end of the day it would not get approval from CASA. (Back to square one !) This way, at least you know the document as a whole has already been given the Green light by CASA, so if any of the members suggest changes, the changes can be weight up against, the delay it would take to am mend the situation, or can the changes be implemented once the document is in force.
  6. I've just passed my enrollment... Here's the secret. Haley from RAA rang (After the 4 hr lunch) If your membership no. has a zero in front of it you must re-enter the zero after it has been removed. eg. When you go to the registration page where you enter your membership number you type in 0123456 then it takes that number to the next screen where it shows up 123456 (that's the one where you click on the Forgot Password) Re type the "0" in front of the number, (0123456) then click on the "Forgot Password"
  7. Well I'm not off to a good start.... I've just failed enrollment I clicked on the Enrol link, That took me to the Registration Page, Put in my member no. in and clicked on the "Forgot Password" just like I am supposed to do. I get a message back to say that a message has been sent to my membership number. I go to my email account and nothing. I go through my email account to ensure all the filters are turned off and go through the process again. Still nothing, so then I ring RAA, and I get the "OH, The person who handles that is out at lunch" I will take your details and have her return your call. That was 2 1/2 hours ago, and the Executive Luncheon must still be continuing, whilst my multiple enrollment details are whizzing around in cyber space, and my attention span for studying are quickly diminishing.
  8. Not a bad thought.... Headline could read Newly appointed boss at CASA shows initiative by breaking ties with the old regime. He would start accumulating brownie points straight away, and could identify and action anyone who wants to throw a spanner in the works in getting it up and running.
  9. May be only tomato sauce and salt to you, But are you qualified to make the call ??? There was an incident years ago in rural NSW where a milk tanker overturned and the tank ruptured spilling milk everywhere. It's only milk............ No action required... The only thing was, the land was a part of the catchment for the local dam that fed the town. The end result was the milk entered the storage area and knocked out oxygen content of the bio system and killed of all the living things that lived in the water, then their decaying bodies made the water unfit for human use. For weeks after, while massive pumps were brought in to flock the dam to enrich en the oxygen content of the dam water, all of the water for the town had to be trucked in. And that story has been etched into stone for HAZMAT training. Nothing personal, but I couldn't resist the opportunity where you offered a clear case to state your case, but in so doing opened up another way of viewing the same situation. Probably reflective of this whole thread. At the end of the day, whether your on the for or against side, no matter how qualified or how many degrees, diplomas, certificates, licences, cards the witnesses hold, I bet not one could supply a qualification that states they have the ability to wipe their own own bum in the approved manner. BING !!!!!!!!!! I might introduce that course
  10. Hey Turbs, (Out of the frying pan and into the fire) So your telling me that you witnessed the spillage of a substance in a public place, and then watched an employee start mixing other chemicals into it, and this newly created chemical cocktail was mopped up by other employees. (And you think this is good !!!!!!) What happened to this unidentified substance, Was it stored in a Hazmat bin where industrial chemists could analyse it, and formulate a safe disposal for it? Or was it simply washed down the drain for convenience?, where it may have knocked out the the entire Eco System of the sewerage system, and wiped out mankind as we know it.. Why didn't you act, and demand the area be immediately evacuated upon the initial spill, and ring 000 to bring in specially trained Hazmat Professionals to deal with the situation. (That would have been the professional thing to do.) Instead, you let this situation escalate by doing nothing. So in the legal fraternity, the Public Liability lawyers get the month off, and the courts get filled with the Environmental Lawyers. Where does it all end ???????????? (If I couldn't sleep before opening this, I certainly can't now)
  11. So over a period of time, The old Board was replaced........ A New CEO was appointed......... End result..... No Change. This would indicate that the lower levels of the organisation are in control. Next step (Perhaps) Install a caretaker CEO, (Or toe cutter) to clear the decks. Coming off an election, there must be a few of the party faithful that are looking for a job.
