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Everything posted by Sloper

  1. Glad l'm not alone. :) regards Bruce
  2. Thanks, just checking. Looks like l will stick to a RV8 regards Bruce
  3. Only those l have forgot. Not use to learning this way. On a side note l usally feel exhursted after my lesson all that concentration. Anybody else feel the same early on?? regards Bruce
  4. Yes acrnyms, is ther anywher with them listed? regards Bruce
  5. Goodaye all Does anybody know of a 2 seater kit aircraft that can do around 180 knots and get RAA registration? Just doing some investigating. regards Bruce
  6. Goodaye all Has any body got a list of mnemonics used in training? l have never used them in the past but my instructor qoutes them often to me. There are a few listed in Bob Taits book but not the ones we use. regards Bruce
  7. Well l passed my leval 2 medical yesterday as far as the Doc was concerned. l may get a please explain from CASA on the opiate use late last year. Had both hips replaced, l am now pain free and drug free and can move again. regards Bruce
  8. Yes, RAA doesent suit me in the future, will talk to my intructor about doing some hours in a Jab. regards Bruce
  9. A Warrior. regards Bruce
  10. l have found flying does burn up a lot of money, but your a long time dead. :) Working towards a PPL so l can fly a RV8 in the experimental catagry, planning in doing some touring in it a bit later. On a side note l am going for my medical tomorrow, my doc says l will have no problems. It does worry me the fact that l had both hips replaced late last year. regards Bruce
  11. Goodaye all just a quick question, l am training for my PPL and am currently learning in Piper. l can save $40 a hour switching to a RAA Jabiru. Is it a good idea?? l know l will have to go back to it later. regards Bruce
  12. l would be looking at a guage that can also drive a warning light. You should be checking guages regulary, a light just brings it to your attention more quickly and thus may avoid a bigger problem. regards Bruce
  13. Yes but the Suburu looks a great replacement for a 0-360 and at that price :) regards Bruce
  14. l was wondering which had been approved, 600kg or 750kg's regards Bruce
  15. Goodaye all l have searched and cant find a definative answer, also see it is hot topic with a lot of yeh's and nehs. Have or when, if, are the MTOW weights going up for RAA registration here? regards Bruce
  16. That explains it perfectley. A trained ear could also tell? regards Bruce
  17. Goodaye all Why is manifold pressure so important to watch?? Is not just manifild vacum? Hope this doesnt sound stupid. regards Bruce
  18. Thanks for the advice, l have bought in heaps of car parts for projects over the years so know some of the tricks of shipping. If possible l would like to shop here BUT l dont want waste money paying too much. Looks like l will be purchasing a RV8 kit, just trying to sought out shipping and weather l get a fast build wing. Saw there is a tool kit available for it, but l would have some tools here from a few car restorations. regards Bruce
  19. Thanks, will proberley be needing a bit. regards Bruce
  20. Goodaye all Where's the best place to purchase aircraft tools? Preferably in Melbourne, good prices with good quility. They will be for a metal skined kit, l already have a garage full of automotive tools but need some specality aircraft stuff. regards Bruce
  21. There is a Suzuki and Honda engine conversion that would give 183hp and 270hp, but with two adults and fuel it would be 840kg. Not against this but l wouldent mind a certified engine. As for the Chev they say its not suitable at all. l would love the spit but it would be twice the price finished. Should also add that l will get the engine package when its closer to being finished. regards Bruce
  22. The prop is a recomended one the Jabiru. A fixed prop isnt out of the qeustion. Yes l know l need a PPL license and register it as a experimental. regards Bruce
  23. Goodaye all l have selected a T-51 kit (80% Mustang replica) to buy next year, does this sound a reasonable combination considering it was first designed for a Rotax 912 at 100hp and now there putting 250hp Honda auto engines in them. l was thinking of equiping a T-51 with a Jabiroo 3300 (now 125Hp) and using a Airmaster AP332 constant speed prop. MTW Can be 850kgs but would be closer to 700-750kgs. l am open to suggestions. regards Bruce
  24. Thanks Will give them a call. regards Bruce
  25. Goodaye all Can anybody help me with a easy to read guidlines for experimantal aircraft here in Australia? The important questions are Where can l fly it? When? Can l fly over popullated areas? l have read stuff on the CASA site saying that you can apply for certificates to do some things but in reality how easy are they to comply with or get? l am looking to purchase a kit aircraft that may have a MTW of 840kg. regards Bruce
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