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Everything posted by Sloper

  1. Oh Bother l forgot but this is it. 12V Heater / Demister CHEV FORD HOLDEN VALIANT - eBay Other, Air Conditioning, Heating, Car, Truck Parts, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 07-Oct-10 21:12:33 AEDST) The front comes off leaving a rectanguler opening if you dont want ducts. l have its big brother as well, good for cooking :) regards Bruce
  2. When l was doing the calcs in the previuos months it was going to be 5lb lighter than a Jabiru, they have come back now and said they are about the same, because it has a loverly new mounting system. l'll put up with that ;) it means l can use a mount from Gary. l have asked Jan Eggenfellner lots of qeustions on the previuos months. (proberley sick of me) Maybe l should ask for the Australian distributership. ;) And yes the fuel burn rate looks good. The deposit goes on this week so l expact to see it Jun/July next year. Now all l have to do is order the kit :) regards Bruce
  3. It will be in the first production run, which doesnt concern me too much as the Honda is bullet proof and the other stuff isnt really that new. l will be asking for a temp probe port on the drive as l would like to keep a eye on the oil temp there, and they come standard with points for taking water for a heater. It now also has Jab dimensions for the mounts and is within mm's in length, so direct replacement for a Jab 3.3?????????? Shipping to Melb will be around $571Us plus any duties and taxes here. l would see it june next year. regards Bruce
  4. l have a little plastic and aluminium l was going to fit, will post some pics over the weekend. regards Bruce
  5. Did think of that but, but the package would be less hassel. On a lighter note l flew solo today. regards Bruce
  6. Gary is off for a week, so l am going to see him when he is back. Should also say there are ment to be a few other engines coming here too. regards Bruce
  7. Gone into the weights and balances and dimensions and all seem better than using the Jab 3.3 Just have to cut a big hole in the bottom of the cowling. As for the currency, l have been dealing in old chev car parts out of the US and keep a good eye on the doller, people had been saying it would reach parity 12 months ago. l will be registering it VH experimental. Yes the deposit and business dealing is a concern. So its really Chicken or egg stuff. regards Bruce
  8. Researched engines pretty thoughly and cant see my self changing at all. regards Bruce
  9. Timing could be good then or not far off. regards Bruce
  10. Goodaye all Does my though process make sense on this? Next month l am going to fly to Morgan areoworks and sniff, scratch and smell a Couger before l order a kit. After a bit of research and numerous emails to Gary l am sure this is the one l want. Now the engine l want is on special till the end of the month with $1500 off and the Australian doller so good. Viking Aircraft Engine And to add if l order now l can have it in April, ok June for the pesamist in me. Its point pointed out to me that Autoengine conversions can be problimatic but my research the Egenfeller conversions are well done. l see heaps of advantages over using the Jab 3.3 So ordering the engine before the kit make sense to anybody else?? regards Bruce
  11. Well l am hoping to get up to see Gary Morgan and a Couger next month. regards Bruce
  12. l agree totaly, fuel injection is the way to go, really not fussed if it mechanical or electronic but l prefer electronic. regards Bruce
  13. Cant be any worse, opps did l say that. :):) regards Bruce
  14. Just looked at that skyveiw, seems very impressive. Will do everything lwould ever want it to do. regards Bruce
  15. Goodaye all l am reseraching instrements l will require in my future build. Its for a VFR experimenal, so what brands are worth looking at??? Also would like to fit GPS. regards Bruce
  16. l am leaning towards a Couger at the moment, l think it will be very good value. regards Bruce
  17. All over Australia. regards Bruce
  18. Dumpling king does a nice lunch. regards Bruce
  19. Just pulled out my license and looked with my glasses on and it only says l have to wear them, not carry a second pair. regards Bruce
  20. Better grab my glasses and look then, just as well l do cary sunnies as well. regards Bruce
  21. Where does it say you have to carry a second pair of glasses? Also its will cost you in Box Hill with parking. regards Bruce
  22. Been watching the Liliydale one's go up very slowly but also with great intrest. regards Bruce
  23. l proberley am coming at this a bit different. In the past l have restored a number of Classic and Vintage cars and have a very well equiped garage. l have had enough of cars and will build my own plane, l feel many of the skills l have learnt over the years will see me complete this project. l will be ordering my kit in the next couple of months. Being a mechanical and electronic engineer will proberly help ;) regards Bruce
  24. l dont like heights at all, still dont. But in aircraft l am fine. regards Bruce
  25. Looks like l am not alone in trying to pay for lessons. Some measures seem a bit extreme though. Not sure l have the legs for a skirt. :ah_oh: regards Bruce
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