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Everything posted by Sloper

  1. Ok the Cars 1940 Chev Sloper 1 of 149 built, also my fathers car. 1957 Chev wagon, the family car. VK Brock Grp3 WB Brock Magnum Sure enough if l went to sell one l would regret it. But as l said l collected alot of parts over the years so l am selling them to pay for lessons. regards Bruce
  2. l used to keep all my car receipts in a box, never ever add them up. regards Bruce
  3. Gooday all l am learning quickly that avaiation aint cheap. Also learning other things about avaiation that seems very strange but thats something else. But how do people fund there dreams? l have been lucky in the fact l had hoarded parts for my cars for the last 25 years. Everytime l need to pay for more lessons something come out of the garage and is sold on Eviel Bay. l seem to be clearing space in the garage for the next project, with wings of course. Oh and the cars are off limits. :) regards Bruce
  4. You can do the Asic and medical forms at the same time, l did. Cost $200 for the medical, Doc said l might get a please explain about the morphine use in the past 6 months. Never did, they must have read that l had both hips replaced. regards Bruce
  5. Now for PPL regards Bruce
  6. Seems l did read the qeustions right. Got a reasonably good pass on my BAK. regards Bruce
  7. l just find it a total change from doing TAFE and Uni exams and find that a little frustating. Never did like muiltiple choice answers, you either know it or not. regards Bruce
  8. Goodaye all Have done a couple of exams for BAK and have noticed that the qeustions are designed to trip you up. Is that the norm? regards Bruce
  9. Looking at using one in a experimental. :) If you look carefully at the power and tourqe curves they are much better than a Jab 6 at 75% throttle. regards Bruce
  10. Ok l'll throw this into the mix. Home l am serioursly considering both the Honda and Suburu conversion from this place. regards Bruce
  11. l have just had a couple of bad days, reread this thread and feel much better. Thanks. regards Bruce
  12. l'll just add how l see it. l am having lessons at the moment and have progressed to circuts. l want my own aircraft, l want to do some air touring, l want to do 200mph in cruise, l want to build my own aircraft, l want to maintane it myself. So certain parts are easy, l have restored vintage and calssic cars and am a Mechanical, Electronic Engineer and maintain trucks and do IT for the company l work for. Building a aircraft doesnt scare me. (testing might :) ) Two aircraft fit my requirments, a Nexus Mustang and RV8, the Nexus Mustang fits my budget better. If l build it myself, l am allowed to do all the maitenece. l am figuring that l could have a aircraft in the air for less than $60k. Maintenece would be parts only as l will do it myself. Nows the rub, you need to pick peoples brains and do the research. You need also to have the skills to do it and dont be affraid to ask dumb qeustions. (l know l do :) ) And so far l have found with aircraft you bleed money. :) regards Bruce
  13. Makes you think, would you want to fly in a computer contolled aircraft. And yes l to will claim IAAEE Seem to remember about a microwave transmitting on aircraft freqencies a few years ago cuased all types of havoc. regards Bruce
  14. Neither had l till l tripped over it Thursday:thumb_up: regards Bruce
  15. Thanks for the input fella's. Here's a link to the kit. AIRCRAFT KITS l figure the kit would be half the price of a RV8 sitting in my garage, so l see a saving of 15-25k. Its a kit being made 100km's a way from home as against thousands. Bit more drilling, and maybe not as slick kit. Engine setup will be the same. Its Australian made. l understand there a hundreds of RV's about but l also like to be a little different (My cars for instance) So in my mind its well worth considering but what l am after is the pro's and cons. regards Bruce
  16. Thing is, there is a guy in Geelong making up kits, very convenient and cheaper. regards Bruce
  17. Goodaye all Has anybody had anything to do with a Nexus Mustang?? Compared to a RV8????? regards Bruce
  18. Goodaye all l am looking at purchasing a abandoned fastbuild kit from the US. Does any body know whats involved? or has done it? It will be registed as experimental. regards Bruce
  19. See you there sometime. If you fly during the week and set up a account you get 10% off. :) regards Bruce
  20. Nah thats a big blowfly :) regards Bruce
  21. When l was doing the research l was told it was easy to get once you have completed your testing period. regards Bruce
  22. Yes, it comes down to personel preference and l do want exposure to other types, doesnt mean l will like all of them. l drive Chevs and Holdens, but there a couple of Fords that are ok. ;) regards Bruce
  23. Goodaye all Flew a Jabiroo 1600 with electric flaps yesterday. Can l ask why you would put electric flaps in such a small aircraft? l work on the KISS principle and to my mind using electrics instead of mechinal linkages is not keeping it simple. Would'nt electric be heavier?? Also didnt enjoy flying the Jab after flying the Warrior. regards Bruce
  24. l havent any problems but then again fly midweek. Asked about making a booking for that day, and the answer was most weekdays they can accomedate me. regards Bruce
  25. Gee l only drive 10mins to get there :) regards Bruce
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