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Everything posted by Sloper

  1. It will be a composite 3 blade, l am trying to get them to approve a Bolly. They like Sensenich or Warp drive. regards Bruce
  2. Love working with Aluminium, hate working in fibreglass. Have a look at a Viking as well, mine is sitting under the bench waiting to be mounted. And mention my name when ordering. ;) regards Bruce
  3. Now lets get this right. Einsteins theory of relativerty say nothing can travel faster than light, there for the photons from the headlights will not travel any faster so you wont see them. The photons from the rear lights would aslo not be seen because they would be traverling at the speed of light. However a experiment has been done recently that had particals traverling faster than light, if his is correct Einstein is wrong. The experament is now being repeated at a number of Labs around the world. It is a known fact that a Brock Commodore does travel faster than light especially if its POLERISED. Who needs a Flux capacitor. regards Bruce
  4. Lets say l do not want fibreglass tanks. Transfer pumps add weight, the front and rear tank just require a valve. l thought long and hard aboat wing tanks and that was looking good, but makes it harder to derigg. l am in the process of putting the Couger on a diet, rear seats are the first target. Fuel cells are safer. regards Bruce
  5. Nope, l hope to only ever go to 700kgs. l suspect it would be a bit slow. regards Bruce
  6. She is rated at 800kg and will be registed VH experimental. regards Bruce
  7. For trips l would, especially as its premium unleaded. l want to do a lot of air touring. Its the cells that l feel comfortable with, using sikaflex to bond the skin as well as the rivets just little things to make the plane last and be safe. But the wieght adds up. regards Bruce
  8. You can get necks that replace the cap and relocate the cap. Front one is easy , straight the rear will requirea 45 degre neck. All off the shelf. Also concerned about weight creep, the factory Couger is 360kg l was hoping for 380 but it looks like it will go to 390 to 400kg The changes l have been making l believe will make the aircraft safer. regards Bruce
  9. l have its weight, and putting two in up the front and rear will help the balance, just wondering what a normal aviation tank weigh. l really do think its a worthwhile way to do this. regards Bruce
  10. Anybody?? regards Bruce
  11. Goodaye all Got some weights today and it looks like a pair of these would be the go. Weighs 7.7kg each and will give me 120lts the aluminium ones are 9.5kg each and would give me 113lts. http://www.summitracing.com/parts/SUM-290108/ Will mount easily front and rear, just need to organise filler necks. l know its heavier but comes off the shelf and is sturdy and it is foam filled so should be safer. What does the typical 60lt tank weigh with sender? regards Bruce
  12. Havent looked at fuel line yet, would prefer flexiable types. Maybe solid for the run from rear to front. l have enquired about the weights of them. regards Bruce
  13. Goodaye all Whats the thoughts of using a fuel cell for a fuel tank??? These are some l am looking at. http://www.summitracing.com/search/Part-Type/Fuel-Cells/?keyword=fuel+cell&kr=fuel+cell In particuler this http://www.summitracing.com/parts/SUM-293220/?rtype=10 and this http://www.summitracing.com/parts/SUM-293215/ And what about foam filled ones????? regards Bruce
  14. It shouldnt matter too much, l have wriggle room with the battery and a WATER heater. regards Bruce
  15. Here's some pics of the module installed. l will put a high pressure filter on the firewall just before the injectors as well, just in case if a pump fails and put junk into the fuel system. The low pressure filters will proberly move, could be a real pain to replace there. But still havent decided where to put the fuel tanks. Wings are looking like the place, any body fiddled with tanks in the leading / D section of the wing?? Just a thought, a section forming the edge and being a fuel tank. regards Bruce
  16. Goodaye all As someone going for there PPL it would give me more options. l will proberly loose my medical when my current hip replacements wear out, do l try and get back my PPL or go with RPL? My Couger will be registed GA experimental and l will get my tickets to maintain it. Going RAA would be a inconvenience, as my children will be flying the Couger too, down grading the weights dont thrill me either. As for govening bodies and turf wars l dont care as long l can still fly safley and legaly. regards Bruce
  17. Goodaye all here's a pic of the Viking fuel pump module. Being a fuel injected motor it requires 40+psi to run. The module has a tank return, presure relief valve and points for the pressure guage. Its also designed to mount through the firewall so as to put teh regulater and lines to the engine in the engine bay. This comes with the engine. regards Bruce
  18. When gravity takes over and you find yourself inside a ready made coffin. regards Bruce
  19. Hmmmmm, have to think on that, the seat frame and rear of the floor are ridgid. Any side loading and the ply will split. The landing gear points are on the frame under the seat, that would be more of a problem first. The trick is to not find out. The frame around the floor is light and l split the floor into two pieces. regards Bruce
  20. Here's a pic of the floor brace. Used ply as it can move whereas aluminium would have been to ridged l think, added 600grms. You could now use the floor as a dance floor. regards Bruce
  21. l like the removable stick idea. Found a problem this morning, l watched Ben get in and out. Thing is the floor brace was bent, so l havew spent the morning working of another brace to really strengthen the floor. Will post a pic tonight. regards Bruce
  22. Goodaye all Have been tinkering a bit more and now need some input. l had my eldest help me today, he is about the same size as me now. So we set up the seating postion with the controls fixed into there final position. It seem the joystick is very close to your crotch on full movement of the elevator, is this common??? l was thinking of having 40mm off the length and the vertical handle set back on a 20 degree incline. Any thoughts????? ( oh thats the joystick not the crotch) Set the dash up to give me an idea of the postion, and am happy with the distance. However l am not going to use Gary's cluster l am going to do my own. (l suppose l have the one shown forsale) l am still hoping to put the throttle between the seats as well as the flap switch. regards Bruce
  23. What fuel tank size did you fit in? And yes l have been busy in the garage. regards Bruce
  24. Yes two joysticks. l hope to start soughting the seating, instrument postion in the next few weeks. Between preparing a car for a movie shoot, more funds for the plane. regards Bruce
  25. The crate my viking came in said 90kgs it was weighed by the shipper. Vikings are ment to be 81kgs, l think 76kg dry. regards Bruce
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