l'll just add how l see it.
l am having lessons at the moment and have progressed to circuts.
l want my own aircraft, l want to do some air touring, l want to do 200mph in cruise, l want to build my own aircraft, l want to maintane it myself.
So certain parts are easy, l have restored vintage and calssic cars and am a Mechanical, Electronic Engineer and maintain trucks and do IT for the company l work for.
Building a aircraft doesnt scare me. (testing might :) )
Two aircraft fit my requirments, a Nexus Mustang and RV8, the Nexus Mustang fits my budget better.
If l build it myself, l am allowed to do all the maitenece.
l am figuring that l could have a aircraft in the air for less than $60k.
Maintenece would be parts only as l will do it myself.
Nows the rub, you need to pick peoples brains and do the research.
You need also to have the skills to do it and dont be affraid to ask dumb qeustions.
(l know l do :) )
And so far l have found with aircraft you bleed money. :)
regards Bruce