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Everything posted by davebutler

  1. I thought they had stopped these flights with young children as pilots after the young girl got killed?
  2. It looks like Jabbie. There are some RA-Aus registered Jabbies operated by a flying school at YBAF. If it is 1 from the flying school this will be the second one with an engine out. I also saw a private owned Jabbie parked at AF the other day. Glad all are OK, good outcome, excellent flying getting in that spot:score 010: I see our esteemed, well informed media are reporting it as a Cessna... again:angry:
  3. DrummerDave, Correct me if I am wrong, from your posts I gather you last flew GA over 10 years ago and have only been flying RA recently. If this is so then under the current rules I doubt you will find a GA school that will sign you off without making 100% sure you are still to scratch, hence the requirement for the navs. There have been numerous changes just with the old GAAP airports and class D airspace alone in the past 10 years, at least 2 that I can remember. Also your RA Aus X/Country will not be recognised by CASA under the current rules as it does not include flight into CTA, even if he did take you through CTA an RA Aus instructor cannot sign off on CTA Also as far as your CTA endorsement goes, if this was done over 10 years ago was there not a "limited" CTA endorsement where you could be signed off individually for the various types of CTA's. This was when the RPPL was still around. If so this was done away with and it became an all or nothing, in fact the RPPL was also done away with. It was a PPL with every thing or you had just a GFPT. Just some of my thoughts.
  4. Nick, There are flying schools and there are flying schools. I had pretty much the same with 2 RA Aus schools. Both were about a 1 hour drive, I would book 2 sessions and would be lucky to get in 1 on most days. On more than 1 occasion was almost at the school and got a call to say the session had been cancelled. As rgmwa said find a school with a well organised instructor. Always remember "If you have time to spare go by air"
  5. If you have a GFPT (RPL), X/Country with CTA & a class 2 medical you essentially have a PPL why bother with the RPL ??
  6. Correct me if I am wrong here but as you are doing a BFR with an instructor on board you are not PIC therefore you are not "exercising the privileges of your licence". You are under instruction and therefore the instructor is PIC and must have the current medical and ASIC. Once he has signed your log logbook and you wish to fly solo the game changes. This whole ASIC/AVID thing was knee jerk reaction to show "others" we were doing our bit to prevent terrorism. It is lot of BS that achieves nothing except to keep a few people in a job.
  7. The app is still there, I downloaded it today. Just do search with "GPS", you will have to go through quite few pages before you find it. Also it costs 0.99c now.
  8. Thanks Chocolate, a great app - Easy to use and understand.
  9. Not the one at Caloundra but have flown the one at Heck Field ( from the RH seat). Great aeroplane:smile:
  10. Read elsewhere this incident apparently started at YDUN. Did an approach/touch and go and things went south and left a few bits on the runway. Headed for YBAF, bigger runway and emergency services. Pilot OK good outcome all things considered.
  11. They apparently do something similar with gyrocopters at Wondai http://www.avcom.co.za/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=124347&p=1344724&hilit=wondai#p1344724 Queenslanders must be a bit tougher than our southern cousins
  12. Having a slow day there fd
  13. Firstly good outcome nobody was hurt. Can confirm having flown Bills A/C the toe brakes on the Savannah do need getting used to. I found taking off to be more of a problem.
  14. facthunter, Correct for this medical you don't deal with AVMED it is all done by licencing & Registration and it is in principal a YES or NO examination without the flexibility of provisions. The idea is to keep it simple and the cost down with minimal input from CASA, CASA do not charge for this medical. The only cost is to the GP, in my case it was $110-00. Even all the correspondence is only done via email, no letters or any other post. Even the OK from CASA is on an email. As I suggested before if somebody thinks they may have an issue see a DAME before hand.
  15. Hi Dazza, I just went to my GP, Dr Joubert at Browns Plains Med centre. He is my usual GP which is what I think CASA would prefer. 1 Of the questions he had to answer was how long he has known me. I gave him a copy of the CASA info and went back a week later, no problems. He is a pilot and the practice does do the Commercial Drivers Medicals so they were familiar with most of what is required. If you want I can let you have his full details. Why do we keep calling it a "Drivers Licence Medical"? Maybe because that is what CASA is calling it and it is based on the Ausroads Commercial Drivers medical. Also it is NOT a class 3 medical that is a medical required for ATC's etc see: http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_91594 I also believe that if you have or have had a class 1 or 2 medical it makes getting it a bit easier especially if you have any problems. I would suggest that if any body feels they have a problem that may exempt them from this medical they contact a DAME first and get advice from him. I have type 2 diabetes that is kept under control with diet and passed this DL medical without any further testing or questions. For my Class 2 I have to do a blood test and CASA would have this info and my history on file which no doubt helped. Why did I do it? It was quick stop gap to keep flying until I can get to a DAME and do my class 2 Also it is not a RPL, it is a restricted medical used with a licence issued by CASA i.e. Student, GFPT, PPL CPL & ALTP. When used with 1 of these licences the licence holder will have restrictions on his/her operations e.g. restricted to private only, no aeros, no NVR, no IF, 1 PAX etc. If I remember correctly a RPL did not allow controlled airspace or only alowed certain controlled airspace. Reading between the lines this medical was pushed by the SAAA to enable there members, who fly mostly homebuilt A/C with no more than 2 seats, not all are aerobatic, only fly under VFR, and are only flown for recreation by pilots that only fly for recreation but still require the ability to fly in & out of controlled airspace. To this end I feel it does just that. It is still new, I do not know of anybody else that has done it, lets give it a go and see how it works.
