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Everything posted by Sloper

  1. Sorry should have rephrased that internal wing tanks. l am trying to avoid fuel in the fuselauge. regards Bruce
  2. Goodaye all Does anybody know of a off the shelf aluminium wing tank that are available? 60-80lts 45*10*140 cm roughley Something that varied in depth from 15cm to 10cm would be ideal. l dont want to reinvent the wheel if l dont have too. regards Bruce
  3. Going by how quickly my Couger frame went together it could be about right, but l did say l would take 800. regards Bruce
  4. It has twin ECU's, not sure what you mean by the inline four causing torque roll, all configerations do. l have to speak to Gary about getting the mount earlier than expected too, but $$$$$$$$$$$$ regards Bruce
  5. l have been involved with car club events trying to get a airstrip organised and from what l have seen it's $$$$$$$ for the council. Last year we had the insurnce, the cash but at the last moment the council pulled out for security reasons. Unfortunatly clubs that have a genuine intrest in drag racing are lumped together as hoons one, of the clubs l am in has a average age of 50 and the other around 40 however this club has the word Commodore in it so you are automaticaly considered a hoon. Not sure about damage to the surface, it sounds to me the cars were big HP car that should be on a proper dragstrip anyway. It seems to me that maybe both groups should work together, airports are not generaly in the city and facilitys could be considered spartin. If a taxi way is given up for legal drag racing, there is another cash income and facilities will improve for all to use. regards Bruce
  6. Or you could use a oxy. Heating the area evenley and watching for movment, not letting it go over a dark cherry red. Once one side had moved a little l did the other side, until that moved a little then went back to the other side ect, until they were no longer moving and were even. Very important not to qench it, just let it cool by itself, if it was cold day l would have put a heater on it to cool it even slower. Then go in for the cup of tea. regards Bruce
  7. Goodaye all Finished putting braces and gusset's in the fuselauge frame today. The center line is perfect and left to right is perfect as well, very pleased by that. The chrome molly frame needed stress relieving at two points, managed to get it even. Looks like a plane now. Even without the skin the frame feels sturdy and l know why Gary's Aircraft are consided tough, simple and strong. Before l do much else we will clean the frame polish out any scratches, photograph and document all the joints then prime it. Will then start the front floor, skin the underside, fit the firewall and finpost. Thats the plan but things do change. On another note l got a email the other day saying my Viking Motor will be ready next month, two months ahead of schedule That means l have two find the GST earlier too. l will cheat and now have it sent by boat so l can put it off a little. l will be useing Gary's mount and cowling, the mount wont require andy changing but the cowling will require a cutout for the radiator. regards Bruce
  8. l am going to stick with Gary's cowl and engine mount with my Viking insterlation. regards Bruce
  9. Goodaye all More progress today, the sides have been pulled in and 90% of the braces are fitted. Ran a string line down the centre and its spot on without any tweaking. :clap2: Very pleased with the dimensions and keeping things tight will pay off with less problems later. Ran a change and checked/changed a dimension past Gary, he must get sick of emails from me. But l suppose its good positive feedback. Got a really good job for my boys, polish all marks off the frame before l skin it. Tip: Use plywood for you construction table, you can screw wooden blocks in to hold things. regards Bruce
  10. Speak to ignition developments in Nunawading, they can custom build whatever you want, proberly make twin electronic in the same dizzy. Remote two modules. Easy The last custom one they did for me was for a 1952 Chev 6 they used a Bosh cost $350 regards Bruce
  11. No the diagnials dont get mitred, remeber it all pulled together and needs to be able to move. regards Bruce
