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Everything posted by Sloper

  1. And who beleives they will fly here in Australia in our lifetime? regards Bruce
  2. Had a wing drop on the flare in a Warrior once, first instict was full throttle and go around. Recovered the plane. Now this was during a check flight and l had a experienced intsructor on board, as we want around we discussed what happened. What we think happened is we lost lift on the left wing due to gusty conditions. There were trees on the right of use that may have also been a factor. Passed the check flight, he was very happy with my reactions and the discusssion afterwards. l think its more a lack of training and the fear of calling going around might be the problem here. regards Bruce
  3. Lots of rust dust coming out of the sills. Now if that was a 57 instead of 59 it would have looked very different. Ladder type chassis as against a perimeter one. Now if l have a accident in the Sloper (see avatar) l will be fine. Ejected out through the safty glass windscreen and found safley 50m away from the fireball. regards Bruce
  4. Goodaye all Internally finned sump needs to be taller as the crank and rods need to clear the fins. A windage tray may be need to scrape the flung oil and keep the oil at the bottom. Heat does run from hot to cold here, so it could work but the extra stuff required and size may be a problem. Couple of years ago l did see a finned cooler that clamped to the spin on oil filter, not sure about its effectivness. It is easier to control a external oil cooler. regards Bruce regards Bruce
  5. l may or may not have said to CASA person that a clear sky is a safe sky, and they make it too hard and expensive to fly.😅 But yes it looks like l have to call them. (When l am calm and relaxed) regards Bruce
  6. Goodaye all Spent the morning trolling the net about RAA and 760kg and my head is about to explode. So, is RAA getting 760kg MTOW in the near future? Just a simple yes or no would be good. regards Bruce
  7. Goodaye all The cancer scare was a missdiagnoses. It took 3 PET scans all said l had it. 4 biopsys, 3 of which were inconclusive. The last one which they knocked me out for they went for a lump and it was ordinary scare tissue. Told to go away and have a happy life.? Most stressful 8 weeks ever. regards Bruce
  8. Goodaye all Still around and healthy. l did have one of my hips fail and cause some metal poisioning, back on my feet and the the metals are slowly getting out of my system. Hopefully get my medical back around Easter. Some of the symptons were very nasty, not that l noticed.? Due to the hip no work on the Couger the last 12 months. Revising the fuel system to one 80lt tank and removing the back seats. regards Bruce
  9. l think every Australian is owed a free engine. regards Bruce
  10. DAMPen is what they do to your enthusiasm. Remember a safe sky is clear sky. regards Bruce
  11. You have to remember its all risk assessment nowadays, a safe pilot is a grounded pilot. You can drive a 50t truck down the road, operate heavy equipment, but fly????? RAA members could get a petition to go before the minister expressing there lack of support in the current medical standards. l seem to have been deemed as having sleep apnea by casa, even though my doctor says no. Heard a interesting rumor about Ospreys, yes the thing that the US marines crash, sorry use and emergency rescue in being pushed by the medical fraternity here in Australia. regards Bruce
  12. Didnt notice that, l'll have to wait for the larger model. Does that mean l have to update the Mr Fusion? or use the reactor l have in the Bat cave. regards Bruce
  13. l have had one on order with Jaycar for ages. Flux Capacitor | Jaycar Electronics Shows its the big boys who get looked after. regards Bruce
  14. High speed train l think. regards Bruce
  15. Goodaye all Passed my class 2 a couple of weeks ago, was talking to the DAME and he said all the testing for Ausroads will be the same. So you might as well just get the class 2. regards Bruce
  16. Well there is a beware of aircraft sign on the road. regards Bruce
  17. Would be easier dealing with CASA than getting a plumber over with there rates. regards Bruce
  18. l think this thread is all washed up, its gone down the gurgler. regards Bruce
  19. How does he get his ball's into the cockpit. regards Bruce
  20. Goodaye all l should have a artical l wrote for a car club somewhere. Basically the oil companies got rid of a zinc additive because it destroyed catalyic converters when ULP was introduced. This was sneekerly done in the 80's with many new engines knocking lobes off the cam, and the car makers didnt realize why this was happening. l'll try and find it and post it up. regards Bruce
  21. Goodaye all Jaycar are still out of Flux capacitors, when they come in l'm going to blow this town. Flux Capacitor | Jaycar Electronics regards Bruce
  22. Promised so much, delivered so little. regards Bruce
  23. Goodaye all l think the aircraft the F35 was ment to replace will be replacing it. How many super hornets could we have purchased for the same cost? Who is our threat and l am sure the Hornets would outclass anyone in our region? Huge waste of our money. regards Bruce
  24. Goodaye all Looking at the pic and the nuts missing makes me think they where not fixed propley and spun off causing the prop to wobble on the shaft, cause it to crack and off she goes. Loss of nuts in any instance is bad. regards Bruce
  25. Had a problem on a Holden V8 with carbon build up, raised the compression a lot, burnt out starters and finely backfired destroying the carbureter. Then it managed to suck a piece of the carby into the engine, heads off. Thats when l found it was carbon buildup that caused the problem, 3mm thick. With that much carbon there was no damage to the piston. Back together and it was all good. l was blaming modern starters as being cr#p. regards Bruce
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