Hi Oz
If flying an aircraft with radio, then I use it as required by the AIP.
I give a 10 NM inbound, joining and final calls PLUS, as needed to ensure my safety and the safety of others, calls on the other legs. If there is following traffic, I advise them of my close and slow base and final, and when clear of runways.
I try to keep those calls concise to avoid clogging the air.
My home airfield, Shepparton is on 118.8 and the only other "near" us using this CTAF that I can recall is Mildura, so conflicts with other places is minimal.
As has happened before, on my recent holiday trip, I heard pilots at small rural airports chatting away to each other on 126.7 which is a tad frustrating when you want to give a mandated call on that frequency yourself.
If you want to chat with a friend away from the circuit, use the "Numbers"....123.45
I should have also added taxi and entering calls when departing...k