  12. Been busy the last few days. Its good being back in the garage again working on a project. The cricket on the ABC, Skulls laugh, life doesnt get much better. Both sides are ready to go together, bolted the frame in. Using aircraft bolts for the first time required a little study, l am used to using them for tooling and equipment we had built, most of the time you over specified. Using a bolt so that no shear forces went through the thread root, in the past l would have used more or much larger bolt. Putting a number washers under the nut so that the grip range was correct is also something new, learning lots of new things which is always good. :biggrin: l will be leaving the frame as is for a few days as l mull over things (admire my handywork) Might fit a couple of gussets to the centre section and lay out the crossmembers. Also thinking about paint or surface treatment on the interior of the frame before skins, what do people recomend? l have all the spray equipment. But its not a race. PS had the pleasure of meeting Ian today which was good. regards Bruce
  13. And still it is too small. 12*7m l have one car in storage at mums. Keeping very mindful of what its where l had to scollop a piece out of the 2nd rear diagnial, so that if one of the elevator bolts wants to be there it can. Orded some new claps before christmas, havent arrived yet so l'll be scrounging around the neihbors. Here's all the carsif your interested, follow the links. http://members.optusnet.com.au/hartleyfamily/newindex And yes they are all GM regards Bruce
  14. Another pic. Completed the right hand side today, tomorrow we will flip the frame and clamp the left side to it so they match perfectley. l will be using the new tail that the Sieria's are using, purley asthetics really. Must be getting old purchased a cooler from evielbay for the garage. Something that l have done is replace the battery of my Bosch industial cordless drill for the 2nd time in 20years, best thing l ever done. Genuine German built one, not like the rubbish today. regards Bruce
  15. l expect to add a few kg's with sealent, l think the benifits outweighs the weight penalty. l am keeping it thin and removing excess. If l was going to show off l would get a pic with all 4 cars in it ;) regards Bruce
  16. Goodaye all Been spending some time in the garage. Got started cutting gussets, then they somhow ended up getting riverted on :) l am using Sikalex 221 as well as riverting, its a flexiable sealer and adhesive, l dont want moisture getting in under joints or through any joins. Also going to paint it on the inside. Working with Aluminium is soooooooooooo good and things seem to be taking shape quickly. regards Bruce
  17. Here's the first pic. regards Bruce
  18. After much cleaning up of the garage, building a bench and putting a car into storage l laid out one side of the Couger this morning. Checked and measured, then did it again and so far things look good. Also started cleaning up burrs. Sure beats working with rusty old steel. Made a list of tools l would like, not so much as l need more tools, just stuff to make life easier. You just cant have too many tools. Also made some changes to the Couger, it has duel sticks, controls and will have the fuel tanks in the wings and a step to get up onto the wings. As l said to Gary just some refinments. l intend that all the children will be a part owner/builder and will learn to fly in it. regards Bruce
  19. Maybe l am going about this wrong but l intend to build my fuel system ethonhol freindley and not worry to the same extent of others about blends. l see a small amount of ethonhol has a bonus, higher octane and it will take any small amounts of water out of the fuel system saferly. But l plan to use BP Ultimate, no ethonhol. regards Bruce
  20. l am hoping with the duel sticks and the extra 2" in the Couger to get small centre console for the flap switch and handbrake lock. regards Bruce
  21. l orded a Eggenfellner Honda for my Couger. regards Bruce
  22. Thanks, l do have to shuffle cars into storage to make some space. Should be great fun. The Engine will be a Eggenfellner Honda conversion. Planning on taking 2 years. regards Bruce
  23. Goodaye all Joined the ranks of the aviation poor today. Put a deposit a Morgan Couger Kit. So now l have a plane for the engine l had already orded. l will keep people updated on the progress. regards Bruce
  24. Fuel Injection solves a lot of icing problems. ;) regards Bruce
  25. l have orded my bits and have my plane planning formulated. The engine l have orded wont like running on 100LL all the time so its premium unleaded. BP Ultimate is my first choice, it is garanteed to be of a particuler standard. Two of my cars have fuel issue's for modern feuls, both at opposite ends of the spectrum. The 1940 chev with low compression and would run on anything in the past will only run properly on premium unleaded or fuels with a alchol blend. The Vk Grp3 has a fun engine ;) and only likes premium, which is expected. :) The plane l am about to start building will be set up to run alchol fuels, wheather l use or am force to use is another question, but at least thats done. Also remember Premium fuesl cant be stored as long. regards Bruce
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