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Everything posted by davebutler

  1. Thanks turboplanner, I think this where Chris SS is going. Why have this forum if we cannot discuss, debate & learn. If there is something to learn from this I would certainly want to learn sooner rather than later. I also understand that for most this would still be rather raw especially for family & friends but the idea of this forum is to spread knowledge so that others do not make the same mistake if indeed a mistake has been made. Not to put blame on those that cannot defend themselves. Lastley my condolences to the family & friends we have all lost fellow aviators.
  2. I was told, over the Christmas holidays by a visiting Kiwi pilot that they, including this pilot, had a restricted medical that had similar flying restrictions to ours without the AvMed restrictions. I will contact him shortly and get further detail.
  3. Here we go again, another talk fest, waste of tax payers money to find out what we already know and then to use some flimsy detail to maintain the status quo. How much info do they need, the FAA did research and made changes as did the UKCAA, the NZCAA and I am sure there are more countries that have also made similar changes and add to that data from our own RA-Aus. AOPA has already had a talk with them and put forward a proposal which I believe most are happy with. Come on Mr CASA enough stalling lets see some positive action NOW!!!
  4. Hi cscotthendry, Yes we were told the changes were from CASA and we understand the position you folks were in and accepted it as such. Make no mistake we still had a good time and thank you guys for putting on an excellent show. As the Big man said "I will be back" Cheers Dave B.
  5. Must agree it was a Great Show and enjoyed our week end amongst fellow aviators and aircraft. Like Blueadventures we were a little annoyed regarding the under wing camping. We arrived on the Friday and at first we were told we could camp under the wing then we could not then we could but could not stay at our tent/aircraft during show then tent and us had to move. A site dedicated to the Under Wing Campers would have been great. But this was a minor inconvenience It was still an excellent week end away.
  6. Heard on the radio this afternoon a Tiger ended up on it's back at Redcliffe??
  7. Hi DGL, We are all nice fellows and Yes you find us every where now
  8. Hi Ryan, Make contact when you arrive, there is a growing group of ex-pat pilots here in Brissy
  9. When I learned to fly back in South Africa in 1983 full spin training was part of the syllabus. We did spins in pa28-140's, C150's, C172's and others. It was removed from the syllabus around 1985 unless done in a certified aerobatic aircraft, only incipient spins taught now.
  10. Hi Steve, Been looking at your pics. Could tell me what you paid for the kit in AU$? Thanks Dave Butler
  11. Guys lets give these guys a break. I for one complain that we have very few destinations in south east QLD where we just jump in a plane and shoot off to another airfield, have a $100-00 hamburger and meet with like minded folks. Some of us have been begging for this type of thing for ages, lets support this and others in our neighbourhood. Weather permitting will see you tomorrow. Dave B. (VH-WPL)
  12. See attached my Son. Seek and thy shall find. So endith the lesson. Peace be with you Father Dave Canungra International Airfield - Inaugural 2015 Fly-in.pdf Canungra International Airfield - Inaugural 2015 Fly-in.pdf Canungra International Airfield - Inaugural 2015 Fly-in.pdf
  13. Anybody got any idea what happened?
  14. Look at this for the Bose headphones; http://uflymike.com/
  15. timb have to agree, give them a bit of credit they got the Cessna part right but then Cessna seems to be there default aircraft so they had to get it right sooner or later. Also Pathfinder are having a real run of bad luck, hope the stick to the Sling it seems to be hanging in there.
  16. First Sling 4 in Aus flies. Errol test flew his Sling 4 yesterday, all went extremely well if the smile is anything to go by:smile:
  17. Remember "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"
  18. How does a thread on a CASA conspiracy turn into one on Old Farts & Bushfires:crazy:
  19. I was most fortunate to have flown in Riama. Possibly the best aircraft restoration I have ever seen. Photo taken at the home of Coominya Flight Training, myself, Des, John & unknown
  20. Review by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Any person whose interests are affected by CASA’s decision, may, subject to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, apply to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) for a review of the decision within 28 days from the date of the decision. You should seek and rely upon your own legal advice in relation to your rights of review. The fee for an AAT review is $861. No wonder some are leaving in droves, this is ridiculous!!
  21. It MUST be a Cessna, it has a high wing:angry:
  22. Condolences to Family & Friends. Always sad when we loose one of our own
  23. Unfortunately it is compulsory to have either an ASIC 0r AVID if you hold a CASA issued pilots licence. As far as being a rip off and waste of money, could not agree more with you. Just another TAX.
  24. Did it have a Jabbie engine??? Coat, hat, door I am leaving:poking:
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