  12. The Bronwyn Belle.
  13. Sharia Law in Australia ???? It's already here !!!!! Supposedly, we live in a democracy, where we will be judged by the rule of law... Nothing else Think back to the Craig Thomson case, (I am no supporter of him or of what he did, but the facts remain.) He used his credit card to by a bit on the side ( A lot as a matter of fact), but he never changed any of the details on the statements or tried to cover them up in any way. All of these transactions were carried out on a Credit Card that was issued to him by his employer, and the subsequent monthly statements were submitted, approved and signed off by his employer. Years later he gets up in Federal Government and lies, lies and lies about what happened. ( A crime in itself that was not pursued by his peers) However, when he gets charged and appears in court of law for misusing his Credit Card, he comes clean, because in the letter of the law, once his claims on the credit card were approved, any question of it's misuse rests with the one who signed off and accepted the cost against the business. In a simplified version of events, the judge ruled that he was "Dreaming" to think that a naughty was a work related expense, and convicted him on a Moral Basis............... BINGO>>>>> Sharia Law. When the decision came down, 99.9% of Australians let out this great cheer, but in reality they were cheering the basics of Sharia Law. not the Rule Of Law Had his defence put forward an argument that it was found he was a much better performer in his job when he an empty sack.... then these encounters were in the best interest of his employer to keep him focused on his job, the "Dreaming" decision would have been debunked also.
  14. Here is some interesting viewing that will likely spark debate
  15. Well, in this exiting time to be an Australian, with it's transforming economy, it's only a matter of time until some aspiring entrepreneur, seizes the moment and opens up a chain of shops throughout the nation specializing in the supply of quality aviation springs. Until then, We will have to adapt, modify and compromise on our choices, and open ourselves to the ridicule of the na-sayers.
  16. With a DD election called, this brings about a full senate election. What happens to all of the current Senate Committees ? given that the members on these committees may or may not get their jobs back. Are they abandoned or do new committee members get appointed? The reason I am curious is that (I saw on another site), a Senator asked McCormick (Taken on notice) to report back to the committee an update on where CASA was up to in the implementation of the Forsyth Report Recommendations. How many points have been implemented and What is the timeline for the remainder to be implemented. Now that is one answer I would hate seeing going to waste !!!!
  17. I too was a subject of this "Random Selection Process" Any for of credibility for this process was quickly diminished when I was given a pro forma document that requested information that was not even relevant to my class of registration. I quickly determined that it was a "Tick box exercise" designed to fill a few extra filing cabinets and justify their jobs. I have seen better organisation and thought process put in by people at the local pub when they run chook raffles.
  18. Or, If they lift the restrictions, and there is another serious incident, then they may become liable for lifting the restrictions.
  19. Nev, The point being ..... The driver that had the medical episode had insurance (Third Party Property) for any damage he may cause to other peoples property, so he thought he was covered, but he did cause damage and now he finds out he wasn't covered. In hindsight, rather than saying he had blackout, he should have said.... I was day dreaming at the time, and would have been covered.... Great society we live in !!!!!!
  20. And If you do have insurance you might not be safe either. A recent case in the news, where a motorist had a seizure or similar and ploughed into another vehicle. That vehicle's driver claimed the damages against the insurance company of the offending vehicle and it was denied, because it was a medical episode that caused the crash, not negligence and the owner would have to pursue the matter privately.
  21. kg, I think you have addressed your own concerns. GA is alive and well in NZ because for one, they haven't caught the SIDS virus. Watch those AOPA graphs in a few years if CASA has it's ways and encourages the same out of Beech & Piper. I have seen just how concerned the Govt is in letting the inevitable happen. At the moment there is a flow from GA to RAA, so what is there to be gained by taking everybody back from the system they are escaping from. AOPA is a product of where GA is now, so just let every thing go over the waterfall and leave RAA out of it. The first thing I see in jumping into bed with them is..... Lames have no work......... Oh look a whole new fleet of aircraft........ lets make them be maintained by Lames.
  22. Or in the case of a Gold Mine, She gets the mine and the bloke gets the shaft.
  23. Are you putting yourself out there, to be snapped up by North Korea.?
  24. He might be preparing his CV for a job at CASA.
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