  16. Anybody test driven this option? Got mine on Monday, fairly painless. Took 5 days to get approved. I was expecting a shorter time but now I know. Anybody else got 1, been for 1??
  17. Truly one of the great aviators of our time. He, through the EAA, did so much for recreational aviation around the world. A legend and a friend to us all in aviation R.I.P.
  18. David, Your comments although a bit harsh are, in my opinion, all very true. We have had a number of these aircraft go down with engine problems and from where I am sitting not much has been done. We have been very fortunate that in the last few there have only been minor injuries which indicates that the airframe is very well designed and built but the engine is letting the side down. I see from a previous post the earlier crash this week ran out of fuel so we can cross that 1 off the list but there are still quite few others. Do we have to wait for CASA and the ill informed media to jump in, just further adding to woes of RA Aus. I refer to the Robinson helicopters see: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/sixty-minutes-report-on-robinson-helicopter-crashes.64279/ Come on guys, although not my type of aircraft, I do believe it is a great product. Comments like some in previous posts here would not be made unless there was some problem somewhere. Get it sorted before some one gets badly hurt or worse.
  19. Hi Redair, Have you looked at Air Nav Pro? They have both an Apple & Android version. I must admit I am a iPad user and have not used the Android version but found the Apple version very good. The only fault really is that there are no Aussie aviation charts available only a street type map. Cheers DB
  20. For those of us that are not that fortunate to attend Airventure 2013:crying: http://www.airventure.org/webcams/
  21. Apparently not the first time it has been done (Pict taken off www.AvCom.co.za see http://www.avcom.co.za/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=118369)
  22. Hi Jim, Hows things? Glad to hear you are still instructing. Where are you instructing at the moment?
  23. Mate if you could organise that I would be there like a shot. I do frequent Heck Field but there is no regular H&F or school. What do you currently fly and from where? Cheers DB
  24. Hi damkia, What are these PPL's being paid for? A PPL should not be getting any payment at all. As far as the RA Aus instructors goes, I started the course but got the idea that there was very little work unless you had your own aircraft and ran your own show. This I got from the few schools that I had contact with and it was never my intention to do this full time. I was travelling at least an hour to and an hour from the nearest airport for the training. On many occasions I would get there and there would be no aircraft available for training. Once I had completed the course again I would have to travel the same and considering the money was not great and not a lot of work around I decided to pack it in. Add to that, 1 instructor told me I could not fly. Also to H & F suitable aircraft to build hours and practice in was again near impossible, the schools would rather have there aircraft used by there instructors teaching there students. Again when I got the use of an aircraft there was the 2 hour round trip to go for an hour or 2 flying. Considering I still work full time during the week it did not leave much time for family and looking after ones house etc. Of course the distance problem only effects me and those living in the southern suburbs of Brissy, if you live near Caboolture, Redcliffe, Boonah etc it will no doubt be different. There is also the future of RA Aus as some have already mentioned, I have decided not to renew my membership at this time and stick to flying GA, Archerfield is a reasonable distance for me and my current situation lets me fly at a reasonable price. I don't want sound negative but considering the investment you need to make you need to get some return to make it viable and at the moment I do not believe this is possible. If there are any suggestions or anybody thinks I am wrong please respond as I am still interested and will continue the course if the situation changes. I agree it is a calling and never saw it as a "money making" enterprise but considering the cost I would want to recover at least some of the costs in a reasonable time. After that maybe a bit of pocket money would be good. I say if you can do it go for it. My 2c
  25. I was recently required to inspect & commission some equipment on a ship in Brisbane. When I arrived at security I was asked if I had a MSIC, Maritime version of an ASIC. Said no but I have an ASIC. Not good enough Had to go through the whole security thing and was escorted aboard the vessel. If I wanted a MSIC I would have to go through the whole process and of course PAY THE MONEY:angry: I may be wrong on this one but I believe both are issued by the same mob, so why can there not be 1 standard security card for people working or needing to get into these security areas???Oh sorry I forgot THE MONEY:angry: So from this I learned that Aviation terrorists must be different Maritime terrorists
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