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Everything posted by albert

  1. HI Ian I built and tested a Jodel D18 which had a VW 2 ltr engine in it. The aircraft is a good design (Properly built) so as far as the aircraft is concerned no problems. The engine needs to be tested on the ground for the usual things like oil temp, engine temp and vibration . The EA81 supra has been used on this type of aircraft overseas all with good reports for what that’s worth. The Jodel if it is a D18 well left off at about 38kts and climb out at around 500>700 fpm at 60 knots. Hope it helps Albert Cassar
  2. Hi I can repair props but it depends on how much or type of damage and what aircraft it is running on. Albert
  3. Hi Go to this sight it may give you the info you are seeking .BoatUS.com - Seaworthy Magazine lots of reading but it gives you the answers about firberglass tanks and ethanol. Albert
  4. worked for me
  5. ALCA2 Home built and disgned I call it ALCA2
  6. Lethbridg has a BBQ every Saterday rain or shine.
  7. HI J430 Firstly. I and nor do I think that the majority of Raa members are sheep I believe that they are of high intelligent, cause for one they moved away from a system That was chocking them with cost amongst other things (GA). Flying is a privilege not a right. Well then perhaps we should remove the word freedom of flight from our vocabulary. Why should we share a cost for something that is not need anyway I could continue but I think the group gets my drift. My biggest concern is why has air services not included the RAA as part of the Jcp (joint communication process ) considering the RAA is representing about 8000 pilots perhaps they have a hidden agenda. Just My thoughts Albert .
  8. Hi Ferret Lethbridge well have a full time CFI at the end of this month (JAN) his name is Bruce who is or was also a truck driver. The aircraft used for training are a jub and a Gazzal for info. Contact Gary Buam on 0429354717 or 52817495.the airfield is on the Midland Hwy Lethbridge is just under an hour from hoppers crossing there is about 40 aircraft hangered on site; they have a BBQ every Sat. good friendly bunch. Albert Cassar
  9. Ballistic parachute I have heard that once the parachute is deployed you lose control of the aircraft Worse still if it deploys unexpectedly in flight its bad news .I have seen footage of it happening when the air craft was taking off many years ago on what looked like a drifter or something like it. Anyway I will not come to any conclusions and what for the professionals to find out the cause of the unfortunate incident. My condolence to :;)7: families and friends. Albert.
  10. Ballistic parachute I have heard that once the parachute is deployed you lose control of the aircraft Worse still if it deploys unexpectedly in flight its bad news .I have seen footage of it happening when the air craft was taking off many years ago on what looked like a drifter or something like it. Anyway I will not come to any conclusions and what for the professionals to find out the cause of the unfortunate incident. My condolence to :;)7: families and friends. Albert.
  11. HI Bato Try this link and go to trouble shooting section it may help isolate your problem. http://www.theultralightplace.com/timing_specifications.htm Albert [url=http://www.theultralightplace.com/timing_specifications.htm][/url]
  12. Hi Bateo I’m a level 2 .I have only just joined this list so a hello to you all out there After reading about your problem I think it may be that your Ignition timing is to fare advanced which causes pre ignition. The reason why it seems to start better with the new battery is because it has moor cranking power to over come the Pre-ignition. But of corse I can not be sure with out been there this should be check as it can cause engine damage and possible engine failure. Hope this helps. Albert
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