The magazine started with the AUF as a way to communicate with members, particularly as their elected area representatives were not doing the job. It was run by volunteers. Eventually, with the standard & content declining, they threw it to various entities to produce and it became an added cost to members.
Way back then, there were complaints - eg featuring the Hummel bird on the front cover when it was not an aircraft that could be registered with the AUF. The magazine continued through RAA. The best was when it was produced by an enthusiastic flyer who knew his subject and spent a lot of his time and money pursuing interesting stories. Then he was killed in a car crash.
The search for the next editorial company turned up the present people. From my notes, they were experienced in travel and tourism location publications. The father had held a PPL in his younger days. The son would take up ultralight flying when they got the contract (it all being tax deducible). That's why some articles seem to be tourism, with a little Hey! there's an airport!
RAAus went to a subscription, but few took it up, per magazine it became a loss again. It was realised that they still needed to communicate the Board election statements, voting forms & envelopes and the results / AGM. They chose 3 editions to cover that. Postage and Printing have risen substantially, so it is one of the major costs to members.
Voting is now on-line with a link to statements on the RAAus site. Regular emails update Tech, Ops, Board & events. The role of the magazine is diminishing to something you flip through and leave at the dentist.