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Everything posted by P4D

  1. Dismal oneupmanship hair splitting. Legal or not the effect of their men's bigoted ignorant view of a females role in their society means that they are denied the privilege of driving. More of an indicator of their backward stone age mentality than their legal system.
  2. Forget the numbers and fly the plane. Maybe your pitot tube was occluded by the down-going wing, maybe your instruments were not calibrated this morning, maybe your bank angle indicator was off by 1%, maybe you were in a momentary skid, maybe you over corrected with rudder for .07 seconds its academic to a successful flight. Instruments are lagging indicators and tell you whats just happened. They cannot anticipate anywhere near as well as you can as PIC.
  3. Before you leave the ground contact NOTAM CONTROLLING AUTHORITY: Navy HMAS Cerberus they will be more than happy to help,
  4. Facthunter Whats that got to do with a medical?
  5. CTA is not necessarily a heavily populated area. Alice Springs NT, Hamilton Island QLD , East Sale Vic, Tamworth NSW or Dampier WA as examples of likely RAA destinations. You can fly over lots of more heavily populated areas in G Class without your heart even noticing.
  6. How come I'm not allowed a heart attack in CTA but its ok elsewhere? Stupid fools In CTA your'e closer to help and assistance than anywhere else.
  7. Do you reallly really need to fly that much?
  8. Hey Ian what about a sticky "No landing fee airstrips for RAA users" or "RAA friendly airfields without fees" .......................?
  9. Great idea PeterT Put me into your list.
  10. I can't get excited about the hum of an electric motor. I can get excited about the roar of a big radial or even a finely tuned two stroke for that matter. I cannot work out why others don't feel the same but there you go horses for courses.
  11. Tail draggers don't have that problem.
  12. Good reply Nev. I can see you are not interested in facts and only want to be opinionated and heard. Bye Forum
  13. "the effect is not dependent on rotation. It will curve if it rotates nev" Not true Nev. If it curves it is not rotating about the vertical axis and has been propelled with a blow offset to the trajectory line.
  14. A golf ball rotates through the air at a very high rate of spin. Hopefully your aeroplane does not.
  15. Welcome Guzzi from a 94 Cali rider
  16. Great work Dazza keep it up. Remember you don't give up smoking you just don't smoke.............(anymore)
  17. Astroturfing? Maybe, maybe not. Astroturfing is a form of advocacy in support of a political, organizational, or corporate agenda, designed to give the appearance of a "grassroots" movement. The goal of such campaigns is to disguise the efforts of a political and/or commercial entity as an independent public reaction to some political entity—a politician, political group, product, service or event. The term is a derivation of AstroTurf, a brand of synthetic carpeting designed to look like natural grass. Like other advocates, astroturfers attempt to manipulate public opinion by both overt (outreach awareness, etc.) and covert (disinformation) means. Astroturfing may be undertaken by an individual promoting a personal agenda, or by organized professional groups with money from large corporations, unions, non-profits, or activist organizations. Services may be provided by political consultants who also provide opposition research and other services. Beneficiaries are not "grass root" campaigners but the organizations that orchestrate such campaigns.
  18. If you dropped below about 45 kts they could just 'drop on' Sorry Maj I have to correct you. They might not "just drop in" The definitley will drop in and rather quickly if you are not up to speed. My GA Lightwing reg 0438 and it has taught me many things quite quickly that the Maj has been discussing here. These aircraft will still be flying when hover cars are nuclear powered.
  19. Wireless iPad paired with a Bad Elf Gps receiver ( available for 99 bucks on the web) The iPad gets its positional data from the Bad elf, no network connection required, now all you need are the maps. There are several suppliers with various subscriptions on the web. The one I use is an upfront annual subscription. Updates maps & ERSA every time I log on to iTunes on my pc. It is almost idiot proof but today's idiots are getting cleverer!
  20. David Every hypothetical you propose is based on an observers individuals value judgement as to the merit or otherwise of the performance. It would be most unwise to opine on these matters without some supporting credential. I strongly believe in the confidential reporting system. The voracity of information will be properly tested by impartial and independent EXPERTS. Additionally there has been several mischievous posts here intimating further regulatory breaches without specificity. Anyone in these forums withholding information from an office bearer that may prevent financial or physical harm is doing a great disservice to our community and should initiate the anonymous service offered to them
  21. David Every hypothetical you propose is based on an observers individuals value judgement as to the merit or otherwise of the performance. It would be most unwise to opine on these matters without some supporting credential. I strongly believe in the confidential reporting system. The voracity of information will be properly tested by impartial and independent EXPERTS. Additionally there has been several mischievous posts here intimating further regulatory breaches without specificity. Anyone in these forums withholding information from an office bearer that may prevent financial or physical harm is doing a great disservice to our community and should initiate the anonymous service offered to them
  22. What is REPCON? REPCON is a voluntary confidential reporting scheme. REPCON allows any person who has an aviation safety concern to report it to the ATSB confidentially. Protection of the reporter's identity and any individual referred to in the report is a primary element of the scheme. https://www.atsb.gov.au/voluntary/repcon_aviation.aspx?
  23. What is REPCON? REPCON is a voluntary confidential reporting scheme. REPCON allows any person who has an aviation safety concern to report it to the ATSB confidentially. Protection of the reporter's identity and any individual referred to in the report is a primary element of the scheme. https://www.atsb.gov.au/voluntary/repcon_aviation.aspx?
  24. One good feed at a resturant, one hour of dual instruction, two tanks of gas for the toyota, two months of Foxtel, one mobile phone bill, a pair of new pants or four slabs of xxxx. Alternativley one full year of magazines, representation at Federal Level and insurance for the year. Choose your own priorities.
  25. One good feed at a resturant, one hour of dual instruction, two tanks of gas for the toyota, two months of Foxtel, one mobile phone bill, a pair of new pants or four slabs of xxxx. Alternativley one full year of magazines, representation at Federal Level and insurance for the year. Choose your own priorities.
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