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Everything posted by davebutler

  1. Done:smile: Good riddance if it works.
  2. Us of a more mature age should also have this privilege.
  3. Ah ha is that what it is. 20mins?? not much time to change your mind.
  4. Not that quickly it would seem. I am currently at my home computer and I am able to edit the posts posted from it but not the posts made from my work computer although I use the same password. The wonders of technology.
  5. How do you edit a thread or post you have made. I am sure I have done it before. Thanks DB
  6. Hi Macedonranges, Look at: http://www.gcsfc.org.au/ Contact the resident caretaker Clive Ryan [email protected] Mobile 0403 038 239 Cheers DB
  7. Me too, any info regarding flying in would be appreciated.
  8. Hi Phil, Radio procedures here in Oz are a little different to what you may be used to. I learned to fly in the sunny skies of South Africa and we were, like you, taught to give regular position reports, call inbound, overhead, downwind base & final etc. Here they keep radio comms to a minimum which has it's merits but can also be a bit scary at times when you used to hearing & giving position reports. I fly out of YBAF and frequent the VFR routes up and down the east coast and in the early days when I started flying around the Gold Coast, during holidays and whale watching season it scared the bejeezuz out of me. I have got used to it now, it is after all VFR and "See & be Seen".
  9. Cool! Looks like it was an awsome adventure
  10. Cool! Looks like it was an awsome adventure
  11. Guys, We cannot rely on some CASA rep's opinion or perception of the rule, on this page alone we have 2 statements from CASA reps condradicting each other!! There should be NO grey area at all. The simple fact that this discussion has gone on for 4 pages on this forum and similar on other forums tells me clearly that there is confusion regarding the mini iPad. The reason for this as I see it there is no rule as such to the size, only a reommendation. If there is a rule please show it to me in black & white. Lets be honest the bloke that tells me that an iPad mini is not "aproximately" the same as an A5 needs to have his eyes tested. Also it would seem from what I have read in overseas mags the iPad mini has been accepted with open arms for private/ recreational flying so what is the big song & dance here? As I said before if you can't read an ERSA doc on a mini it is not a bigger iPad you need.
  12. V3 is there:smile::wave:Just go to app store & updates
  13. No secret rankamatuer, "elsewhere" is pprune where a member there mentioned that a CASA rep at Temora had mentioned that it would be changed. Since then it has been mentioned on this site that this is not entirely true, it can be used only as back up, another joke!!! How is it suddenly big enough to read as a back up and not as a primary doc reader???? Personally if cannot read a mini iPad it is not a bigger iPad you need but new specs:oh yeah: On a more serious note has anybody actually read an official doc where size is actually mention? I am not talking about FAQ pages etc where opinions and perceptions are voiced. All I can find is in CAAP 233-1, Electronic Flight Bags where it is only a recommendation. I have even read ICAO annex 4 as mentioned in CAAP233-1 and can't find anything about size. Also the other docs,CAR's & CAO's refer to those operating under an AOC, does this apply to private/RA ops? It just seems strange that we need an approved document reader in RA A/C but just about every other instrument & radio does not have to be approved. By this I mean they are not required to be TSO'd. Are we as private & RA pilots not heading off at a tangent here with this one?? If I am missing something please point me in the right direction.
  14. Turned up at YHEC on Sat @ 12:00 and was treated to a great BBQ lunch, rissoles, kebabs, salad, bread, a pudding and a good chat - All for $5-00:clap: Got to go far to beat that:smile:
  15. Just read elsewhere that CASA has had a rethink and given the iPad mini the green light or rather the green tick! I await with baited breath!
  16. Regarding size and the Mini iPad and other similar size devices I think we need to read CAAP 233-1, Electronic Flight Bags and not press releases and FAQ pages. In section 7.5 it states clearly: "Screen size" and I quote " The screen size and resolution will need to demonstrate the ability to display information in a manner comparable to the paper aeronautical charts and data it is intended to replace. The recommended minimum size of the screen is A5." Nowhere in the CAAP does it say it must be a minimum of an A5, it may say so somewhere else but this is some persons interpretation, the CAAP is after all the legal document. Having read that and considering that the Mini iPad is not much smaller than an A5 page I believe that a Mini iPad or similar device would be OK for documents but not for maps and you should have a paper copy of the map anyway.
  17. Civvy version is a Victa Airtour as in Victa lawn mowers
  18. I do believe it is planned for every Sat, a good idea something we need for this neck of the woods. I am also led to believe there is other good things planned, lets wait and see:smile:
  19. I would like thank the friendly folk at Gold Coast Sport Flying Club for the use of YHEC to complete a short film (Youtube) clip for a smart phone app yesterday, most appreciated. This was after we were quoted a ridiculous price to use the local airport. They tell me they now have a lunch at 12:00 on Sat, burgers, snags etc. Drop in and support these friendly folk. Thanks again
  20. The friendly folk at Heck field (YHEC) are now offering a Sat lunch @about 12:00, Burgers, Snags etc
  21. Thanks guys, will go through the mag when I get home, knew I seen an ad recently.
  22. I have a friend overseas trying to make contact with the Corby Starlet people in Aus, anybody know what where and how? Cheers Dave B.
  23. Marty, The electric C172 has flown. follow this link http://www.avcom.co.za/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=80915
  24. Marty I am from a generation that had dreams of men on the moon when I was in primary school, as I finished primary school Neil did his famous walk. Also later thought how cool it would be to have a communication device to carry with you and make a call from virtually anywhere, who does not have a mobile phone, iPad or similar device with cell capability today? Hell we feel like our legs have been cut off at the knees if our mobile does not work Battery technology has developed so much in the past few years that the RC heli you mention would not have been possible 5 years ago. At the local RC club I frequent guys are flying 2meter models and getting 10-15 minute flights easy. Read somewhere that Cessna is developing an electric C172. Yes, unlikely at the moment but watch that space, the speed at which some things happen today is very scary at times
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