Oscar, I shared your view until I watched the Senate Inquiry dealing with the SIDS.
In that exchange, there was just as many comparable (Ridiculous) scenarios as there were in the Jabiru issue, such as You told us $16K but it's actually $60K, aviators in North America have not even heard of this,
then a clanger came with CASA announcing that they are chasing Piper to get then to put a SIDS package together too.
So these Senators, after hearing that most Cesnna's are going to be "Parked up" and soon to be followed by Beech (Cesnna's subsiduary) and due to the pro activeness of CASA, Piper.... So around 70% of the GA fleet..... did not show any concern for the industry, but a simple "Looks like there gone" remark from the Chair.
The smiles on the faces of the remaining 30% who are not effected will be short lived, because who is going to be left in the industry to carry out the required maintenance, repairs, and inspections, so they too will be "Parked up"
Is it any wonder the current Govt is spending $18m of our money to seek out Innovators with ideas, because what I saw in that inquiry leads me to believe that a great proportion of the Govt members, and a lot of their Depts. are totally Brain Dead. or at best As long as it's not our fault, we don't care !!
The Treasurer is talking himself hoarse, telling everybody that we need this great complex changing of tax to help the workers of the country to avoid the dreaded "Bracket Creep". Now if that's the truth, then Why not just lift the thresholds...
AW......GEEEZ.....Skip !!!!!!!!!!
How about this..... As the SIDS is a one off......and labor intensive. Why not train up some of the unemployed in a work for the dole scheme to assist the LAME's. This would bring the cost down dramatically and keep the industry going.
Set it up across the nation in regional areas as I'm sure it would be welcomed as the benefits would flow through the local economy. Even if it's not done, the Govt still has to pay the unemployed anyway, but for a bit extra, people get trained, motivated etc.
Rant over....But I do feel a bit better