Years ago I was sitting in the outdoor bar area at William Creek having a quiet health drink and fell into conversation with a guy about my age (crikey...must have been more than a few years ago) who was deeply tanned and covered in the red dirt of the country, and also taking healthy refreshment.
We talked about aeroplanes and flying and experiences Outback.
He told me about an old squatter he knew who had a Bonanza which he used to collect the station stores from the Alice but hadn’t flown east in 30 years. He decided to go to Brisbane and see the sights.
As he approached Archerfield, he called them up:
Archerfield... tower.... Bonanza.... XYZ ....2000... inbound.
TOwer replied:
BonanzaXYZmakestraightinapproach descend1500fifemilesnotifytowerExpectdownwindjoinRunway28right
The old fella said:
Tower replied
BonanzaXYZmakestraightinapproach descend1500fifemilesnotifytowerExpectdownwindjoinRunway28right
Old fella .....slow...I....speak?
Old fella